Death of a Guardian

The Lightning Spike spirals through the air at breakneck speed only to hit a gigantic wall of water that appeared out of nowhere. The crocodile seemed to clearly have a strong power over the mana pool, after the blocked attack my body almost gave up because of how hopeless the situation was. Than something unexpected happened.

The lightning hit the wall of charged mana liquid and started to charge it with Mana Infused Electricity. Though water doesn't conduct electricity that well in the first place, the mana seemed to make the water akin to highly concentrated gasoline. The lightning surged with lightning as the pool seemed to become alight with a golden glow.

The crocodile seemed to be at a loss as his body was continually seizing from the electrical output. After a short while the crocodile starts to shout through the crazed electricity. "I PARDONED YOU AND YOU TRY TO KILL ME" The water surrounding the giant crock seems to harden into a field and be pushed away from his body. The Crock grunts as he clearly is exerting massive amounts of mana to stop the lightning.

I move forward quite slowly as I see a charred spot on the back of the crock. After a little indecision I jump into the fray biting directly onto his back, the lightning harmlessly bouncing off my skin as I was the one who created it.

I bit and released and bit and released over and over as my stamina depleted as the crocodile struggled to maintain the barrier. The light show of the lightning didn't cease for one moment as it kept attacking the barriers the crocodile put up. After a few dozen more bites the water crashes down with the lightning as the creature slowly boils alive under the heat of the water. I slowly crawl out of the pool as the creature stops moving. The lightning keeps going on and though the creatures around me seem to be waking up I quickly make it out of there and slowly head back to my cave, exhausted of all energy.

After sleeping a horrifying night filled with nightmares of that wretch I awaken to the not so familiar sounds of the system. Previously the System always notified me with a bell like sound, but now it sounds almost like an electronic buzzer as numerous popups appear in the system.

What the heck does this mean. The Bloodline quest was Called Prove Your Animality? What does that word even mean??? And how high level was that Crocodile. Oh no.... After looking through the vast amount of information provided by the system it seems I have just killed a Guardian of the forest. I just made the royalist of F*** ups I ever could make.

A sour feeling enters my stomach, though I gained so much from killing him, it definitively was not worth it. Without a guardian of the forest, Wretches will grow exponentially, and the creatures in the forest will become much more powerful and scary. And for my current position, I think the skill I gained says enough for me, Forests Hatred, hatred is a strong word, so that definitely means I f***ed up. Then there was that Free A.I., what the heck did that mean? As soon as I say that the system pops up once more.

'um... yes I guess.'

-Shell: Hopeful, Joyful, and trustful.

Abilities: Item Analysis, Friend Feature.

-Rox: Fierce, Happy, constantly angry.

Abilities: Combat Analysis, Combat Fusion Feature.

-Jona: Sad, Desolate, no feelings whatsoever.

Abilities: Magic Analysis, Magic Fusion Feature.

I look through the strange A.I's silently. Shell seems to be the peak of happiness, the abilities don't seem to bad, Item analysis isn't to useful right now but Friend Feature is intriguing. Rox seems to be some sort of combat junky. While Jona seems like the system itself, though the magic abilities are pretty sweet. Though Rox and Jona seem pretty cool they to be pretty focused on the abilities I have access to almost, while Shell I have could help me in many ways.

'I choose Shell' I say hesitantly.

'....' No pain? I let out a sigh of release as I open my status panel.

Name: Alex

Level: 20 (100000/100000)(Max level reached, please evolve to level up further.

Species : Adult Bloodline Snake (Tier 3)

HP 150/150

MP 60/60

SP 91/91

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Unknown Dragon 50% Unknown 50% current percentage unlocked: 1%/100%

Strength: 7

Agility: 11

Endurance: 21 ( + 21 SP )

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20 ( + 10% magic damage)

Willpower: 20 ( + 20 MP )

AP: 30

Improved Infrared Vision: LV 1

Stealth: LV 3

Burst Dash: LV 1

Evasive Movements: LV 1

Climbing: LV 1

Venom Strike: LV 3

Improved Venom: LV 1

Iron Jaw: LV 2

Sharpened Teeth: LV 1

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

Tough Scales: LV 4

Energy Manipulation: LV 3

Meditation: LV 2

Mental Boost: LV 3

Mental Strength: LV 2

Mental Speed: LV 2

Lightning Magic: LV 1

Water Magic: LV 1

Wind Magic: LV 1

Mana Efficiency: LV 1

Forests Hatred: LV 1

Evolution Points: 15

None have been chosen currently

Holy cow, I hit the mother load. Though it was expected after killing a guardian, that one creature put me to my maximum. After a bit of consideration I dump my AP into strength and agility until they reach level 20.

Then with the remaining 8 AP points I dump them all into wisdom getting an extra 8 MP. Now onto my Evolution Points. After a little bit of consideration I decide on saving the Evolution Points for when I max out another skill, the evolved skills seem wildly more powerful than the previous ones. Finally its time to check out my new skill, The Forests Hatred.

Forests Hatred: LV 1

This skill allows the user to not be attacked on site by Wretches as well as gain a passive damage modifier of 5% towards all inhabitants of The Forest of Vyin. Downsides, you are no longer a true inhabitant of The Forest of Vyin, just an infiltrator. Animals in The Forest of Vyin will attack you on sight unless you already have made friendship with them. This skill levels up in a special way that is hidden from user.

A strange feeling overwhelms me as I look at the skills effects. I am no longer welcome here. I am an outcast for what I have done. After staring at the ground thinking of what has happened I hear a grunting noise come from the entrance of the cave. Big Ape and the small monkeys appear out of no where bringing a massive boar corpse for food. The Big Ape doesn't seem to be bothered by the skill I gained what so ever, probably do to our friendship. The Ape tears off one of the boars hind legs and slowly sets it on the ground for me.

The Ape says a few words that made me change my perspective of the big fella " We must go, You made them no like us no more." The Ape starts eating the boar quickly with his fellow monkeys. I quietly say something to Big Ape "I'm so sorry for what I did." a feeling of sadness wells inside of me after vocalizing it to my one and only friend. Big Ape slowly stops eating and walks over at me, pointing an accusing finger at me and says in a forceful tone " You no be sorry, only mistake, right?". After a few seconds I answer in a hesitant voice "Yes, it was a mistake, something I will never do again."

"Don't say you are ever sorry again then" the big ape starts lumbering off to his food as I slowly eat the piece of hind leg that he gifted me. After a few bites I feel more than full, I then start browsing my system and click the button with the bright words that say, 'evolution'.

My surroundings darken as I enter a familiar space, the system quickly follows with the same lines as always.

Elemental Snake:

+100 Mana

+10 Stamina

+40 Health

+5 Mental Stats

Gain Elemental summoning skills equivalent to known skills.

Dual Natural magic snake:

+50 Mana

+100 Natural Mana

+50 Stamina

+ 50 Health

+2 all stats

Gain Natural magic skills based on all known elemental magic skills.

Burst snake:

+100 Mana

+100 Stamina

+100 Health

All skills get twice as powerful but cost twice the amount as well.

Advanced Bloodline Snake (Special):

+120 Mana

+50 Stamina

+50 Health

You unlock a portion of your bloodlines secret.

Gain 5% unlock in current bloodline awakening. (bonuses come after 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%)

After little deliberation I immediately chose Advanced Bloodline Snake. With my OP bloodline how could it be a mistake?

I brace and grit my imaginary teeth until the pain takes over "WHY DOES IT HURT WORSE EACH TIME???"