Why she came back

The next day morning they sat for breakfast with Shimlee's grandmother. Shimlee's grandma was a sturdy old lady with grey hair tied into a small ponytail. Keiro thought that she did not look anything out of the ordinary. She introduced herself as Gara Monica and got to know their names as well.

Grandma Monica: "Looks like this little one did not sleep well last night." She said looking at Keiro.

Keiro: "It's because of the change of place Grandma."

Change of place my foot! It was like being in a haunted mansion and not to mention that weird painting over her head. In short, she hadn't slept a wink last night.

Shimlee: "But why don't you get rid of the ghosts here, Grandma? I had one right in my room."

Keiro gulped. What! So she was right! This place was haunted after all!

Roju: "I had one in my room too." Roju said showing his ghost detector.

Keiro kept her spoon down.

Shimlee: "What about you Keiro?Did you meet any?"

Keiro: "Hehe...You mean to say... every room has one?"

Grandma Monica: "That is not likely dear, there are only about six-seven ghosts here."

That's it. She was out of here! Keiro stood up from her seat, excused herself, and went back to her room. Shimlee and Roju continued eating breakfast. They watched as Keiro politely thanked Grandma Monica. Then she walked out of the inn, luggage and all.

Gara Monica: "Will she be alright on her own?"

Shimlee smiled. "Don't worry, she will come back."

Keiro got out of the inn. She dragged her luggage down the cliff and grumbled all the way down. To think there are not just one or two but seven ghosts in that inn! She must have slept with one by her side too! They had summer vacation just once a year, why on earth could they not spend it normally without ghosts like normal people?'

Keiro suddenly paused to notice the clear blue sky. It seemed like a very sunny morning, and there were very few traces of the heavy rain of last night, Keiro now saw Leblue in a new light. She saw the beach at a distance where girls and boys her age were playing. Leblue seemed to be bustling with tourists. Keiro sighed thinking why she couldn't be like them, enjoying a carefree summer vacation...If there are no places to stay she should just leave Leblue, there are other places with beaches! Or maybe she should go find senior Berthy or May Rusa. Okay, maybe not May Rusa... She must have probably deliberately selected a haunted place for vacation.

Keiro walked some distance searching for an inn, but most places were fully booked for the summer. She walked a distance and saw a crowd.

"What's happening there?" she asked a person standing nearby.

"It's Lucassi." The person squealed.

Keiro thought that she hadn't heard right.

"You mean the real one?" She asked her heart thumping loudly.

The person pointed towards the crowd and Keiro looked in that direction. She saw a handsome young man giving away autographs...It can't be...Why was this happening...This can't be a dream. Keiro pinched herself to make sure. Ouch! Heavens, it was real! It was the real Lucassi in flesh and blood!

Lucassi, the legendary Lucassi who started as a discarded member of a boy band and went onto become a famous actor. He had acted in countless young-adult dramas and thrillers. Keiro had been a fan from his boy band days...Back at home, she had his poster pasted over the back of her door. Keiro blinked her eyes...this must be destiny!

The guards around Lucassi were saying stuff like-"No photos everyone! Please wait patiently! No photos, please!"

She did not say anything but joined the queue of people who were waiting to get his autograph. Keiro could hear what other girls were telling him, "I'm your biggest fan ...You were superb in such and such movie.....You look better in person...." Keiro's heart thumped louder as the line grew shorter and shorter. When her turn came, Keiro silently handed over her notebook and Lucassi took it from her.

This moment would be marked in Jan Keiro's history...God had been good to her...This was a blessed life! Now she could happily die...Keiro silently took the autograph from him and walked away bravely.

On her way back she heard two fans talking to each other.

"Did you know Lucassi is staying in Leblue for a week?"

Keiro sharpened her ears to listen.

"Which hotel? I wanna stay there too!" said the other fan.

"I heard it is the Grand Leblue, but I heard it cannot accommodate many guests, and you need to make advanced reservations." The two fans sighed and left their ways.

The Grand Leblue? Wasn't that the one where she had stayed last night? Keiro did not think anymore. She quickly made her way back, dragging her luggage up the cliff...

Shimlee and others were still sitting around the breakfast table and chatting when Keiro came back.

Shimlee; "Well, that was fast."

Keiro: "Hehehe, I enjoyed my morning walk." She sat down at their table and grinned.

Keiro: "Well I thought things through... if it is a ghost or two, we can take care of it, I mean we are experts, aren't we?"

Shimlee's grandma gave a short laugh while Shimlee herself looked at her in suspicion.

Grandma Monica: "Well, it won't be that simple my dears, these ghosts have a peculiar regret that might actually be difficult to solve."

Shimlee: "We were talking about it while you were gone for your "morning walk". The ghosts here are actually a group of friends who died together."