Lucian visits Dean

Lucian looks down at the man chained to the wall. He is beaten beyond recognition luckily he cannot die he can only suffer. 

"So when you first arrived all you could talk about was Remi and Aisling. Who are they?" Lucian asks Dean. 

"Aisling is the only woman I ever loved. She rejected me since we were kids. I tried everything to get her nothing worked. Then one day I finally got her alone. The fire in my blood was so intense that I could not help myself. I beat and cut her so she could feel the pleasure of pain. Just before I could give her the final pleasure we were interrupted. I never got another chance to take what was mine. Her virginity should have been mine. Then there is her cousin Remi now I took it al from her. More than once each time better than the last. I had hoped to have her last breath but the same as with Aisling I was always robbed at the end. Those women are