Chapter 20 – All Together

I saw that William had become quite irritated. I smiled and started to find it funny how easy it was to trick this guy. But as we neared the boss room, my smile disappeared.

"The he-"

"Shut up."

William was about to speak to answer my question so I stopped him.

"Let me change my question. Did you come here alone?"

There was a light coming from the boss room. I used Sensing to listen and I heard some talking from inside. Discovering this, I asked William if he had any companions.

"… I'd rather answer your first ques- GAAAAmffpppp!"

I stabbed him with Blood Bane while stuffing his mouth with mud. I felt a flow of mana coming from the sword through my right hand but now wasn't the time to analyze.

I stuck William to the wall and activated Camouflage along with my buff skills. If this guy had companions, then Danae and Jeff are in trouble… If they are still alive that is.

I dismissed that negative thought and went into the boss room quietly. Inside, I found two people with their back to me speaking to Danae at the entrance of the hiding place. One of them had a light in his left hand and a shortsword in the other. I couldn't recognize him with his back turned to me but I could tell who the other person was. I stealthy creeped behind that person.

"While I was hiding I- KYAAAAA!"

I immediately used mud to wrap that person and pull her away from the other two like a hostage taker taking a hostage. I did this because this person was the one who almost caused my death. That's right, it was Fran.

"You have 30 seconds to explain yourself before I kill you right here, right now!"

"Ruby!" Danae shouted.

"Ruby, stop!"

The other person said after looking over to me. I recognized him now that I saw his face. It was David, another one of my classmates. Like me, grew up in another country before moving to ours and entered high school. He was using his phone as a light.


I screamed at them while raising Blood Bane to Fran's neck.

"I know what she did! She told me all about it. Let her explain." David said to me while raising up his glasses, trying to placate the situation.

"R- Ruby. I'm sorry! I know what I did was wrong! I was out of my mind back then! I was scared and desperate. After I ran away, I hid in a corner and cried out of guilt. But a while later David found me. He had a weapon so I immediately asked him to save you!"

"It's as she said Ruby." Fran explained and David backed her up.

Hearing what they said, I was silent for a moment. I started to think about what happened back then. Because of Fran I experienced terrible pain. I even lost some of my humanity, as shown by my race in my status which is now Half-Human.

But. Because of this I became stronger. I was able to kill the Cockroach Queen and reach Danae and Jeff. I started to think that what Fran did was actually a good thing.

'F*CK THAT.' I moved my sword to kill Fran on the spot.

"RUBY!" But Danae's shout stopped me.

"Please let her go. We've already lost Jaimar and even Renz. We can't be killing each other in our current situation."

What Danae said really hit me hard. She was right. I soon started to realize what I was about to do and how horrible it was. I was about to murder a classmate in front of my other classmates. I let my emotions get the better of me. We can't be fighting each other when there's already guys like William and cockroach monsters around. I released Fran from my mud.


And then I pushed her to the floor like she did to me back then. I needed some form of revenge. That was my bottom line. You hit me, I hit back harder. I can now consider this side quest finished.

"Ow… I guess I deserved that. Thanks Ruby. And I really, truly am sorry." Fran told me while getting back up.

"Enough. I don't wanna hear it. You'll just keep reminding me of what happened so keep your distance from me or I don't know what I might do." I said to her threateningly and she backed off.

"Danae, how's Jeff? I think I found something that can help."

"Really?! He's still breathing but he was incredibly pale when I saw him with David's light."

I immediately headed into the hiding place. The rest followed me in. I didn't need the light to see but the others did. I went to Jeff and pulled out the potion I got. I uncorked it and was about to pour it into his mouth but then I had an idea.

"He might not be able to swallow this while he's unconscious. I might have to give it to him mouth-to-mouth." I said while slowly lifting the bottle to my mouth. She should say something right… about… now.

"Wait! Let me do it. Jeff got hurt because of me. It's the least I can do." Danae said falling for it like I knew she would.

The hero deserves to get rewarded for his efforts. What better reward than a kiss from the princess he saved. I handed the potion to Danae and secretly moved to David's side.

"Hey David can you…" I whispered to him while Danae started to down the potion.

She then lifted Jeff's head slightly. Slowly lowering her head, their lips gently touched. Danae used her tongue to open up Jeff's mouth and started to sensually transfer the potion. Jeff's Adam's apple moved showing that he was swallowing the potion. A green light started to envelop both their bodies showing that the potion was taking effect. Just as the last bit of potion entered his mouth…


David had completed my request by taking a picture of the scene. He was the only one whose phone seemed to still have battery and was using it as a light.

Hearing the click, Danae looked over to me and David. She started to blush as she saw the wide grin we had on our faces.

"Delete that!"

"David, make sure to share that picture to me later yeah?"

"No problem. I'll even send it to the group chat when we get signal again."

Danae started to become redder after hearing what we said.


But before she could say anything, Jeff started to wake up. I used Sensing and Analysis to check on his condition. The bump on his head was gone and his leg wound had closed up.

"What… Where am I? What's going on?"

"Jeff!" Danae hugged Jeff.

"Good morning sunshine. You don't know the shit I had to go through to save your sorry butt." I said.

*Snap* David took another picture and then showed it to Fran.

"Now then. We have a lot to talk about. So everyone sit down and get comfy."

I made some mud chairs for everyone to sit on inside the hiding place. I then used Shapeshift to make them look nicer. To my surprise, they also changed colors when I did that. I never noticed before because Sensing only allowed me to see in monotone.

'Has it always been like this or only after Morph combined with Disguise?' I thought to myself but then stopped caring soon after. It helped me to fool others and hide my mud body better. But calling it mud now is kind of wrong. It no longer looks anything like the mud monster back then.

"Let's all first discuss what happened to us after we woke up. Is that fine?" I asked to which no one disagreed.


Name: Ruby Sen

Age: 17

Race: Half-Human?

HP: 10 [25%]

MP: 15 [95%]

STR: 10 (+5)

DEF: 10 (+25)

INT: 17

WILL: 15

SPD: 8



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance

Weaponized Limbs





Body Enhancement

Mind Enhancement

Mana Release








Tongue Enhancement