Why peace is always a distant dream

In year 1 class B there was a girl with light pink hair and matching eyes. Her name was Olto Vevee. She was beautiful to look at and was a very meek and proper person till the day she met Matt Moncee for the first time. She had never seen such a handsome gentleman in all her life. There was something pure and gentle in the way he walked and talked. And yet she could feel his charisma, his exuding power. In other words, it was love at first sight.

Vevee soon found out that she was not the only person infatuated with this senior. She had a lot of competition. So she thought it would be best if they all united together and formed a club. Keep your friends close and enemies closer.

Olto Vevee thus became the mastermind behind Moldi fried chicken which was the Moncee fan club in disguise. No harm in talking about your boy crush over fried chicken! MFC soon had several recruits. Everyone knew what their club was all about, except the teachers.

That one day, Vevee was busy secretly following senior Moncee to the office, in other words, she was busy stalking him when she happened to overhear the conversation between her prince and another girl.She did not go in but peeked in a little to see who it was.It was none other than that girl Jan Keiro, who was already in the blacklist of the MFC.

When she heard Keiro asking Moncee to get lost, her face boiled with rage.

She went into their clubroom that evening and described what she had heard. Somebody had upset their beloved Moncee! Because they had to grill chicken to keep up their ruse, their club was located behind the school near the woods. It was an innocent-looking one-room cabin, but if one went inside( and one had to say a password to get in), one would see posters and photos of Moncee taken from all angles, pasted neatly all over their club room.

And thus the MFC unanimously voted Jan Keiro as their target.

They made their way into the ghost club room and met Roju at the door.

Vevee: "Is Jan Keiro inside?"

Roju looked at the mob that had gathered.

Roju: "Why do you need Keiro?" he asked innocently.

Vevee: "We are the Moncee (cough) I mean the Moldi fried chicken club. Get Keiro out here right now!"

Roju nodded and went inside and asked Keiro whether she had ordered fried chicken. But Shimlee and Rusa quickly got what was going on. They went out in her place.

Shimlee: "Sorry, Keiro hasn't shown up today..."

Vevee: "You want us to believe that? Get her out right now, we need to talk to her."

"Yeah get her out", the other fans echoed their leader.

Rusa: "She really isn't inside right now."

Meanwhile, inside the club, Keiro paced left and right thinking about what she should do. That Moncee had sent a whole gang to take her on! He sure acts fast!

Roju: "Are they trying to bully you?"

Keiro grew alarmed when she saw that Roju's face looked quite serious.

Keiro: "No way! They are umm..new friends... no worries!"

Roju: "Then why are you hiding from them?"

Keiro: "Haha... I'm not hiding or anything, I'm just too tired to go out and play... don't wanna hurt their feelings and all..."

Berthy had woken up by all the commotion outside the door, he scratched his head and sat up.

Berthy: "There is a storeroom attached to our club room, why don't you check it out?"

He pointed to a door behind a wooden shelf, Keiro had never really noticed it before. Berthy was an angel!

She had to try hard to get into that room.She and Roju pushed the shelf away slowly.They opened the door and went inside.The room wasn't entirely small but right now it was pretty dusty and full of cobwebs.Keiro held a hanky to her nose before closing the door behind them.

Roju:"What are we doing here?" Roju asked looking around.

Keiro: "Well, I was looking for a place for you to set up your lab."

Meanwhile, the MFC had broken into their club. They looked around for Keiro and not being able to find her, declared that they would come again before walking out of the club.

Shimlee: "Wait where did she disappear off to?"Shimlee asked after they had left.

Berthy pointed to the door behind the shelf and they too were surprised.

Shimlee: "Senior Berthy, you are strangely useful at the most critical times."

Berthy: "It's because I cannot sleep with all the ruckus." he yawned and fell back on his couch.

When Shimlee and Rusa got into the storeroom they found Keiro and Roju amidst a pile of dust and cobwebs.

Rusa : "This place looks real spooky." Rusa said this delightedly.

She checked her watch to see whether there were any ghosts, but there weren't any, instead they found old comics and tapes and many forbidden magazines. Looked like this place was where they dumped all the banned items during inspection.


Within a week things began to settle down. Mr.Furoy had received prof.Leveon's research materials by post. He was actually touched and remembered those old times when Leveon and himself used to work together in college. When he went through his late friend's handwritten notes, his eyes moistened.

When he found that the sender was Leveon's brother he called him up.

Furoy: "How did you get my address?"

Leveon Ron: "Your very concerned niece called me and asked me what was going on. It was she who sent me your address. She is a good kid."

Furoy raised his eyebrows. "What the....my niece is only three years old!"

Furoy was more puzzled than furious. He did not dig further into it. In the end, he visited his friend's grave and whispered a promise to complete his research.

The physics lab ghost soon disappeared and May Rusa confirmed it with her new detector. As for Keiro's troubles with the MFC, they ganged up on her once in the school canteen and let her off with a warning, to never show her face in front of Moncee again. Keiro was only glad to obey their command.

"I don't want to see his face either!" she said under her breath.

As for Berthy's sleep, it was getting disturbed very much lately with Roju busy setting up his lab in the storage room. That one day they were all busy clearing the dust and getting the banned materials out from the storage room when there was a knock on their club room door.

Rusa: "It must be a ghost case!"

Keiro went to receive their new client.

But when she opened the door her face fell.She found Moncee with a couple of members from the student's council.

"What brings you here President?" she asked trying not to show panic on her face.

Moncee: "We are here to do the annual inspection of club rooms."

He smiled his usual smile and Keiro gulped.