The Crows Death

Well I suppose I have to live with them having systems that have classes. It feels very strange compared to the evolution system in which I started with. Well I suppose I should figure out what Maxin wants though I shouldn't really know what his name is yet. "Child, what path do you plan on taking in the future?" I ask calmly.

"I am not sure, it doesn't really matter to me to be honest." he says dully. "If you were given a chance to choose what would you choose if you had to?" I ask getting a little bit frustrated. "...Mage I suppose. Magic seems interesting and more vast compared to physical combat. Though I would honestly go any path possible or perhaps a path where I could learn them all. I don't care which one you tutor me in I will go down the path faithfully." he says blandly. "I am not sure what path would consist of them all but I can nurture you in the path of the mage if that is what you seek." I say to him.

"Then I will choose mage if that is the easiest for you to stop asking me that question." He says while getting irritated a little by my questions.

'of course' I tell the system. I mean seriously who would stop there students from choosing there own future? "So what is left to learn?" he asks without emotion. "Everything. You will never know too much. But next in particular, I suppose Meditation would be the best path to teach you as it will be the only way in which you can recover mana for the beginning." I say to him. "By the way my name is maxin." He says rather seriously. "And mine is Alexander." I say in kind. He slowly leaves as the sun sets. Our meeting time seems rather late but it will be fine for what I need to teach him now. What makes me really happy is that he managed to learn the Energy Manipulation skill. I didn't know whether humans could even learn it or not but today I have found out.

After resting for the night I decide what I should teach him following meditation as well as pick up a quest. I think after meditation I should teach him a basic element. Lightning seems a bit chaotic so I think I will teach him wind as a basis. It should help him understand lightning better than water since wind is focused on speed and penatration somewhat similar to lightning. Though quite different it should work. Then I load up the quest screen.

-Practicing your Path (Ancestor Quest. Permenent)

Mission Description: Practice makes perfect.

Mission Requirments: Practice for 200 Hours. You cannot spend more than 20 hours on one thing or it won't count. Infinite time.

Bonus Objective: Practice under the training of a master for 200 Additional hours.

Mission Rewards: +5% bloodline unlocked. +1000 EXP.

Bonus Objective Rewards: +Training teqhnique based on master. +10 to all physical stats.

-Defence against the 3 Divine Birds

Mission Description: The birds are coming to avenge there dead brother. You must protect yourself or suffer a horrible fate.

Mission Requirments: Kill the three Divine Birds.

1: White Talon(Killed)

2: Gold Feather(Alive)

3: Black Beak (Alive)

Mission Rewards: 5000 EXP. 15 Power points. As well as EXP for killing each bird, +1000 EXP per bird. +2 stats to all stats.

-Maxin Slix

Mission Description: A new apprentice in your pocket, the first of perhaps many. You must bond with him and teach him.

Mission Requirments: Bond with Maxin Slix. Teach Maxin Slik to level 10 Mage.

Mission Rewards: 2000 EXP. 10 Power Points

I look at the books and narrow my eyes at the sight of the second mission. I don't want to kill these birds but it seems like they will come for me either way. It should be decent rewards for accepting it and it seems like it will be something I will be required to do at this point in time so I accept it. It doesn't say I have to kill them, just that killing them will give me more EXP and though that could be useful I don't really want to kill them out of the misunderstanding I caused and niether for just there EXP.

I head to the building we meet at to find the boy curled up on the ground staring at the ground, I look at the sky to see if I was late once again but find that I am actually early. I wonder how long the boy had been standing there. "Maxin, it is time for your second day of training. Today we train meditation." I say to him proudly. "Yes of course Master." he says dismaly. "listen closely now maxin. Through Meditation you open your mind and your body to the world around you. The world that is filled with mana, the recource you require. Through Meditation you open your body to this mana and absorb it." I continue through speaking my understandings of the skill but notice that it will end up taking two days for him to learn this skill unlike Energy manipulation.

After a few days he gets the hand of it and I then teach him how to effectivley use the forms provided by Energy Manipulation. The Spike, Ball, and Wall. I tell him the general understanding of each skill and slowly I notice something new that the system alerts me of.

Well that is a surprise. I continue on through the next week bouncing between my apprentice and trying to create my first form using my new soul ability. After four days my apprentice has already leveled up to level 4 and I finally created my first soul form. The form I created was something I now call Mana Chains. Using them I can control and bind my enemies something I have needed for a long period of time. All I have had is damage spells and one main defensive spells as well as one off spells that I can't use well because of there costs. So this should work pretty well and might even be usefull when fighting the Birds.

At dawn on the fifth day I awake to bells ringing through the village and Skylar pounding on my door. I leave the building to find Skylar shouting "The divine Crow is here and he wishes to challenge you to the death!" he screams loudly. I follow him as we approach the stone building where I fought the White owl before hand. After approaching I see a large Black Crow standing there watching me menacingly. I don't see a prophet like the man before but instead see that the crow is by his own.

"A death battle between you and I" He squawks demanding. "I believe we have a misunderstanding-" I say before the Crow cuts me off "A DEATH BATTLE FOR MY LOST BROTHER WE WILL HAVE YOU AND I" he squaks once more before flying towards me. "Skylar get lost, this thing will kill you if you are not careful." I yell to my prophet before I begin the deadly dance begins.

The crow instantly distorts and becomes covered in a mixture of shadow and nothingness. He moves like an illusion, not fully in one place at a time and instead spread strangley. I send a simple mana spike to find that it simply goes through the crow. I doubt I can use restraints with this kind of beast. I send a Lightning Ball at him as I see him dodge it narrowly. I sigh in frustration as the Crow finally gets a strike at me. The beak in an almost silver flash pecks through my skin dealing minimum damage while I swirl and hit him with the back of my body sending him flying for a few metres. I look at the creature and cast Storm Chains to try and bind him.

The chains cause the sky to go dark as the chains made of the whimsical energy fly towards the crow binding him quickly. He tries to dodge but finds he isn't able to as he is bound completly by the strange chains. He looks at me and simply screams "UNFAIR. UNFAIR. COWARDS LIKE YOU ARE ALWAYS GOING TO CHEAT. NOT A FAIR FIGHT." He keeps repeating. I walk up to him and simply say "I did not mean to kill your brother. I was merely trying to incapacitate him. He took my move as a declaration of a death battle and began to fight like it was so." I take a meaningful stare at him as I continue "I did not mean to kill him. I did not start the death battle, and if I truly did it was because of my lack of knowledge over these sort of things. I am knew to the buisness to say the least" I finish. The Crow looks at me with suspicion before staring deep into my eyes.

After a few minutes the chains on him break from the strange silver cuffs on his feet. He stares at me and then simply squaks "I believe you though the my brother will not. If you fight him you will surely die. Be careful stranger." he says before dropping his cuffs on the ground. He looks at my confusion before stating "What I will lose do to losing the battle." he states before leaving in a hurry. I hear in the distance "ONE MONTH BEFORE HE COMES. BE READY." Strangley it seems that this was the more reasonable bird out of the 'Divine Birds'. I then leave to ready myself for training my apprentice once more.