
I awake to the sight of Skylar valiantly watching over me. After I open my eyes he gets up with clear exitement. "Lord your finally awake. It has been around 2 days since you first fell." he kneels in front of me. "Thank you Skylar." I say. I feel the energy in my body has returned but only slightly. I think it might be a draw back from the current situation. Than Damn Shamen Tricked me. I mean seriously, he said I could deal with such a behemoth without suffering injury? I slowly get up and pick three Dragons Fierys.

{Master your awake. While you were asleep I examined all the items in the room just for you. Would you like to see them?}

"Yes, thank you shell"

{No problem Master}

{Dragons Fiery}

Rarity: Very Rare

Cost: 500 Gold per flower

Uses: This Flower has intense recovery magics as well as intense magic boosting magics.

{Dragons Heart}

Rarity: Legendary

Cost: Unknown

Uses: ???

"Shell what is the Dragons Heart?" I ask confused.

{Master it is the big Crystal in the center of the room. It has intense mana signals and isn't really connected to the ground. If you were strong enough you could move it master.}

Hmm. I look at the large crystal in the center of the room. The huge crystal burns a cool amber color and seems to shoot out a strong heat. The crystal seems powerful none the less. After some though I try something. I walk up to the Crystal and within a few seconds it disapears from its spot. Well I suppose my Void inventory is quite u"seful afterall. Though I have no clue what it does it seems to be quite powerful, so mabey it will be useful in the future. I then look at the golem corpse.

"Shell do you think you could Check out this body? I know it really isn't an object but...." I say hesitantly.

{Master, shell already has. This is not a standard creature. It is not alive but animated by magic.}

{Runic Steel Golem}

Rarity: Pseudo-Legendary

Cost: 10,000 Gold(Not worth anything anymore do to it being broken.)

Description: A Construct made of metal and magic. The Golem works by an animator injecting mana into the steel husk. After the mana is injected the Golem can recieve commands and act under the Animators commands. The golem will continue any command until it's death or it runs out of mana. This specific type of Golem has strong magic resistance as well as good physical Resistance. It can also absorb the mana of those around it.

Why does this thing have such broken abilities? I mean absorbing mana from other creatures during combat is insane, even though I have an ability similar to it I really don't have such broken magic resistances to go with it yet. I wonder who the animater was.... After looking around the room once more I see a corpse. This one looks relativly fresh as well, there still being flesh on it's bones. The corpse resembles a full size human in adventuring armor with weapons in his dead hands.

Looks like I wasn't the first person to die here to this Golem. I move the golem into my inventory as I ready myself to leave. I move out, slowly, as I try to recover on the way up. After a few days I get back to the town, and during these few days I plot a plan. I don't know exactly what the situation is but one thing is clear, the Shaman seems to have sent someone to there death once already, and might have been sending me to my doom as well. I figure if I confront him I should be able to scare him into telling me the truth. Though I really don't know the entire situation it seems likely that he was the animator and was trying to kill me.

I will find this out for certain after reaching the town. I go to town shortly after finishing a general coarse of action. After entering the town I am more or less fully recovered as I make a beeline to the Shaman. Skylar knocks on the door politely after I ask him to. The old shaman opens the door and looks at me with surprise and fear in his eyes. "Why hello Great Snake do you have what I requested?" he stammers. "The Dragons Fiery? Yes of course. I am a snake of my word after all." I speak coldy back to him. I make one of the three I collected appear before me as I nudge it silently towards him. "How is double?" I ask coldy. "F-Fine. Perfect actually. Almost Fully recovered thanks to the Wisp potion I used awhile ago. L-let me go fetch him for you." he Closes the door in a hurry as I hear him moving quickly.

A bad feeling enters my gut as I hear nothing for a few moments. I decide that this has been enough. He already looks guilty, very guilty at that. I barge through the wall as I look at the state of the house. The old man clumsily is holding a staff to the sleeping form of Double. "D-Don't move or else I will kill him B-Beast" he states nervously. I stay where I am, trying to think of what to do next. I quickly activate Mind Boost as my thinking speed quickens as I try to come up with a good way to save double. A thought burns through my mind. I have a magic that I haven't used yet.... Earth Magic.

With the increased casting speed a Stone Wall appears between the Shaman and Double within a few seconds. The Shaman releases a burst of fire from the tip of his sphere almost without a second thought, the fire leaves a scorch mark on the stone wall. I quickly Dash forward and bite one of his arms off quickly. He screams in terror at my speed and massive size. After I bite off both of his arms I look at the shaman and ask angrily "What... the... hell... are you doing?!". I know I used to be a human myself but HOLY SHIT are they stupid. How the hell do they think taking a hostage could make a situation better for them? I'm done with this bullshit.

The shaman starts to smile slightly. "You will never truly kill the faith I put in my god" he says before he dies. I move away from the corpse as I quickly check double to see if he is alright.

{Double is fine, just resting currently}

Thank the gods. I search the building hoping to find any information over anything that could be of use. I don't manage to find anything but what seems to be an altar of sorts. On the altar are three statues of birds. A White Owl, a Golden Falcon, and a Black Crow. The figures look strange, almost unerving. Three lights burn underneath the three statues, small incence burn by each statue as well. I suppose the white talon would have been the white bird. The other two look different though, much stranger yet still exhuding an aura of power.

Things are getting complicated. It seems that there are two other divine birds. And from what it seems, I screwed up. Fighting with that stupid owl was a bad decision, especially since I didn't know anything about the type of fight I was getting in. It feels like all I have been doing is making bad decisions that come back and bite me in the end. I need to take some more time considering the options. I relax and rest after telling Skylar to go explain to the village what the Shaman did. I couldn't find anything else in the shack whatso ever that connects him with the Golem. Not a single scrap of evidence is there to suggest that.

This is bad. I suspect that there may be more people in with this whole take me down thing. I don't know how many people I will be able to trust. I am certain that I can't let double stay here though. There is no way that he can stay here and stay safe if there are more people like that lunatic Shaman. I suppose the only way for double to stay safe is to hide in the danger of the forest itself oddly enough. Though Double seems to be kind on wasting his life away trying to advance in his magic.

I look around the shamans house for any potions or material on potions and find a few books as well as one potion that looks exactly like the potion double was fed earlier. I suppose all I can do is wait for him to get better. I need to figure out something with him, a deal of sorts perhaps. Something to keep him safe. The System said he was trying to find his path. Mabey I could help him find one?

After a day or so of resting Double awakes albiet a little weakly. I slowly explain the situation with me in which he incoherently mutters about. It seems he needs some more time to recover. I get double on my back and slowly make my way through the forest. All the while thinking of a deal to propose to him.