
I awake in a white room in a small padded pallet on the ground. The destroyed cloak is the only other thing in this room. The door to the room is pure steel, the hospitable air seems to be one of fear and a need to imprison. It seems like I am a prisoner. Then the notifications started.

Item Analysis LV: 1

Friend Feature LV: 1

1 A.I. evolution point available.

Though the friend feature is cool I think Item Analysis would be far more useful later on. So I guess that's what I am going to be leveling up.

-Inventory LV:1

The ability to store items inside the system a rare and valuable ability for A.I's. At level one this can store up to 5 meters by 5 meters by 5 meters worth of space. Allows the usage of magic Items in storage.

-Assisted Function LV:1

This ability allows the A.I to assist the user in physical or mental tasks. It can only help at level one, for instance increasing the speed and skill in which you cast spells or fight in melee combat. Later on the A.I can take over one whole aspect, making it to where you only have to worry about either magic or physical combat.

-Translator LV:1

This ability allows the A.I to interpret all languages or anything that could be derived as communications. At higher levels it allows you to speak to back to those who you come in contact with.

'...' This is just to good. I mean seriously any one of these things is something I would kill for. Inventory would allow me to use magic Items with my current body while the assisted function sounds like a godsend for increase of combat. Translator hands down is just amazing. Seriously who wouldn't want to be able to understand everyone else language no matter the race or creature? Well I suppose I am at odds. What am I supposed to choose? I feel like I'm good enough at combat as it is so I think that takes out assisted function. While inventory is awesome and allows me to use magic items I would have to have magic items for that to be worthwhile. Translator seems to be the best option but something changes my mind from choosing Translator.

I already have Item Analysis and have even leveled it up to level two, and though I would choose Translator in any other situation It is just perfect to have something that synergies with my current abilities. Though inventory may be a little useless for the meantime It will for sure be a game changer to be able to use magic Items in the future.

Kill bonuses:

145 Minion Wretches killed EXP: 1450

3 Commander Wretches killed EXP: 1500

1 General Wretch killed EXP: 1000

1 Wretch Prince killed EXP: 10000

Total kill EXP: 13,950

Casualties penalty:

112 Guards killed EXP penalty: -1120

24 Archers killed EXP penalty: -600

10 mages killed EXP penalty: -500

Total Penalties EXP: -2220

Bonus Missions Complete:

Bodies Burned:100/100

+1000 EXP

Wretches Killed:100/100

+2000 EXP

People saved: 50/50

+5000 EXP

Total EXP: 19,730

'...' I only killed like three creatures? Was that blast that powerful? Dang, I really don't know what to say. After looking at that another message is sent.

"well that is nice to know at least" After thinking for a little while my status appears in front of me for the first time in what feels like forever.

Name: Alex

Level: 14 (0/2000)

Species : Advanced Bloodline Snake (Tier 4)

HP 200/200

MP 199/199

SP 141/141

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Storm-dragon 50% Unknown 50% current percentage unlocked: 6%/100%

Strength: 20 ( + 10% Physical damage )

Agility: 20 ( + 10% physical speed)

Endurance: 21 ( + 21 SP )

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20 ( + 10% magic damage)

Willpower: 39 ( + 39 MP )

AP: 24

Improved Infrared Vision: LV 1

Stealth: LV 3

Burst Dash: LV 2

Evasive Movements: LV 1

Climbing: LV 1

Venom Strike: LV 3

Vicious strike: LV 1

Improved Venom: LV 1

Iron Jaw: LV 4

Steel Fangs: LV 1

Sharpened Teeth: LV 1

Recurved Teeth: LV 1

Tough Scales: LV 5

Energy Manipulation: LV 3

Mana Absorption: LV 1

Mana Formation: LV 1

Meditation: LV 2

Mental Boost: LV 3

Mental Strength: LV 2

Mental Speed: LV 2

Lightning Magic: LV 2

Water Magic: LV 1

Wind Magic: LV 1

Mana Efficiency: LV 1

Evolution Points: 17

None have been chosen currently

After little though I shove all my points into wisdom but am surprised after it reaches past 50.

Dang shell was right this bonus is just insane. I now have 276 Mana and that is insane for what I am used to. The skill upgrades are insane as well. I quickly enter the Evolution screen for Tough Scales seeing that I really have nowhere to go.

Mana Flow Hide: This skill allows the user to use spells that effect the user with greater effect. For instance any speed boost spells will be greatly amplified. Leveling up this skill increases the effect.

Steel Hide: This skill makes the users hide to be much more resilient to physical attacks. Leveling up this skill increases the effect.

Mana Resistant Hide: This skill allows the users hide to be much more resilient to magical attacks. Leveling up this skill increases the effect.

Though these are far less unique than compared to the dash skills these skills are still very useful for the future. After a little bit of looking at the skills I decide Mana Flow Hide would be the best choice for me, though the others offer more protection they don't matter long run because attacks could out damage it and Mana Resistant Hide is a lot more versatile than the other abilities.

"this is the part I really ha-AAATEEEE!" Sleep overwhelms the user.

After what seems like forever I awake from my long sleep. The room is the exactly the same but there seems to be some food that was placed in the room on a wooden platter. After scarfing down this horrible meal I look once more at the broken cloak on the ground, I suppose it doesn't hurt to use Item Analysis on it. "Shell could you please use Item Analysis on the cloak?"

{No problamo master, thank you so much for upgrading Shell she is so Happy :D}

{Cloak of the Wretched King}

Rarity: Legendary

Condition: Broken (all features are not usable)

Cost: ??? (this item is somewhat one of a kind and can not have a price be put on it)


Wretch Control (Broken)

Shadow Materialization (Broken)

Minor Mana absorption: helps the user absorb mana

Blur: Hides users true form {Not that useful for a snake master :)}

Shadow Step: Allows the user to teleport through shadows to any shadow the user can see. Costs 10 Mana to activate.

More abilities are locked do to not meeting the criteria of being a Wretch.

What the heck? I though I destroyed this item. It's abilities are still usable even when broken? This item must truly be overpowered. I guess I am pretty happy with the upgrade to shell since I can use these abilities right now through the inventory skill. "Shell could you put this item into the inventory?"

{No problem master}

The item blinks out of existence as it supposedly goes to the storage space. The sight is just purely amazing as an item just vanishes from existence. After a short period of time Shell gives me a conformation.

{The items are in the storage space master. The items effects can be used whenever you try to use them. This upgrade is truly amazing master}

Well I guess I'm lucky for my current situation. I look in the room that has little to no room, but seems to be relatively lit up to it's light colors, The Iron Door has straight Iron bars in which you can see outside of the room through. After a little strike of imagination I look through the Iron doors by climbing onto the top of the door. After a little bit effort I can see the dark stone passageway of the hallway outside. There doesn't seem to be a guard in sight. After a while I go under neath the pallet to get access to plentiful shadow. After a little bit of effort I feel the area around me distorting as I feel like I am lurching forward as I find my self in the shadows of the stone hallway.

It seems like this new power is pretty useful. After moving around for awhile I still find no one throughout the keep as I lay low and stealth to try to not be noticed if any humans are found meandering around. After a short period of time I head outside and see a sight that will forever be branded in my mind. The Battle field that I remember clearly from the other night is filled with graves as hundreds of people lay kneeling in place seemingly praying with tears in there eyes. The Keep was empty of people for two reasons, they were either dead or here. I could see double trying to help console a man who was fanatically weeping at the graves of multiple people.

Though I didn't notice it right away I can see something from the surrounding area. Complete destruction, the ground was charred and the walls were almost torn apart, it seems like everything had went to complete hell after the explosion was let loose. Though I remember the amount of deaths that were listed by the quest, it only was a number at the time, I hadn't associated it with anything. My mind just skipped past it and that makes me feel one hundred times worse. After a short period of time a fire welled up within me as I looked at the destruction the destruction of the magic cloak had caused.

A bitter taste stained my mouth as I think of the ill gotten gains from the encounter. The deaths were caused by me, everything was ruined by me. I remember the cold iron cell I was locked in and for the first time in my life truly believed I might belong there.