Finding Shiro 3

On the way home from Remi's Aisling talks to Shiro's spirit. 

"Is the uncle with Yona the one that hurt you?" Aisling asks him. He shrugs his shoulders that he doesn't know. 

"I don't know which one it is , I only know that the people who took me worked for our family as bodyguards. They were sent with me to watch over me on the field trip. My oldest Uncle had meetings at a hospital in Washington for me. When they came they told my teacher that my uncle needed me at the hospital. I was taken to a cheep hotel where they locked me in and did not return until I was dead. The next I remember is wondering outside of the museum trying to get someone's attention. When I saw Lilli she asked me if she could help. At first I could not go past the museum grounds but Lilli picked up my name plate. When she picked it up I was able to stay with her." Shiro's voice sounds sad as he is telling Aisling what happened.