Green Hopper

I pondered for awhile before deciding that it made since. I mean how could just using the skill increase it's effectivity? You don't get better by repeating the same motion over and over again, I mean you get really proficient in that singular motion but that doesn't mean you are improving. Just mastering what you already know. Maybe I have to improve the skills in some way? Like add something to them? I mean it is my path. The path of practice. Practice to improve and get stronger.

So how would I improve telepathy? Would it be through trying to increase it's range? Amount of creatures it can be used for? Or what else? Telepathy feels like my mind is nudging against others minds to speak to them. So how could I make this more fluid? Connecting my Mental energy with there mind? My focus? It's not a real stat after all and isn't something you innately know.

He was confused. That was easy to tell. After a few moments of deciding he finally came to the decision that he was going to be using his magic to form a link instead of stumbling around finding consciousness. He wasn't sure how this would work exactly but he decided to practice it when he was on the road with double. The journey would probably take at least a few weeks.

"Well I do have 11 power points so I think I should make another purchase."

Mind Powers:

Mental Unlock LV:2 (50 cost)

Mental Spy LV:1 (10 cost)

Mental Conection LV:1 (10 cost)

Body Powers:

Physical Unlock LV: 2 (50 cost)

Agility Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Strength Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Endurance Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Soul Powers:

Soul Unlock LV: 2 (50 cost)

Soul Read LV: 1 (10 cost)

Soul Pressure LV: 1 (10 cost)

He pondered at the list for a few minutes before deciding to try out one of the Physical Abilities. He hoped it wouldn't disappoint him.

Skill description: This skill gives the user a once a day active ability that overclocks the body to work faster. Your speed is doubled while this is active. Your reaction time is doubled while using this. This ability lasts for 1 minute, afterward your body becomes shocked from the overload and you will lose 10% of your health and stamina. (The bonuses compound on other skill bonuses)

"This is pretty cool. I thought it would end up being much more lame. Like a simple stat boost but this is at least something I can use effectively. "

Well I suppose it is time to get myself ready for the trip in a week. I also created a short speech for a certain someone that I hope would heed my words. After preparing a basic plan I started heading out around town to search for this someone. By now it was near 4 in the morning and was getting very late but I found my target pretty quickly. He slept peacefully underneath a tree that was near the place we first met. 'Maxin.... this world has been so cruel for you... I need to make this right'

I wait for the small boy to waken. The sun had risen for quite awhile before the boy slowly opened his eyes. After seeing me he simply shook his head and averted his eyes. 'He must be in pain. Over a broken promise.'

"Maxin... I know you might trust me but... I am going to try and fix this. Everything. Please believe me and don't lose hope. I will see you after I fix... this. Goodbye my student. I will see you again." I said before gently leaving the boy in peace. I had said what I needed to and I wasn't going to say anything else.

During the week of wait I had worked extensively on trying to source out how to use mental energy . It was a grueling but rewarding endeavor. It took me 5 days to be able to make any movements in the skill. But when I did it was truly great.

I stood there over the body of a small bug. It bounced around aimlessly. It seemed perturbed by my mental prodding but after a few minutes it calmed down by a large amount after I whispered promises of peace in it's mind. It was a strange feeling talking to a bug with basically no brain. He didn't talk at all but instead just sent small urges that seemed instinctual. I felt through the creatures mind slightly. A trick I had learned a few days prior. I basically sent tendrils of telepathy and telekinesis towards it and probing for effects. Always minor and never enough to hurt it.

I slowly moved around and after a few minutes found what I was looking for. It's consciousness. Or it's mind? I wasn't really sure myself but I was sure it was special. It was the only thing that seemed to be repelling my energy on the small grass hopper. Every time I began to sense it out the Bug in front of me became agitated. Sending mental anxiety. I continued this time, unlike the times before. I sensed it out and with just a little bit of mental energy shattered it. Not on purpose of coarse but on accident. I only meant to invade it a little. Feel around it but instead of doing that I ended up destroying the whole thing.

The Grass Hopper immediately stopped moving and instead stood there void. I found that I had access to... new information. It was like I was looking into it's memories. But it was a bug. Did they even have memories? Well that answer would be a yes... at least in this case. I could see every moment of it's life. Not only that but I could see a small panel that reminded me of my first system interface.

Name: ---

Level: 1 ( 10/100 )

Species : Green Hopper

Bloodline: none

HP 1/1

MP 0/0

SP 10/10

Strength: 2

Agility: 10

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 1

Willpower: 1


Hop LV: 4

Minor Slice LV: 1

Evolution Points: 0

'....' I was wordless. I can see others system interfaces? I heard a small ping in my mind that brought me to the systems attention.

Skill Description: This skill allows the user to spend mana to control others minds. With this you can invade someone's mind and influence it. You can see memories and force people to do things that they would usually do. You will permanent damage the creature if you look too deep or control them to tensely though. At higher levels the chance is lower and strength is increased.

"What the F*ch?"

I mean seriously? how the hell is one weeks work enough to gain me a skill as godly as Mind Control? That's definitely an S tier skill back on earth. I found myself lost in thought as I thought of it's application.

'The ability to control what others do.... as well as see what others think. Very useful indeed.'

Another system notification pulled me out of my thought process.

"Why not?" I say casually. 'The strength to create my own friends... how strong'.

"Subordinate! I can't have them hating me. They will be my friend. Such a cute bug deserves a friend."