Chapter 40 – Planning for the Future

I arrived at the inn to find that the dining hall was full of bustling customers. Some of them looked like Adventurers who had just finished turning in their quests.

I walked over to the table where I sensed some of my mud at. It was where my classmates were sitting and eating.

"Yo. How was the registration?" I asked as I pulled a chair over and sat down.

"Ru- Rim! Why'd you just leave like that?" Danae angrily asked me. She must be referring to how I avoided Argo and left the Adventurers Guild.

"Well… I'll tell you later when we're in private. Hey Maria! Please get me a set meal. Thanks!" I called over to the innkeeper and ordered my dinner.

"So how was it? Oh and before you ask, I already found a way to earn money over at the Craftsman Association so you don't have to worry about me not becoming an Adventurer." I told them and placed a small bag of coins I earned from Grandpa Max on the table to prove it.

They finally relented after a bit more convincing and started talking about what happened at the guild after I left. First, they had their magical aptitudes measured by a tool that the Adventurers Guild owned. Unsurprisingly, their highest aptitude matched their magic skill namely David with metal, Danae with space, Jeff with wind, and Fran with water. Their magical talent on the other hand could not be measured accurately as the tool this guild branch owned was of lower quality than the ones found in major cities apparently. All four of them had been labeled as "unmeasurable magic talent" for now.

After that, they got their Adventurer IDs made. The IDs were basically business cards that had their status and skills listed on it. These cards could not be tampered with or forged. It has the ability to update in real time too.

Lastly, they were told about the courses the training program provided which included introductory lessons for reading and writing, monsterology, combat, magic, jobs, skills, dungeons, and geography.

"Hey, do they also teach sex education?" I said sarcastically. "They're practically giving you the tutorial on how to survive in this world as if you came from a different world! Did the guild find out about us?!"

"No. We were told that the program was made by the founder of the Adventurers Guild who was a hero who came from another world. It makes sense that the lessons are like that." David explained.

"Yeah. The Adventurers Guild is basically this world's educational system. It's normal here for parents to send their kids to learn there once they reach the minimum age." Danae further elaborated. "There's a drawback though. By taking this course, we have to work as Adventurers within the country for a year after we graduate. We're not allowed to go to other countries until the year is up because the course is partially funded by the country the Adventurers Guild branch is in."

"It's like the compulsory military training back at our world." Fran complained.

"Well I think it's a pretty good deal already." I told them.


After we had all finished eating, I paid to stay another night and we headed to our room. The training course actually lets them stay in the Adventurer Guild dormitory but they didn't want to leave me out so they opted to stay here which I declined right away.

"If you can stay in the dorm for free, then don't waste money by staying at an inn!" I scolded them. Since I already paid, this will be the last night we spend together here before they move over to the dorm.

"So… I have not been entirely truthful to everyone." I spoke while seated on the couch. My classmates were intently paying attention to me. I prepared myself.

"But I had a very good reason not to." I glared at Fran. "You should all know what this b*tch did to me."

"Ruby, she alre-"

"It's not something a simple apology can fix!"

Danae tried to talk to me but I spoke up interrupting her. My hatred for Fran had only been growing whenever I see her. I tried my best to be reasonable due to the circumstances. But after what happened at the Adventurers Guild, I couldn't hold my grudge in any longer. It was all because of Fran that I became like this. Now, I can't even be an Adventurer with my friend in another world.

"You guys don't understand how much pain I had to go through because of her! Can you imagine how painful it would be if you were dumped into a pool of acid?"

I tried verbalizing to them the shit I had to endure because of Fran. Seeing the uncomfortable looks on their faces, especially Fran's, I started to calm down a bit.

"And after all that, in the end, I luckily survived. I said that I found a skill book but that was a lie. It wasn't skill book…"

I wanted to let it all out. I wanted to tell them. My current status, my crippled body, my messed up mental state.

"It was a job change manual."

But I didn't.

"Since I was on the brink of life and death, I had no other choice but to use it."

I continued to lie.

"I can't tell you exactly what my job is. But I know that if anybody ever found out, I would be hunted down."

I mixed some truth in with my lies to make it more believable.

"That's why I can't reveal my status. That's why I can't register to become an Adventurer."

I lowered my head. A feeling of alienation churned in my heart. Was it alright for me to isolate myself from the others? I'm not entirely sure if my decision was correct.

"Ruby." Danae said firmly while looking straight into my eyes. "No matter what happens, you are still Ruby. You are my friend, the penny-pincher who can stay beautiful without make-up. The game addict who can stay seated for hours just using her phone. The schoolmate who always asks to copy my homework and is a serious fathercon."


"Don't deny it. If Flaire were here she would agree… Don't think that just because we came to another world, our friendship and all the time we spent together is for nothing."

Danae hugged me. I couldn't hold myself back any more. Those were the words I needed to hear. I cried on her shoulder as we hugged each other.


"I'm gonna go to the Beastman Kingdom."

After I settled down, I resumed the discussion to make plans for the future.

"I don't know about you guys, but I miss my family. I want to find a way home as soon as possible."

Although I enjoyed the feeling of finding myself in a world straight out of the novels I've read, it has been too much for a normal high school girl like me to handle already.

"After you guys finish your training, you can search for a way back in this country while working as Adventurers."

"Why the Beastman Kingdom?" Jeff asked.

"Because the Magic Academy is there. If there's any way to get back home, it's gotta be related to magic." I stated my reasoning.

"True. It would be more productive if we split up and spread our search." David said.

"Nope. I'm fine on my own. But you guys are still weak. No offense. It would be best for you all to stick together as a party. Maybe look for more information on heroes who were summoned to this world like us through the guild." I stated.

"Why can't you just stay with us then?" Danae questioned.

"Because I don't want to." I said while looking at Fran. "Remember, people do scary things when they are backed into a corner. I'm living proof of this."

I've said it to them multiple times already and I will continue to do so to nail it into their skulls. I firmly believe that in this turbulent world, the only trustworthy person is yourself. I'd be fine if it was just me and Danae. Even though they are my classmates, who knows when they would turn on me like Fran.

"I'll stay until you guys graduate. During that time, I'll be saving up travel funds by completing bounties for the Craftsman Association."

I told them about what I did today. They were surprised that I could solo a dungeon boss like the Steel Turtle. But honestly, I had a much easier time fighting it than the cockroach army. I had obtained many magic crystals that helped to restore my MP before the fight and there was only one opponent.

Their training would last for a month. They all need to job up in order to take the graduation test. During that time, we'll constantly share information with each other so that I could get a basic grasp on the common knowledge in this world as well.

We talked a bit more about our plans before going to sleep.


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 14

Age: 17

Race: Half-Human?

Class: Half-Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 14

HP: 11 [45%]

MP: 15 [95%]

STR: 11 (+5)

DEF: 10 (+25)

INT: 19

WILL: 15

SPD: 10



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance

Weaponized Limbs



Mana Absorption

Novice Blade User

Novice Pole User



Body Enhancement

Mind Enhancement





Appraisal Analysis

Lesser Heal


Mana Designing


Tongue Enhancement