Retrieval (Part 3)

2 month Later

In a futuristic-looking cell, Bertron Jr was seated on the bed with a look of madness. 2 years ago their Organisation was challenged by a bunch of the planets they led. Of course, without any hesitation, Ashaosi started a war with them but even with all her strength and powers she couldn't take care of them by herself but she had an army behind her.

With that a massive fight took place, even causing the destruction of a few planets. While all of this was happening her second in command Bertron Jr. arrogance and spite against Ashaosi grew bigger and bigger. Believing that he was greater and smarter than anyone. So taking advantage of the distraction brought by the revolution he secretly started creating his own force.

After a year and a half of secrecy, he was sadly discovered resulting in another revolution luckily for Ashaosi the previous revolution had been suppressed. After months of fighting two months ago every single one of his subordinates was killed, ending with him in jail.

During that time he had slowly cultivated his hatred day after day. But today was different as he was looking straight at the door with hatred there was a sudden sound causing him to look back. There he saw a strange grey ball floating straight into his cell.


"My Lady, My Lady there is an emergency" someone dressed in the army usu armor said as he ran in the common room.

"First as I said before stop calling me MY LADY and second as you can see we can see it too." She said pointing the huge screen showing explosion and fire down in the city,

"Who is doing this?"

"After doing some research and doing some research we track down the destruction back to a prison cell." The technician then proceeded to show a video of the prison cell exploding immediately followed by a grey person walking out. Then started blasting energy everywhere, finally resulting in the destruction of the camera.

"Who was in that cell?"


"How did he gain such power! Damn it I am going to have some word with Bertron. Sound the alarm code red, pull our forces back, and help evacuate the area. I will go take care of this." With that, she turns around and walks out of the command room.

Going to the armory, she put on her personal armor. It was a grey armor with white spikes all over inspired from Doomsday, with a white cape. Then like a true powerhouse, she crashed into the wall, creating a huge hole and flew down toward the city.

As she flew on top of the city she stopped to look around and upon seeing the destruction she was mad, with eyes glowing red. She wasn't mad about the people who died or anything but mad about the fact that she will have to spend an enormous amount of resources to fix it.

But out of nowhere, she got hit by a grey blast. As she landed on the ground she felt dizzy as she felt something going through her mind but not paying attention to it she flew up leaving a huge crack in the ground Jr who was in the air had a few things change about him like the fact that is eyes were grey and some part of his skin had open, bleeding a strange grey liquid.

Seeing her flying toward him he started attacking wildly, firing energy blasts non-stop which didn't have great precision and went everywhere. But with the skill, she had gained from fighting she skillfully even them and got close enough to deliver a massive punch even causing shockwaves. She then punched him two times then uppercut him causing him to fly up then using her speed she flew past him. She then came flying down at full speed and grabbed him in her descent.

Just when they were about to hit the ground with rage fuel raw he delivered a massive blast into her belly causing her to fly away in a different direction. After crashing through a few buildings Ashaosi heavily landed on the ground. As she was about to get up she could feel something wrong she could feel herself losing control over both her body and emotion.

As a true Doomsday fan, she tries to push, but upon getting up she discovers a pale grey aura around herself. Before she could even question its origin she was suddenly attacked by someone. Which she promptly punch, looking around she discovers that she was surrounded.

" You guys seeing this?"

" Yes, they, they are the civilians"

Suddenly they all started attacking, as she fought with them she discovered that they were stronger and faster than normal, not enough to cause a threat to her but enough for them to annoy her. Which resulted in her getting buried under them. Greatly angered by this she fired her energy beam at full power.

As she stood in the middle of the burning bodies, panting, she was brought to her knees by a pillar of grey energy falling on top of her. Even though she tries to resist she discovers that she grows weaker by the second. Just when she was about to reach her limit Jr was suddenly hit by a powerful laser blast sending him flying into another building.

While one the ground gasping for air she looked up in the sky searching for the origin of this sudden attack. In the distance she saw it, a grey space ship, flying at great speed toward her.

So before I progress I need you guys to decide the design of the spaceship and name.

Also as much as I like to write chapters, read comments, and review, sadly I have to slow down now that college started for me. So the more support the story gets the more I will try to write a chapter. Story with the most comments gets updated first.