The Four Guardians of the Forest.

A turtle far bigger than anything else I had ever seen appears. Towering over the trees, large chunks of earth fall from his huge shell as he moves, almost as if this turtle is a living mountain. The turtle seems to shriek as the ground rumbles more intensely as ever. A sound appears in my head, the first real words I have ever heard since getting here other than the system. " Who dares kill this Great Turtles Disciple" The words echo through my head intensely. He slowly moves towards the tree in which I'm hidden behind.

The Turtle shouts once more in my head " A little snake killed my great Disciple?!" he seems to see right through my stealth skill as I lie there limply in fear.

"Answer me you Cretin!!"

I try to say something in my head so maybe he could hear me "I di-di-didn't kill any turtle... I p-p-promise Great turtle man"

" I COULD CLEARLY SEE YOU KILLING THIS TURTLES DISCIPLE, YOU LIAR " his words almost split my skull into two because of the pain and intensity caused by them.

" Y-Yes sir I killed him, this snake would never Lie I p-promise"


" Yes sir, I lied sir, but only that one time sir... I P-promise, this snakes the most honest snake you will ever find sir "

"..." The turtle lowers its enormous head to the ground slowly as its talking, a beady vein almost popping on its neck as it mentally screeches at me.

"hmm, now that I finally took a look at you, you seem to have abnormally high mana levels for a creature so small...., a promising candidate indeed for one of the guardians of the forest." The tortoise slowly calms down as he looks at me still angrily.

After a few moments of somewhat deep thought the turtle screeches in my head once more " FINE, AS YOUR PUNISHMENT, I, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN TORTOISE SHALL DECREE THAT SINCE YOU KILLED A CANDIDATE FOR THE POSITION OF GUARDIAN OF THE FOREST YOU SHALL TAKE HIS PLACE." A mighty rumbling seems to come from the earth as the tortoise seems to be preparing some sort of ability. An iron band coils around my body as I feel a soaring pain originating from my forehead.

'What the heck is going on' The pain grows more and more intense as I struggle trying to leave this unbearable pain. "AGH WHAT THE HECK" A piercing pain engraves itself into my head as it slowly moves through my skull seemingly going straight to my brain. The pain grows more and more intense as I feel my vision blur as I veer on the verge of consciousness. I pass out inky darkness consuming my vision as the pain becomes a dull throb.

I awake after a few hours to the tortoise being gone, as well as an a few back logged system notifications.

Name: Alex

Level: 7 (540/900)

Species : Intelligence New Born Snake (Tier 2)

Bloodline: none

HP 92/120

MP 0/10

SP 9/40

Strength: 5

Agility: 3

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 22 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 15

Willpower: 14

AP: 0

Infrared Vision: LV 3

Stealth: LV 2

Dash: LV 1

Climbing: LV 1

Venom Strike: LV 2

Improved Venom: LV 1

Iron Jaw: LV 1

Sharpened Teeth: LV 1

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

Energy Manipulation: LV 1

Meditation: LV 1

Mental Boost: LV 1

Mental Strength: LV 1

Mental Speed: LV 1

Forest Guardians Candidate: LV MAX

The Great Turtles Disciple: LV MAX

Evolution Points: 0

*Exploration* Completion Rate (12%/100%) 2 weeks and 4 days remaining before time expires

Two strange new skills have appeared, as well as a huge blow to my agility. 'What the Heck is with this turtle'.

I look through the new abilities I had gained from the turtle and my previous upgrade.

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

This ability allows the users teeth to dig into the enemies flesh. The more the enemy struggles the more it will dig into them. Upgrading this ability will upgrade this effect.

Mental Strength: LV 1

This ability strengthens the users mind. When casting spells, there effect increases by 5%. This ability will level up the more you cast spells and the effect will increase as you level it up.

Mental Speed: LV: 1

This ability quickens the users mind. When casting spells, the casting speed will be increased by 5%. This ability will level up the more you cast spells and the effect will increase as you level up.

Forest Guardians Candidate: LV MAX

This ability makes the user a candidate for the position of Guardian for the forest. This ability increases mana recovery while in the forest of Vyin by two times. This ability forces Forest of Vyin quests to enter quest options randomly in the future.

The Great Turtles Disciple: LV MAX

This ability makes the user the current Disciple of the Great Turtle. This skill will change the users ability scores slightly to more align towards the Great Turtles. This ability can be activated for 10 mana per minute, for increasing your defense by 100% and decreasing your speed by 50%. This ability forces The Great Turtle quests to enter the quest options randomly in the future.

These abilities are a bit OP not gonna lie. The only thing bad about them is the HUGE debuff in agility stat. This will slow me down so much in the future.

A feeling of intense hunger fills my body as I look again for the body of the dead tortoise only to find that the body was gone. Ugh what the heck, I'm starving, I need to eat soon or else my stomach may just cave in. I guess its time for me to hunt.

After a little bit of time I see a familiar looking butterfly laying on the ground a few meters away. I lay in wait as I slowly prep another mana ball ready to throw at the butterfly, at this point it only takes me about 1 minute and 30 seconds to cast the spell do to all these new buffs. The ball quickly forms and whizzes towards the butterfly leaving an impression on the ground and a small carcass.

'Yes take that you stupid blood sucking monster' Magic is just too OP. I quickly scarf down the corpse and feel my hunger get sated just a little. I quickly head home to rest from the eventful day.

After rising I make my way through the forest once more trying to adventure and gain exploration of this great big forest.

I make my way past the energy pool and the smaller ponds I found the day before and find my self in an area that seems to just radiate energy. After a few minutes I see a huge bear just walking around looking for something to eat. I quickly nope out of there as the monsters were much larger than the previous area.

I quickly make my way to the outer forest and start exploring there. Though my speed has been greatly reduced I managed to hung a couple mice of a lower level without indecent. I gained just shy of 30 EXP from killing them which was nice. After Exploring a little bit more I decide its time to track down some more of my kind.

The last snakes I found were all killed and dead, and since then I haven't seen a single snake. I need to find out if there are any of us left or if i'm the only one here. I look around and after a few more hours I slowly find another dead snake, the first I had seen since the first few. This snake was incredibly far from the previous nest and since he looks slightly different from me I'm guessing he's from a different nest, but still, almost all snakes I find seem to be gutted and there blood drained. This situations is slowly sending danger signals to my brain.

For some reason Humans are Killing and hunting my kind. I think it's about time to figure out why. But those humans give me chills as I remember that deadly looking knife the one man held. I slowly find myself leaving outer forest, coming closer and closer to the edge of the forest and then I see it. A human village, small houses darting all across the edge of our forest. Filled with people all grizzled and strong almost as if toughened up by the forest they live by. Large walls guard off all entrances to the villages with only a few gates open. The wooden Village brings back vibes to me, like i'm looking at a medieval town from history books back on earth.

Large men Guard these Gates, all looking similar to the ones I have seen before. These men are fitted with hide armor made up of various animal skins, all wielding a similar knife to those I have seen before. I slowly decide I am no where near ready to take on this village to see what they have done with the remaining of my brothers. I hightail it back to base and pass out from the arduous day of travelling.

*Exploration* Completion Rate (17%/100%) 2 weeks and 2 days remaining before time expires