Magic Contract

After a few seconds the Keep master whirls out a piece of paper and quill and slowly starts writing intricate runes onto the paper. "This is something I learned a long time ago, when I was much younger. It is something that I will never forget because of it's use. It is the one way to make a deal lock tight without wiggle room to back out or back stab the other corroborator." After finishing his small speech he takes out a precious looking jade bottle filled with a pitch black ink, he slowly dabbed the ink into the quill as he writes something in a language similar to English.

"Now all you have to do is write your name on the contract and it will be set in stone. Though I must warn you there will be no going back on this deal of ours after this is confirmed. But before you write your name down we need to put a price on your help. Just for a little help could you please tell me the general capabilities of your power, and don't worry about specifics"

After thinking for a while I look at double and answer " I am proficient in basic magic of the elements of water, wind, and lightning. I also have proficient physical power." Though I leave specific skills out and exactly what I can do out of the conversation I leave enough to understand the general understanding of my capabilities.

"Well, those with the ability to use three attributes is highly rare, we here in the town of cabal only have a mage with two elements and from what you say the elements you have are fairly pure as they relate to the most basic elements other than lightning which is something I haven't seen a mage control before. It seems that you have quite the power, something that could truly matter in a battle against the Wretches." After thinking for awhile he looks at me and asks " What is it exactly want to truly help us no matter what the costs?"

Though the question is very forward I haven't really thought about what exactly I would want. After a little bit I slowly come to a decision. I lift my snake head up as I look at the Keep Master and then I nudge towards double, the first human to become my friend even though he is a little dimwitted. The astounded Double looks at me strangely as the Keep master looks at double and asks a simple question " Do you agree with his request, to join him?". Double looks at me and then back at the Keep master and replies shakily " Anything for my homeland".

"Though I have to use more ink than anticipated this should end up quite well." Says the Keep Master, after a little bit of flourish he adds more runes into the arcane contract and passes the paper to double. Double signs the paper shakily and then they look at me for a second. They hand me the quill as I stare at them like they are idiots. Seriously I am a snake how do they think I'm supposed to write my name? I have no arms no legs just one huge body. "... Do you think you could write your name with your mouth?" The Keep Master asks a little embarrassed.

I sigh internally as I slowly grab the end of the quill in my mouth before attempting to write my name in a horrid fashion. Though it seemed to work as I got a notification from the system.

welp I guess I am stuck here. After a little bit of thought I start the long sought after conversation "The Wretches are weak, incomparably weak though I have a feeling the ones that are coming out of the forest so far are only the weak Wretches. Though it is just a hunch I have a feeling this fight is going to be truly terrifying. I suggest you bunker down this keep of yours, making as many defenses as possible. From what I know they will come in a wave, this means they will be much more rampant than ever before so be prepared for your men to suffer from exhaustion from the hours of shooting them down."

The man looks at me slightly and with a confused look says one more thing "You do know why we go into a full frontal conflict with them as much as we can correct?". I look at him with pure silence. "I suppose I will take that as a no. We fight them directly because of the beasts there corpses will create, I believe you could see that from the behemoth you created. That was only one hundred corpses compared to what you say might be 10,000 corpses all over the ground. Though your Idea isn't bad in the other aspects to the fight."

Well there goes my only idea, I guess I need to make up something on the spot. "Your mages can destroy the bodies correct?" the man looks at me and replies " though very costly mana wise yes they can". "what mana are they using when they destroy the bodies?". The man calmly replies "Light magic".

Bingo, I use lightning magic, I think that's why my power is so strong against them. I'm completely sure if I can get in contact with the bodies I bet I could destroy them easily. Though it may be hard I reply to the man with my thoughts "Leave the bodies to me, I will kill many and destroy any bodies that come across my path. Though I can only last around 10 minutes in my most powerful form I am sure it will be enough to destroy a bulk of the Wretches".

The man gives my thoughts some consideration and asks cautiously " What happens after those ten minutes are up?". With little to no thought I reply " I will be out of the fight for around 5 to 6 hours." The man looks at me with a serious expression " You will only be useful for ten minutes? Why didn't you tell me earlier?". I reply calmly "Though I am only going to be able to fight the first combat for ten minutes or so I promise those ten minutes will be the most destructive ten minutes of the entire combat by a long shot." The Keep Master seems to consider the entire conversation for awhile before replying to me " I suppose it is time I think about the situation for awhile. You are free to do whatever you want until then, I will call you after I decide a plan of action".

Double picks me up before leaving through the room. The guards look a little scared at my sight but I ignore them as me and double make conversation. Double asks quietly "what do you want with me?" though almost mentally mumbling these words I can clearly feel the huge amount of anxiety and fear when asking this question. "Nothing to serious, just a companion specifically an intelligent one, I have only one friend and he isn't that great at conversations, plus having a human on my side would be very useful especially a mage. Maybe you could even explain the basics of humans magic to me." Though I try to make my words as comforting as possible the young mage seems to be frightened even further. "p-p-please d-don't kill me, p-please, p-please don't" says double in the most heartbreaking voice I have heard since entering this world.

"My name is Alex, and I would like to be friends with you, it is a simple request. You can not accept and I would still be very happy to help your people. I just want to have another friend on the long journey I am going to go through" I reply in a sad tone as I am reminded of the two worlds I have already left, Earth and the forest of Vyin. Double almost feels the emotions coming off my words and calms down little by little. Though the young mage doesn't seem to keen on talking to me right now I start to head to Big Ape to explain what exactly is going to happen.

The walk was pretty short as I arrive in the cell with the free Big Ape happily eating a large meal before him with his little friends. "Big Ape" I say "We are going to fight some monsters, some Wretches for these people who have given us food, would you help me?" the ape nods almost subconsciously at his friends request. I start to relax prepping myself for the fight to come.

Though it will be hard I have no doubt in my mind that I won't be able to save these people, I wouldn't have taken the quest otherwise let alone signed the contract. My thoughts rest as I think of the future to come.