A Bargain

I found myself in a strange situation. Not only was I in an utter loss at what had just happened but I wasn't sure if I had the ability to help my apprentice like I had wanted and promised. The quests this time seemed to be rather strange. The first one had been repeated many times but the second ones reward intrigued him.

"Sub Mission Upgrade.... Does that mean I can take on extra quests?" I said to myself.

I accepted it without much thought. I mean did it really matter? All the quests make me stronger so why not get some more. I stare at the surrounding as I feel that I myself am getting lost in the strange energy of the rift on the tree. 'Something needs to be done and if it isn't done soon then...'

'I may lose my apprentice!' I said angrily. I was angry at myself. I am a supposedly divine beast but I can't even help my apprentice. What does that make me.... useless?

{Master, don't say that. You just need to get stronger. That's all!.}

I heard the small voice in my head and realized I just needed to move further. Not for me. But for Maxin. It is my duty as his teacher and friend. 'But where too go?'

I suppose I have to figure out what my leads currently are. I suppose there are the visions that have been occurring as well as the strange blood relation to the recent ones. Not only that but it also seems that there are a few things that truly seem to stick out. First of all, the man that forced us into the 'pocket dimension' if that was what it was. The man with the watch that resembled a modern earth invention.

The W with the spear crossed through it.... what could it mean? I think he might be a clue that could lead me to the answer I am searching for. How to free Maxin from this hellish curse. It seems like he comes after Maxin every night and teleports him to that dimension. But why?

I suppose I need to settle down and figure out exactly who he is. I think he's in a completely different league compared to me in strength. I mean he forcefully teleported me. So I suppose I should play the waiting game to speak to him...

I look at the system interface before seeing a new space below the Quest Tab. It is labeled 'Sub Quests(Non-permanent)'

I quickly click on the tab and find one blinking mission.

Sub quest Description: A man who can manipulate a divine tier beast must be strong. Why not give him a little chat.

Sub Quest Requirements: Talk to the man about Maxins circumstances.

Sub Quest Rewards: +2 power points and +1 AP

I looked through the simple looking quest design and realized that this quest was much more simple compared to the main quests. It was pretty basic and the rewards where minimal but it seems like these are used to help me on my way. 'It's strange how the system seems to know what i'm thinking. It seems to know so much. It is really unnerving.'

Alex quickly settled down on slowly stalking Maxin. It wasn't hard. He just wandered around aimlessly without any real goals. It looked like he was lost. Didn't know what he should do. I found him staring wide eyed around him when 10 came. Then I saw it. With my Eyes of the Veil I could see how he got here much better then before. A crack in the energy around a small area was formed as a black shadow slithered out of it. The Crack quickly closed and the shadow became a lean tall pale man. He wore a serious business suit and looked like he was constantly in a rush but never overwhelmed.

The man slowly looked at his watched and nodded in satisfaction. 5 minutes before ten. Time to spare. The man silently sat in the shadows watching the timid Maxin sit there in terror. It was then that I decided to speak up. "Hello. If you have the time I would like to ask you to answer some questions." I said in a calm and collected voice.

The man nodded as if he had already predicted my question and continued to stare at Maxin and said "Make it quick. Time is very valuable and I don't have much of it. You only have 4 minutes and 35 seconds remaining. Use it wisely." he said in a calm and composed manner.

I hurry up and quickly start asking questions. He accepted to answer my questions but only gave me a limited amount of time to ask them. I need to take advantage of it.

"What is happening to Maxin?" I ask quickly. He replies in the same speed "He is in limbo. As the Bargain holding him to it dictates." he says simply.

"Can I break the bargain?" I ask again with little thought. He looks at me and gives a soft chuckle before saying "Anything is possible little snake. Anything you deem possible and anything impossible. There are multiple ways out of the contract but all of them but one require you yourself to make a bargain with us just as powerful or more than the one offered."

"And the option that isn't a bargain?" I ask warily, worrying about where this was going. " You could try to make the other owners of the bargain forcefully fail to uphold there part of the bargain. Then we couldn't do anything but force the deal to become closed." he said simply.

My mind raced as I tried to think about what I needed to do. I needed to get rid of whoever made this evil deal. "May I know the contents of the Bargain?" I ask quickly.

He looks at me and winks before snapping his fingers. A smooth piece of paper appears between his thumb and index finger. He quickly passes it to me. He then looks at his watch and shrugs before disappearing with Maxin in tow.

I retrieve the paper quickly using telekinesis. The paper is raised to my face and I quickly read it before realizing what exactly it is. It looked like a contract from earth. Filled with little holes and loop holes. It was signed by one mister Zelus. Apparently a Wretched Sage... A Wretch? There in control of this.I hear a little notification in the back of my mind but disregard it as I focus on the papers contents.

I look at the contents of the bargain and find out that it seems to be that this mister Zelus has offered over the soul of a certain wretched creature in return for eternal limbo of a human soul. The wretched creature was Zelus himself. Not truly souless but instead set to give his soul to a group known as the 'Order of Bargains'.

I felt my head burning in pain as I tried to make since of it all. The jargon used was intense and I could barley make since of it.

'So effectively.... If I kill this mister Zelus then I should be able to get rid of the limbo placed on Maxin.' I thought.

I then scanned the sheet two more times before noticing that in an incredibly small font on the bottom of the page it read 'This contract is now useless. Please seek for direct cancellation of Bargain'

'Is this why the strange guy from the Order of Bargains gave me the hint? To try and get me to kill Zelus to force the Bargain to be cancelled. This Order seems really strange...' Alex thought while slowly heading off to find double. He had a favor to ask of him. And I had an idea that he would agree.