Chapter 25 – Heroes

[Skill Lesser Heal acquired through Assimilation.]

When my mud remerged with my main mud body, I finally got the skill from Billy. Since I had some mana back, I used it on myself and saw that my HP recovered by 1% for 20% of my mana. It was incredibly inefficient.

For the items, I was only able to get a weird stick, some more potions, and rations.

Item Name: Wooden Wand (Weapon)

Rarity: Uncommon

Restrictions: 15 INT, A Magic-based job

Effects: MP Cost -5%, Magic Attack +5%

The information that I could see changed when my skill combined into Appraisal Analysis. I was interested if whether the system my classmates were using had an equipment and inventory function so I asked them.

"We have an equip slot for head, body, arms, legs, feet, two rings, earrings, necklace, main weapon and secondary weapon. No inventory."

David was the only one who understood what I meant so we started to discuss and experiment about the system. Danae was looking after Jeff due to his previous injury and Fran… Well I didn't really care what she did. I still have a grudge on her.

We found out that trying to wear two pieces of the same type of equipment would cause the mana to lose control and start to hurt the body. This didn't happen with equipment that didn't have or make use of mana like clothes. As for me, since my body was practically constantly circulating mana, this meant that I couldn't equip anything over my mud body. Even though I'm using a different system, the same principles still applied. I'm only able to equip a necklace, one ring, earrings, and a head gear.

Weapons were the only exception to this rule as I could still wield Blood Bane with my mud hand. I kept the Wooden Wand as my spare weapon, since I was currently the only one who could use mana right now. I could bypass the job restriction for some reason. I gave William's knife and my rusty knife to Jeff. David already had a shortsword. I also decided to give William's leather helmet, breastplate, and armguards to David. He let me borrow his solar charging power bank in exchange which I happily started using. I've kept my phone inside my mud body, right next to my ruby all this time.

We stayed in the alcove for now as we ate the rations and drank from the canteen that I looted from William and Billy. I wasn't really that hungry so I gave my portion to the others and left the alcove while saying I was going to scout. Outside, I looked up and waited for my mud to come down with my captive. I changed my clothes with [Shapeshift] into a dark hooded robe that I saw those mages from the squad wore. When he was finally in front of me, I removed the mud blindfold and gag.

"W-Who are you?! Where's my squad?" He started asking questions the moment he saw me. This was the first soldier I captured before I made my baby drop down to his death. Side quest added. Get revenge on the man in armor for my poor baby.

"Why don't you try out Appraisal on me and tell me what you see." I've always been interested in how I looked to William when he first saw me. I saw mana flow into his eyes similar to what William did before. He told me what he saw.

Name: ???

Race: Human?

Level: ???

Job: ???

Oh come on. Even the normal system is unsure of my race!

He said that only beings with a level way higher than him or had a disguising equipment showed status like that. However…

Name: Albert Rekett Lv. 22

Race: Human

Job: Swordsman

He was 9 levels higher than me. And I don't think I have a disguising equipment. It's probably because I'm using a different system or because of my [Shapeshift] skill which resulted from [Disguise].

"Albert right?" He nodded when I said his name.

"Your squad has left the dungeon thinking that you were killed by a Dungeon Anomaly. But since you're alive and well, I'm thinking of turning you into my slave."

He looked down when he heard what I said. He probably believes I'm stronger than him so he wasn't resisting.

"However if you listen to me obediently and do me a few favors, I will release you. Don't worry. I won't ask you to do anything inhumane. But if you try to stab me in the back…"

I used [Spawn] and controlled some of my mud to wrap around the Cockroach Queen cocoon which just respawned. I then used [Detonate] on it. The light from the explosion finally allowed Albert to see my face. I had a wide grin on my face to show him that I was a kind girl.

"I will blow you up piece by piece. Got it?" He nodded his head vigorously as if a devil was staring at him.

"Good. I'll be holding onto all your equipment and items for now. Let me explain the situation. While I was passing by here, I felt a large mana disturbance from this dungeon. When I took a look I found some kids who didn't know how to use mana and were wearing strange clothes. Do you know anything about this?" I asked him while I made up a story.

"We were given a mission to find and eliminate some targets in this dungeon. That's all I know."

"Then it's likely that those kids are your targets?"

"I think so. We scoured the dungeon and found nothing except the normal dungeon monsters." He replied.

I thought about it for a while and then asked.

"Tell me. Do you know about the legend of heroes?" I asked him the question that has been on my mind ever since William mentioned it.

"Of course I do. I grew up listening to them as bedtime stories. It's what inspired me to join the army."

"Good. Now, what if I told you that these kids could possibly be heroes?" I probed without knowing the details. I can't show him that I am clueless because I am currently pretending to be a native of this world right now. And also usually in the novels I read, people who were transported to another world tended to be heroes.

"Impossible! Heroes are only summoned every 100 years when a new Demon King arises. It has only been 34 years since the last hero was summoned. Also, there is always only one hero who is the sole user of [Light Magic]. If these kids can't even use mana there is no way they are heroes!"

He made quite a big reaction. Heroes must be a big deal in this world. I have many questions like why are heroes summoned and why do Demon Kings keep appearing? Are heroes always human and do they always come from planet Earth? Sadly, I can't ask him these questions just yet.

"Then what if I told you that they come from the same land as heroes and are messengers telling of the next hero's arrival?" I asked Albert.

"… It would be more believable."

"Right! So here's one of my favors. Help me teach them how to use mana so that I can communicate with them. I already tried but they don't seem to understand my method. Perhaps they would be able to understand if it was another human trying to teach them."

In reality though, I only learned how to use mana because of my ruby. I can't just tell them 'Use a lucky charm that you have been using for years to learn how to use mana'. Even I don't know how it works or why my ruby can help me control the mud.

"Mmm. And if I do this you'll let me go?"

"Nope. That's only one thing I'm asking you to do in exchange for your life. Are you saying that your life is only worth that much?" I told him while snickering.

"You do know that I'm a swordsman right? Why don't you ask a mage or someone with a job that focuses more on mana?"

"If you're squad was ordered to kill those kids, what makes you think that there won't be others? Right now, I have you under my control which makes you far more trustworthy than anybody else out there. What I'm asking for isn't that hard. I just really want to know more information about where they came from. It could help me with my research."

I gave myself a 'mysterious traveler who is doing a strange research' background.

"Will they even be able to understand me? I only know the basics of the basics of mana."

"Damn you ask so many questions. I bet you don't have a girlfriend yet. Just leave it all to me. All you have to do is demonstrate and explain how to use mana. Let me warn you. I tried asking a guy called William the same thing but… he wasn't too cooperative."

I pulled out Blood Bane which I was keeping stored inside my mud body. Seeing this, Albert stayed quiet and stopped asking questions.

"I will set things up. Just sit tight. Hehe." I laughed knowing that Albert was currently trapped inside my mud and couldn't do anything. I returned to the alcove to let everyone know I found a way to help them learn how to use mana.

"Ruby. How was it? We heard that the dungeon boss respawned but then it died immediately after." Danae came up to me and asked.

"Yup. That was me. Anyways, listen to me. I found a teacher for you to teach you how to use mana. But you guys have to pretend to not know me and you don't understand a thing I say. I'm going to have him explain and demonstrate to you how to use mana. When he's done, I'll translate. All you have to do is act like you are listening and understanding him."

Everyone quickly nodded. They understood how important mana was in this world and that knowing how to use it was essential for survival.

I controlled my mud to bring Albert in here.


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 13

Age: 17

Race: Half-Human?

Class: Half-Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 13

HP: 10 [26%]

MP: 15 [28%]

STR: 10 (+5)

DEF: 10 (+25)

INT: 17

WILL: 15

SPD: 10



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance

Weaponized Limbs






Body Enhancement

Mind Enhancement

Mana Release






Appraisal Analysis

Lesser Heal


Tongue Enhancement