Going to Tokyo

Yona is packing for Tokyo he needs to take care of some business for his firm. He has told Crystal to have someone fetch him if Remi goes into labor before he gets back. He refuses to miss his children's birth. Sighing he heads down stairs to say goodbye. Remi smiles at him and tells him. 

"All will be ok do not worry, if I go into labor early someone will call. Moll says that I will be fine and that you will only be gone a week . I will talk to you daily do not worry. I still have five weeks to my due date." Remi hugs Yona to reassure him that all is well. Yona kisses his wife and leans down to rest his forehead on her stomach. He whispers to the twins. 

"Be good for mommy and wait for me, Daddy loves you." Yona closes his eyes not wanting Remi to see his sadness at leaving them. Alex and Crystal come in to say goodbye. Alex as usual has a snarky remark .