Day at the temple

Yona told Shiro's family that they were going to the temple.

"May we join you? I have so much to give thanks for. " Miko smiles at the boys she has not let on that she knows what they did. Yona smiles at her. 

"It would be our honor to spend the day with you. We will meet you at my house tomorrow. Hiroto knows the way." Yona tells her as they leave for home. Shiro hugs Lilli tightly before they leave reluctant to see her go. When they are in the car Yona hugs the boys and thanks them. 

"Ahh Dad didn't you know that was our reason for coming. Lilli promised Shiro we would come and try to help his mom. The only problem is that we did have to use some of our Nephilim power to fight that snake in her mind. I hope you will not be angry." Alex tells his father.