Woya gets a proposal

Uzil comes with Molimo to visit the next day, Molimo is excited that he will get to see his sister. He has enjoyed getting to know his brothers and sister in laws over the last few weeks. Molimo is sad that they all will be leaving soon but Astila and Yona both have told him he is always welcome to visit them anytime. Uzil and Molimo are nervous walking up to the house since it is their first real visit with Salali. Uzil raises his hand to knock on the door when an impish girl opens it. Her eyes look up at him so dark that they can see into someone's very soul. Dove smiles brightly up at Uzil and calls out to the others in the house. 

"Grandfather is here and so is uncle, Mama come quick and see. " holding up her arms for a hug she stares at Molimo. When he doesn't quickly hug her she begins to pout. Salali comes to the door to greet their guests and sees Dove pouting.