Chapter 54 – Arriving at Aqua Port City

Before I separated with Rena and her group, I gave her a letter.

I asked her to give it to my classmates who are supposedly in Strife City where she is headed.

She easily accepted and refused any payment saying that I've already helped her out enough and that it was the least she could do.

In the letter, I talked about my fight with Nat and how he was working for someone who knew that we came from another world.

Of course, I mentioned to not speak about this to Dawn.

I wrote the letter in our language back on Earth so Dawn shouldn't be able to read it.

I also mentioned about Rena in the letter and how I saved her from bandits.

Since I took a liking to her, I asked my classmates to help her out if she needed it.

While travelling, I talked a lot with Mumador.

He was very informative and I learned a lot about this world's culture and customs from him.

"Why did you become a bandit?" I asked him while we ate dinner.

Because there was another mouth to feed, I quickly ran out of rations that I bought for my trip.

The next village that we would pass along the way was still quite a distance from where we are.

Honestly, I didn't need to eat anymore after becoming a mud girl.

Just as my class on my status stated, I was now a Magical Creature and I found that I can live solely off of mana.

Before when I was still just a Half Magical Creature, I still needed to eat especially outside of dungeons where there was lesser mana concentration.

But now I just need mana for sustenance, and with [Sin of Sloth] I had an abundant supply of it.

However, I decided to keep eating food.

I know that it's only wasting money which is so not like me to do.

But I feel that if I stop, I would lose a part of my humanity.

So in order to get food, I hunted some of the wild monsters while travelling.

I still had Mumador shackled with my mud to prevent escape, but he helped a bit with meal and camp preparations.

"I grew up in a poor farming village. The lord that ruled over the land imposed heavy taxes." He started telling his story.

In the Cloud Kingdom, aristocracy was the ruling system they had.

It was the nobles who governed the land so if they raised the taxes, the common citizens had no choice but to obey.

They could try to rebel but with their weakened and malnourished bodies, they wouldn't last long against the noble's soldiers.

"It was hard for my family to scrape up enough money to feed me and all eighteen of my siblings so I decided to leave in order to lessen their burden."

I was shocked at the number of siblings Mumador had.

But after thinking for a bit I understood.

Humans are horny and lustful creatures, as evidenced by the porn industry back in my world.

In this world, where contraceptives didn't exist, it makes sense for families to become large.

"I wanted to become an Adventurer, but I got roped in by some bad guys and before I knew it, I got the Thief job forced onto me…"

I can already see where this is going.

The Thief job was not really looked brightly upon by others.

It has a negative image because in order to get it, you had to commit a crime.

It's much worse than someone like me whose job can't be seen.

Mumador was probably isolated and chased out of cities and villages because of it.

"With no other choice, I had to resort to banditry in order to feed myself. That's about it."

"I understand. You don't have to worry. As long as you follow me, you don't need to worry about food. In Aqua Port City, I'll get a slave trader to finalize the contract."

We talked a bit more before cleaning up and rested for the night.


"I can finally see the ocean!"

I am currently standing on top of a hill.

With my enhanced eyesight, I could see the ocean over on the horizon.

I could also see Aqua Port City just ahead.

Not waiting any longer, I dragged Mumador, while sprinting towards the city.

It has been eight days since I left Lam City.

If I had gone full speed, I probably could have made it here in half the time or even less.

"Oh yeah. Here, put this on."

While in the line at the gate entrance to the city, I took out Loki's Mask and handed it to Mumador.

"… What is this?"

"Don't worry about it and just put it on. It's not cursed or anything. It will help you enter the city."

From his point of view, it probably looked like a creepy mask that he couldn't use [Appraisal] on.

Since I ordered it, he had no other choice so he put it on.

"Just think about not wanting to show your job and we should be good."

Although thieves weren't considered as a full criminal job, the guards might detain Mumador for questioning.

I didn't want to get held up at the gate so I let him borrow the mask for now.

When it was our turn, I handed the guard my identification papers.

Back in Lam City, I had requested one to be made from City Lord Haim.

It shows that I am a legitimate citizen of Cloud Kingdom and that my hometown is Lam City.

He was more than happy to help out one of the saviors of his city.

"What's your purpose for coming to Aqua Port City?" The guard eyed me suspiciously.

Not being able to see my status causes more hassle for me than it does for others.

I need to find a way to fix this.

I already miss Sir Hamish and the other south gate gaurds in Lam City.

They let me in hassle free.

"I'm here to find transportation to get to the Beastman Kingdom. I was told that I had talent in Earth Magic so I'm going to enroll in the Magic Academy there." I said while acting proudly.

I was acting as an arrogant mage prodigy.

To prove what I said to the guard, I "casted" Earth Wall.

"Alright you're free to enter. Who's your companion?" He questioned while handing back my identification papers.

The masked Mumador was attracting quite a bit of attention from the people in line.

As someone who had been a bandit for a few years, he had developed a lean and muscular build.

Coupled with his tall height, he was quite the catch.

Unfortunately, his face was not up to par with the rest of him.

Because of the mask, no one could see his flaw so I caught a few ladies in the line glancing at him.

A tall, buff, and mysterious man.

If only they saw his face…

I shook my head inwardly.

"This is my slave bodyguard! He'll be taking care of the bothersome stuff for me so I could focus on my studies." I said in a haughty tone.

I saw a few people in the line show a look of disappointment.

The guard in front of me only nodded his head accepting my explanation.

Mages really are respected in this country.

They could easily get away with anything.

"You may proceed."

After he said that, he let me through the gate and I entered Aqua Port with Mumador.

Behind the gate, I saw the sunlight reflecting off of the sea water making a dazzling scenery.

Aqua Port City was much more developed than Lam City.

It was a popular city due to the trading companies who had a branch here and used this place a stopover for their trading.

As a main hub for trading, the population was quite large.

Countless ships were docked at the piers.

"Ah I forgot to ask the guard to recommend a place to stay while I look for transportation."

I was so into acting in character that I forgot to ask where I should go to find transportation heading for the Beastman Kingdom.

An arrogant person doesn't need to ask for directions after all.

"Over here little missy. The ticket booth for the ship heading to the Beastman Kingdom is this way."

As I was thinking about what to do, I heard a conversation through my scouts which I had already started to spread out around in the city.

In an alley not far from where I was, three men were leading a hooded girl down a dark pathway.

"Okay that looks suspicious." It didn't take a genius to know that those guys were up to no good.

"Mumador. I have something to do. Go find us a place to stay for now. I can find you wherever you are so don't wait up for me."

I started running to where my scout saw those guys.

"Wait! Weren't we going to go to the slave trader's first?"

"We'll go later!"

I shouted without turning back.

I wasn't worried about him trying to run away.

Over the course of our travels, he had found out how strong I was during my hunts and how dumb it would be to get on my bad side.

Even though I found him to be a likeable guy, his hands were stained with blood with all the bad things he has done.

I'll be sure to take him to a slave trader later.

As I approached the alley where those people were, I saw through my scout that the three men started to move towards the girl.

I used [Boost] to quicken my pace.

"Stop right... there?"

When I finally arrived at the alley I saw a puzzling sight.

The three men from earlier were lying on the ground while twitching and the girl stood there among them.

She slowly turned towards me.

"Um… Hi?" I said awkwardly.

"It wasn't on purpose!"


Name: Ruby Sen Lv. 18

Age: 17

Race: ???

Class: Magical Creature

Job: - Lv. 18

HP: 20 [100%]

MP: 20 [100%]

STR: 15 (+5)

DEF: 15 (+25)

INT: 22

WILL: 20

SPD: 16



Mana Manipulation

Physical Resistance



Novice Magic Caster

Poison Resistance

Sleep Resistance

Intermediate Weapon Master






Appraisal Analysis


Mana Designing

Mana Disturb







Tongue Enhancement

Sin of Sloth