Part IV

"Did you see that human?" A bunch of beastkids walked along with the crowd leaving the Arena after the battle they wanted to watch so badly was cancelled. 

"Such a fool" They all sneered. 

"And it's a little human girl. She thought she could waltz into a battlefield meant for beastboys like us. How pathetic! She should go back to earth and help her mummy in the kitchen." 

"Well, I thought it was cool and amazing that she had that much courage to fight."

The boys turned back to see timid Darren who they cautioned to not talk to them or contribute a peep to their discussions.

They grimaced at his words and surrounded him. His little brother, Vincent, glared with the evil glints in his eyes before walking away from his pack. He had no business with what they would do or say to his sibling. He would have loved to watch, and also join in, but his sister was around somewhere. He couldn't risk getting in trouble with his father.