How they planned to spend the summer

Keiro packed her bags in her dorm room, the school was closing for summer vacation...she couldn't wait to go back home...She paused for a moment to think about what Moncee had told her, she wondered how he would retaliate.He hadn't made any move for the last two days, and now that the school was closing tomorrow, what will he be able to do? Keiro smiled. She'll have peace for two months at least. The summer vacation was such a blessing...

Just then she received a call. It was her mom.

Keiro: "What's up Mom? I'll come home tomorrow, I have booked a bus ticket already..."

"Keiro dear, you'll have to wait for a while, your Dad and I are flying to Africa today..."

Keiro: "What? Are you guys crazy? Just when I'm coming for the holidays.."

"It's not like we planned this. A new project suddenly came up...You can come home after a month dear."

Keiro's father and mother were geoscientists. They were in the oil and gas industry and were frequently transferred here and there for research.

"You guys do not miss me at all?" Keiro pouted. But when Keiro thought about it, she felt that it was a good thing that her parents were traveling together. Only last year their marriage had almost fallen apart and they had come close to a divorce. Much to Keiro's relief, her parents had somehow made up with each other. Maybe if they traveled together and did their favorite things, there was some hope of them being together...

Keiro: "Yeah, you guys should go to Africa, I'll stay with Shimlee for the holidays.."

"Are you sure dear? If it is not okay with you..."

Keiro: "Naah, I'm okay with it...And take your time and all ...Just gimme a call when you get back."

"Then we'll meet after a month or so.." said her Mom.

Keiro: "Bye Mom, I'll call Dad later..."

"Don't make too much trouble for Shimlee, dear..."

When the call ended, Keiro went up to Shimlee and hugged her from behind.

Keiro: "Sweetest dearest Shimlee..."

Shimlee: "Yeah, yeah I heard everything, you are gonna be sticking with me for the summer, no problem."

Keiro: "Haha, you are the best. Let's make a list of fun stuff to do."

Keiro jumped with excitement. They should go to the beach, learn some surfing, go camping, maybe climb a mountain....if not a mountain, then at least a hill...