
Fast forward:

After Shifting from their Old house(ie.the North hill to Town).

June is excited but tried as well after the long trip and just when they reach their house during midnight, the parents immediately cleaned up the ones of the room and makes a bed so that they could let June rest and sleep peacefully.But the parents couldn't take a rest yet as their is so many things to unpack. The parents spent hours in unpacking and after wards both of their bodies started to ache and need to let it rest, so they both clean up and laid down on each side of June, giving her a peck on the forehead and kissing each other good night, both with June went off to La La Land.

As June slept on the way to her new house, she couldn't have a sight to see so after waking up the next morning, She went for a walk in the neighborhood, she feel peaceful and breathing the fresh air calm her and automatically bring a smile on her face.

But her peace is disrupt when she reach the 5th house, She hear noises coming from the window on the second floor of a beautiful building. As a Curious cat, She turns towards the noise to see a Cool boy with hair covering half the face doing head banging to Rock metal songs. She was smitten by his profile and had a tiny little interest in to know about him more and her thought makes her blushes as She never pay attention to any boys in her old place, except her father and neighborhood boys of her age or who are older than her, treat her like a baby.

While she was busy in trying to get more of what he looks like, She didn't hear her Mom calling her from the front gate of their new house. Again after the Umpteenth time, a honk of her father car wakes her up as her father takes the direction of where she stand, to pass a message to her from her mom.

She was startled but after hearing what her Dad told her and as to not get caught, she pretend to look around and after bidding her Dad a good day with a kiss on cheek, She turn back as fast as possible and run towards her home with her Mom giving her a looks of being absentminded.

After one weeks, June along with her mom, went to her new school to be, to do admission and also shopping for her school uniform and stationary.

On the way after done with admission, they came out from the principal room, to bump into Rick's, unfortunately he apologize and didn't even look up or around and went his ways.

June was a bit sad that he didn't looks up or didn't pay attention to his surrounding but one thing that gives her hope that seeing him in the same school, he must be a student here and gives her more chance to admired him from far.

Then with her mom, she went their ways but she couldn't stop thinking about him.


One month later:

As expected, She saw him in her new school but as her Senior, While she's is in 6th grade junior to him.And He's in the 12th grade with a girl- whom June thought as a friend but seeing their behaviour being lovely dovey and being too intimate for a friend, saw them talking and smiling in the hallway of the Cafeteria.

Shrugging her thought away, she make a direction towards her class.

As She's new, At first She feel difficult to mingle as her classmate gives her weird looks but She ignore them and sits on the beach with 3 girls, as other benches have 4 students each both boys and girls. Feeling better, She break the ice and introduced herself to the 3 girls and thankfully ,the other 3 introduce themselves as Cathy, Esther and Baby.

From then they get along well and new friendship bloom as what June thought.

As the only Child of her Family, She study hard and do her best in her studies to get good grades. She is an average in studies and never she envied anyone who stood top in the class because She is thankful with what she score and keeps on trying to do better.

And Her parents, both of them always tell her to do her best and not to stress over grades or exams, instead to focus on how to understand what's been taught in the class.

Things and her school days went smoothly also always admiring him from far makes her giggles like she insane. But a frown always appear whenever she saw him with the same girl. Still she shakes her obsessive thought of wanting him to be hers, one day. And Just let him be as long as she didn't heard anything bad about him.

Days, months, years pass by, June feeling for Her Senior also grows stronger, She's always thought He's just handsome boy and nothing else but along the way Nothing turns into crush and crush turns out to be Love. She still thought he's single and the girl is ones of his friends but Baby said otherwise.

Realisation hit when She saw him hugging and kissing the same girl near the Alley towards her house. At first she didn't believe, and sadly, now she believe it and at the same day, she finally experience heartaches.

The previous day, at school during their recess while sitting in the cafeteria area, she and the two girls were told by Baby that their cool senior was already taken and at the same moment,the couples entered while holding each other hands, and smiling, on top of that they were called the best couples by everyone students.


After one year:

Just before Rick's, graduation from Higher Secondary to College.

One day, As She went home from School, along the way, She saw Him, who is tightly hugging and passionately kissing his girlfriend and crying, She's feel uncomfortable of their intimate moments so, she change her direction and went away to the other road which leads to her house, on the way She feels her body heavy and her heart numb, to see Him with someone else, but she always thought it was a crush and now why is she feeling this ways. So without realising A tears drop falls from her eyes, from that day, She realise that She fall for him way too deep.

After that Day, She put her focus more on her studies and doing her best. Luckily as their summer break is one week after. She hang out with her 3 friends, While they were talking, Baby( the gossip queen) told them that the coolest guy of the school is heart broken and He didn't attended the school from last week .

Cathy( the clueless one) ask who's the coolest guy in our school campus???

Both Esther and Baby give each other a glance and just smile and told her that Ricky's from the 12th grade is the coolest guy of our school.

Cathy replied with "Oh".

So Baby continue with her gossip that the reason for him not attending the class is that Cindy(the girl name) is going to be wed after summer break because they'll be graduating, and Her parents are rushing her to marry, a guy whom they chose for her and who have financial aid and where she's don't need to work to provide for herself and her husband family. So Rick hear it from her friends and confront her and She told him that's the reason why they can't stay together as Rick is still depending on his parents, even though are not that as rich as her husband to be but they are from a well to do family . And Baby add on saying She's a gold digger and so on.

While her friends are gossiping, June mind wander to that Day, where She saw them together and She feels so sad for him. Even though He didn't know who She is.

She wishes that she could be there for him and comfort him, but that's just her wishful thinking.

Instead, she decided to prayed for him so that he move on from his heartbreak and find a ways where he could rejoined his new college and study hard to become someone great.

Also, if possible, she prayed that God blessed him to be her boyfriend. 😆😅