"Why did this happen", and "Why am I here" were just some of the thoughts rushing through his head as he thought about his situation. He was a man of many talents, recognized from a very young age as being a prodigy. By age 18 he already had a P.H.D, and was working on starting his own company, and by 25 he was universally recognized as one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the modern era. He even had a beautiful fiance who he had planned to marry in 3 months. But it was all for not. Because the moment they got married, his life was ruined. She immediately wanted a divorce, and so begrudgingly he began the proceedings. He still had hope until his private investigator dug up some information regarding his soon to not be wife. The entire time they were engaged, she was siphoning off his money to her friends, family, and most importantly, his "best" friend, also known as her boyfriend. When this information had gotten to him the proceeding were already over. 60% of his material wealth was gone, abandoned by almost every one he had learned to care about in these past few years he was devastated and depressed. He soon fell into the depths of depravity, squandering large amount of his wealth on alchohol just trying to stay happy. Then he got the message. a simple voice mail, from his uncle. Both his mother and father had been in a car accident 2 hours prior, there were no survivors.