Retrieval (Part 1)

In a huge boom, Doomsday crash-landed on Calatonian. As he got up after looking at his surroundings he realized that he was on the outskirts of a city. "3 years, let's make that one year." Without wasting any time Doomsday starts a massacre. A massacre that was greater than any others. Upon getting out of the crater Doomsday travels to the city where he kills any living being he laid eyes on. But unlike is previous self, he didn't waste any time, he was fast and swift. Which only causes more fear and panic to the planet habitant.

And just like that a year past until that day, the day Doomsday reached the capital as he had destroyed every other city. On that day the loyalty of this planet realized that they had to do something to stop Doomsday even if it cost them their life. That day the first being who ever truly defeated Doomsday was born or created. The Loyalties of this planet had fused their life force creating him.

His name was Radiant. He was a being made of pure light.

That day an epic battle took place on this planet. Sadly since the start of the battle doomsday was at a disadvantage as he couldn't hit Radiant since he was a being of pure energy but that did stop him from being a great challenge to Radiant. For days the fights and days turn to week and final at the one month mark with their fight causing even more destruction then Doomsday did alone Radiant came to the realization that he had to put an end to this.

On that over a fifth of this planet turns into wasteland under Radiant ultimate attack but even though his attack was so destructive it accomplished his goal, stopping the monster, Killing Doomsday.

Not wasting any time under their burial customs they cloaked and chained Doomsday believing that it would prevent his spirit from escaping to the afterlife. After all of this, they placed him in a metal cube and launched him into space in a predestined path for it to float into space aimlessly.

But what they didn't count on, was that after a mere few days a sentient grey spaceship would have captured it.


In the deep and infinite space, a Grey ship was orbiting in front of a huge metallic box. After deploying its tractor beam the spaceship drags it into its cargo hold. As the box touched the floor all the light suddenly came on immediately followed by a weirdly robotic female voice.

[Object complete, Recuperate the lord.]

Accompanied by a clunk sound a group of robots walks in the room at the same time. They were currently transporting a huge tube and inside it, Doomsday could clearly be seen, a clone to be clear. Suddenly a grey light came through the roof and started to carefully unlock the box. After a few minutes of careful full work, the box was open revealing doomsday dress in a sealed green clothes while being chained.

Immediately work started again with the robot help this time. Upon unlocking the chain and getting rid of the clothes the beam wrapped around his body, pulling him up. As he reached the ceiling it opened up, letting his body get through.

[Truth Body has been retrieved, revival process in process.]

As Doomsday's body reached the floor on top of the cargo hold the light came up revealing a white room and in the middle of it was a giant tube. The beam placed Doomsday's body in the A.I. voice sounded again.

[Revival process will start in 10 seconds. Estimate time until the end, 20 minutes.]

Immediately the tube starts filling with water as a countdown appears in the glass door.

While this was going on the robot was carefully putting Doomsday clone into Doomsday's previous cell, making sure that they did as it was before, having clothed and chained him the light came down the ceiling again helping sailing the box.

Immediately after they were done they dump the box back into space, making sure that it was following its previous path. Then without leaving a trace behind the spaceship turned around and started flying at full speed.

[All objectives have been attended.]


20 minutes later

In a huge tube feel with water a huge grey body was gently floating. Suddenly it opened its eyes, as soon as he did so the A.I. voice sounded again.

[Revival process successful. Good Morning My lord.]

The water was drained out of the tube then it opened. As he stepped out Doomsday took a look around himself.

"It seems that you made a few changes."

[Due to some damage I had taken and the limited capability of the ship I had taken it upon myself to fix and made some changes, allowing me to have a greater chance of survival.]

"You were attacked?"

[Yes, during my two years-long voyages I have been deemed as a great pray by many pirate ships.]

"And how did things go?"

[Based on the previous capability of the ship I should have been captured or destroyed a long time ago but with the use of the ring, both knowledge, and power I manage to defeat them while using their part to upgrade myself.]

"Hahaha, You have not disappointed me. If you hadn't recuperated me, I would have spent more than 250,000 years trapped in that thing, that would have been a great waste of time."

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