Chapter 3 Sora


Sora Takeshiro, is the new name for Yuuto. Sora meaning blue sky because he came from the sky and his eyes are blue. Name full of meaning.

"Sora, are you okay? what happened?"


"Yes, dear?"

Sora: "Please teach me how to use jutsu."

Yana: "But you're too young for that. You will learn this when you are in academy."

Sora: "Please, mom? better early than late, right?"

Yana sighed. "Okay, don't give me that cute baby look. It makes me wanna eat you, you little cutie." Yana gave Sora a helpless look.

Sora felt warm in his heart. This is the first time he had parents. Too bad, Miyuki isn't here to experience it.

Sora felt sad for her sister.

Yana noticed this sad look and tried to alleviate Sora's sad look.

Yana: "Sora, don't be sad. Tell what is it that makes you sad?"

Sora replied, " It's nothing, mom"

Yana sighed, "Okay, then. First, I will teach you the basic jutsus and chakra control.

There are many types of jutsus. Taijutsu, use of physical strength and energy. Ninjutsu, use of elemental release and spiritual energy. Kenjutsu, use of weapons. Genjutsu, use of chakra giving sensory illusion to trick or immobilize targets. Fuinjutsu, art of sealing. The spiritual and physical energy I mention is commonly known as chakra. All jutsu need to comsume chakra to use.

Now let's talk about Chakra Control. We need to have Chakra Control as the foundation, along witb physical fitness to store chakra."

Having complete understanding to his mother's explanation, he started to remember the scroll and books he read from his father's office library. Most of the thing he read in there, he didn't understand. Listening to his mother's explantion cleared his questions.


3 years later, Sora completed his basic chakra control by walking in walls, walking in water and walking in a waterfall. He also train his body vigorously until he faint to exhaustion.

While doing all the basics, He sneaks out at night just to practice jutsus of his father's collection of scroll. He taught himself clone jutsu, transformation jutsu, body replacement jutsu. Not only that, he also learned body flicker.

While all that is happening in the night, his mother taught him mystical palm healing jutsu. Apparently, her mother is a medical ninja in the war.

After the years of hardwork, his mother tool him to the ninja academy for him to learn other basic education of math, science and history.


Sora woke up early and ran to the mountain to warm up then returned for breakfast. This is the first day of his academy life. Being a five years old kid with white hair, dark-blue eyes, oval-shaped face, he was having a lot of attraction both to parents and students.

As a mother, Yana was very proud that her son is handsome and the attraction to school. She couldn't help but anticipate her grand child.

'Yana, you idiot! Sora is too young to have son or daughter. But I hope to have them soon' sigh*

Sora noticed his mother's anticipation and didn't understand what she's expecting.

'Hmmm maybe she's worried? I dunno, looks like the opposite.'

entering the gate of the academy, Sora reluctantly said goodbye to her mother.

Yana shouted, "Have fun in there, Sora"

Sora then smiled, "Yes, I'll do my best."

Many students laughed Sora for being a mama's boy but Sora just ignored them. pfft kids, right?

He walked to the testing chambers. There he was tested in chakra and constitution. He passed swiftly and took off to his designated classroom.

Entering the class, many students are already interacting. Having no mood to talk to a bunch of kids, he chose a seat to the middle corner. he closed his eyes and calmly waited for his teacher to arrive.

While he didn't know is that, a bunch of girls wanted to talk to him but because of his aloofed aura, they hesistated.

There his classmates are super-hyped yellow-spiky hair kid with whiskers, a calm and arrogant black-haired kid with uchiha clan logo on his back, pink-haired girl looking infatuated to the black-haired kid. They were the most noisy group. In their bickering, I learned the the yellow-haired boy is Naruto Uzumaki, the black-haired kid is sasuke uchiha, and the pink-haired is sakura haruno.

They were pretty loud and I couldn't it anymore and said to them, "Tchh, how noisy! if you guys are that noisy, got somewhere else to do your bickering!"

This garnered attention to the whole class but I didn't care one bit.

The first one to reply was Naruto. "Huh!? Who are you to tell me that?! listen to me, I will be the hokage so you better mind you're own business."

Then, sasuke said, "Pipe down, Naruto just be quiet, you bastard!" He then turned to me, "You white-haired dude, don't be arrogant in front of me."

Sakura pipe in and said, "Yeah, Naruto just be quiet, you're bothering sasuke." . She turned to sasuke, "Right, sasuke?"

Naruto then said, "Please don't be like that, sakura-chan. I was just angry someone interrupted our conversation."

After all their loud bickering, I really couldn't take it anymore and release my extreme killing intent in an instant. Feeling my killing intent, the whole class was suffocating by the pressure and some others started to faint.

The Naruto and co. didn't know what happened until I spoke again, "You damn kids, keep quiet and let me have my peace here!"

My words is not loud but all was heard by the class clearly. Only then I retracted my intent. After the class was free from the pressure, they looked at me as if I'm a monster. I just ignored them and continue closing my eyes.

The Naruto trio thought in their mind. 'What a monster! I cannot provoke him.'

In reality, the whole class thought of the same thing. The whole class was not in the mood to create a single noise or elss they will be killed before they knew what killed them.