When it's too dark to see...

Keiro saw Moncee on the outside of the wall. He seemed to be getting down from his motorbike. He had already removed his helmet. Presently they had a staring contest and Keiro could see that he was trying hard not to laugh out loud.

Keiro: "You think this is funny?"

Moncee: "What are you doing on top of that wall?"

Keiro: "None of your business!"

Moncee: "Are you trying to get in or go out?"He asked chuckling.

Keiro sighed.

Moncee: "I can help you if you ask me nicely. Or you can sit there all night and watch the sunrise or something."

Keiro: "How can I trust you?" After all, he was the root cause of all this.

Moncee: "It's not like you have got other options...Jump and I'll catch you." He spread his arms and asked her to jump.

Keiro: "You gotta be kidding me.."

Moncee: "On the count of three, alright? One, two....three!"

Keiro closed her eyes and jumped and Moncee caught her in time. He put her down and Keiro opened her eyes. Now up close, she could see him more clearly, he was wearing a black jacket, his shirt looked ruffled and there was a bruise just above his left jaw. Besides, she could catch the subtle smell of blood. Keiro pushed Moncee away. This guy was dangerous...

Keiro: "You got into another fight didn't you?"

His expression changed.

Moncee: "It's none of your business."

They stood silently for a few seconds at the end of which Moncee spoke.

Moncee: "Where are you going at this hour?"

Keiro: "I'll keep quiet about your business if you stop bothering about mine."

Moncee: "In that case, I'll take you there and not ask any questions."

Keiro: "I'll catch a cab."

Moncee: "You won't get one at this time unless you wait for a whole hour or something. Just get on my bike, don't waste my time."

Keiro: "Why are you so keen on helping me, what are you planning? Or are you that worried about me exposing you?"

Moncee: "Did you really forget how you tried to expose me last time? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Look here Keiro, it's not safe around this time of the night. I don't want to be the number one suspect if something happens to you."

He got on the bike. Keiro took the antinerator box and climbed on to the back seat.

Moncee: "Why are you making that face for? Girls would kill to get on my bike you know!" He started the bike.

Keiro: "If you pull anything I swear my friends won't leave you alive."

Moncee: "I know, I know, you've got this psychopathic genius friend and another one who can see ghosts and your mom Berthy...So where do you want to go?"

Keiro: "Go to the bridge over lake Keeva."

Moncee: "You are not planning to jump into the lake are you?"

Keiro: "In your dreams! I thought we had a deal that we won't ask each other questions."

Moncee: "Alright, then off we go.."