Chapter 44 – Situation

"So it's only the land occupied by demons passed the Hugo Empire in the North?"

"Yeah. No world map has ever been completed because of the monsters in the sky. Also, maps from the past can't be used as reference because it's been discovered that the land abnormally changes and shifts from time to time."

I am currently discussing with my classmates about what they learned during their geography lessons. The continent we are in can be divided into four major territories namely the Hugo Empire in the north, the Phym Archipelago in the west, the Beastman Kingdom in the east, and the Cloud Kingdom in the south which is where currently we are. Dragonic races are said to live alongside dragons in another continent somewhere across the Pharo ocean to the east of the Beastman Kingdom. But due to the monsters in the sea, any ship that has sailed to explore has never returned and the dragonkin who come over don't wish to reveal anything regarding their home.

Records from the past show that this planet is a reverse of Earth where there is more land instead of water but still provides the basic necessities needed for life to flourish. This statement was determined by the flight-loving hero in the past, Sid, who invented the airships.

"Then the only way for me to travel to the Beastman Kingdom is either through the Wyvern Valley in the Kairne Mountiain range, the sea route offered by the Marso Trading Company, or through the super expensive teleport shrines…"

Since David and them were about to take their graduation test, it was time for me to start preparing for my own journey. The safest way was through the teleportation shrines that were set up by the Hugo Empire across the continent. However, this method is very costly and only ever used by nobles or rich merchants.

The most dangerous way is by going through Wyvern Valley which even airships can't guarantee the safety of its passengers. Hundreds of high level flying monsters make their nests in the Kairne Mountain range. Wyverns are the lowest level ones there which makes the valley they reside in the relatively safest path compared to others along the mountain range.

Of course, I decided to take the not as expensive and not as dangerous choice which is by travelling across the ocean on a ship. The Marso Trading Company is famed for providing a cheaper method of transportation than teleport shrines or airships. The founder of the company was the first to discover safe sea routes that monsters avoided because of underwater currents. The travel time might take longer this way but since it's much more affordable, poorer Adventurers and travelers tend to choose this option.

"By the way Ru- Rim. You seem much more cheerful today. Anything good happen?" Danae asked.

She's very perceptive when it comes to stuff related to me. I'm happy because I found out that the skill I got yesterday, [Regeneration], is helping me to regenerate my flesh. Even though it's going slowly and might take an extremely long time, I finally have some hope of returning to normal!

"That's because I went on a date with a cutie yesterday." I said and stuck my tongue out at her.

"What?!" She screamed and then eyed me suspiciously. "You're lying aren't you?"

I couldn't tell them about my condition but I wasn't really lying about the date either.

"I'll tell you all about it once you come back from the graduation exam."

"You just raised a death flag for her you know that?" David said to me.

"Pshh, I'm sure that the 'Secret Mage' Danae can handle it."

"Ugh. Please don't bring up my job title again. I knew I should have chosen Space Mage…" Danae said while cringing.

"I think it sounds cool!" Jeff said trying to earn Danae's affection points.


After our breakfast, they headed off to the place where we started in the world, the Cockroach Cave.

"Hey fake Earth Magician."

I was about to head over to the commercial district to buy some supplies for my journey when Alfonso called out to me.

"What do you want?" I said disdainfully.

"I'm in charge of monitoring the trainee's exam so I came to tell you not to assist them."

"You? Seriously? I wasn't even planning to in first place."

"Tch. You may not believe it but my brother and I have been the ones in charge to teach them their magic lessons." Alfonso stated after clicking his tongue.

"Hah. As if a weak mage like you can teach anybody anything about magic."

"I may be weak compared to you but there are no other mages in this city besides me and my brother!"

"So what? You want me to praise you or something?"

"Who would want praise from a faker? No one will acknowledge that."

I bantered with the arrogant prick for a while.

"Why are you even wasting both our times by arguing with me? You should be like your big brother and level up more otherwise you'll get left behind."

"I'm the older brother! Che. The guild master wanted me to tell you that he wishes to speak to you."

"That guy who practically chased me out last time?"

I was doubtful but decided go along to the Adventurers Guild anyway. I had more confidence in myself after gaining new skills and leveling up.


I entered the guild and was led to the third floor by Mirian.

*Knock knock*

"Guild Master your visitor has arrived."

"Let her in."

I entered the Guild Master's office and Mirian quietly closed the door without entering.

"Have a seat."

The Wolf Beastman, Argo, was sitting on a couch with a cup of tea on the table in front of him. I sat on the opposite couch where there was another cup of tea. I didn't touch it though. Though I have the [Poison Resistance] skill, an Adventurer Guild branch master must know a few tricks so I wasn't going to take any chances.

"So why'd you called me over? It couldn't have been just for this drink." I said without a hint of respect.

"Straight to the point I see. Well, I've been hearing of your recent exploits and would like to sincerely apologize about before." Argo stood up and bowed to me. "I was only doing my duty as a guild master."

"Accepted. Can I go now?" I said because I didn't want to deal with this.

I have to prepare for a journey after all. I am the type of person who doesn't like going into things without a basic plan. It's a personality that I developed because of my experiences during my poor childhood. Since this is an unfamiliar and dangerous world, I want to do as much as I could before setting off. I might encounter places where mana doesn't work or places where I can't recover mana at all. I want to have some form of preparation for these cases. That's why I've been going around dungeons trying to get skills because in the end, personal strength is the greatest and most reliable trump card one could have here.

"Please wait a moment." Argo said to my dismay. "You were trying to register as an Adventurer before, correct?"

"Yeah, before I was so rudely interrupted and prevented from doing so by a non-existent rule."

Danae had told me before that showing status was not required in order to register.

"*Ahem* I would like to make it up to you. If you register now, I can immediately promote you to C-rank. You've already proven your abilities as such."

Adventurer ranks start from F until A and then highest rank which is S. The Adventurers in this city usually reach D-rank before moving to a higher level area. Argo was offering me the rank above that which is right in the middle of their ranking system.

"Thanks but no thanks. I'd rather not be tied down to this kingdom for a year." I said and stood up ready to leave. Although the Adventurer ID is useful and provides many benefits, other guilds where I can register for an ID and worked on a global scale exist like the Alchemist Guild. I haven't registered yet though because I plan to join the Magic Guild. Sadly, they don't have a branch in the Cloud Kingdom.

"There are many occasions where holding the title of a C-rank Adventurer can get you out of trouble. There are many people out there who would resort to unscrupulous methods to get a person like you to work under them after all."

A subtle pressure started to push me back down.

"Is that… a threat?" I resisted and stood straight up while looking Argo straight in the eye.

"Not at all. I'm just giving you some advice. Some very… good… advice."

The pressure continuously increased with each word he spoke. The beast shadow started to appear behind Argo once again. However, I'm not the same as I was before. I continued the staring contest with Argo. Invisible sparks were flashing in between us. I got ready to activate the skill I had been preparing ever since I got called over here.


"It's an emergency! The Dark Swamp dungeon mutated and a horde of monsters are heading towards the city!"

Mirian slammed the door open and yelled this out.


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 15

Age: 17

Race: Half-Human?

Class: Half-Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 15

HP: 15 [84%]

MP: 16 [70%]

STR: 14 (+5)

DEF: 13 (+25)

INT: 21

WILL: 17

SPD: 13



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance



Mana Absorption

Novice Magic Caster

Poison Resistance

Sleep Resistance

Novice Weapon Master







Appraisal Analysis


Mana Designing

Mana Disturb






Tongue Enhancement