The Messiah, Bear Gryll's.

tIn the middle of a clearing surrounded by incredibly tall trees rests a calming atmosphere, where native forest critters go about their lives in blissful ignorance of the dangers surrounding them. A hare sitting upright, poking its head through the relatively tall grass in search of predators is almost startled out of its skin when a flash of red light momentarily blinds it. It leaps in the air in an attempt to dodge whatever had attacked it and in doing so, lands on a red-haired boy's face, awakening him due to the small creature almost breaking his nose with a kick from its powerful legs.

"Wha! Huh! Who?" Luca exclaims, holding his nose and looking around for whoever had smacked him awake, only to see what look like pine trees surrounding him on all sides. He feels for his bed underneath him and grasps hold of his black duvet cover, breathing a sigh in relief as he feels the comforting material.

He takes a couple minutes to compose himself while trying to figure out where is he and how he got here... Is it like one of those prank TV shows? That's not right, he hadn't signed anything about potentially being kidnapped...

"Hahaha, very funny guys, you really got me there..." he nervously speaks to the dark treeline.


He receives no answer and starts to feel irritated, "Where the fuck am I!" he shouts, scaring nearby birds out of the trees. He looks down at what he's wearing and see's that he is wholly unprepared for a surprise survival television show, the only thing he's currently wearing is his boxers and titanium necklace...

Luca tries to take a step into the long grass but stubs his toe on something sharp and pulls it back, holding back his pained cry, as he's sure someone is recording this. He reaches down and rubs his foot which now trickles with small drops of blood that get his adrenaline pumping at the sight of it, he'd never been one for fighting, getting hurt even less, and the fact that he'd been taken here against his will was really fraying on his nerves.

A breeze blows past which causes him to shiver, even with shafts of sunlight warming him it still wasn't a comfortable temperature to be basically naked in. He pulls his duvet over himself to protect against the elements before manning up and taking a step into the-Ouch!... He'd stubbed his toe on the same thing...

With his face red from the indignation of hurting himself twice like a moron he crawls off the other side of his bed and starts walking around, not yet leaving the clearing for fear of what lays behind the trees but slowly gaining in confidence. After a couple minutes of looking, he finds a relatively heavy rock that sits comfortably in his hand, this all is reminding him of his time playing Minecraft and so he assumes this'll be useful in the not too distant future. He does curse that he doesn't have some sort of inventory though.

After finally gaining the courage to gain some progress he semi-courageously steps past some of the pine trees and into the dimly lit forest. From what he remembers from his new favourite TV show host Bear Grylls, he should first locate where he actually is... To be honest that's all he remembers, other than drinking piss which he wouldn't attempt until he's literally dying.

Taking a quick look around he can spot a small incline towards a certain direction, Luca is hoping this'll lead to some sort of hill where he can survey the landscape without having to climb a tree, something he'd probably injure himself doing.

And so his journey begins, taking careful steps the entire way as to not injure his delicate feet, who knows when an agency would like to see soles, it wouldn't do to scar them in any way... As he walks he picks up various gross looking fungi, rotten fruit, and a colorful assortment of berries. He doesn't dare eat any just yet but depending on how long he'd be here he might just have to.

As he continues the incline gradually gets steeper, and steeper. Unlike he has to start shimmying up various footholds, if it gets any hard to climb he'll turn back and look for another place to go because he's seriously feeling worried about his own safety at this point. Fortunately, as he pulls himself up over a stony ridge he's blinded by sunlight that peeks through some of the taller trees, a bit more walking on the now gravelly floor reveals the sights around him.

"Wow." he mutters, feasting his eyes on the absolutely beautiful view. Around him are huge mountains surrounding a valley that he's currently in, the valley itself is completely covered by various trees, the most common being the pine trees but there are also ones with various leaves on them. After finally getting a look around he realises that he's currently on an outcropping of apart of a mountain and that he'd somehow got up here without tumbling down a few hundred meters or probably even more. Behind him is a cracked looking wall with a tiny stream flowing down into it.

Luca sits on the ledge and tries to figure out what to do next, while he considers himself incredibly smart and knowledgeable he isn't exactly made for outdoorsmanship. Instead he likes to think of himself as a cultured child of the 20th century, and as such would never have to worry about the woe's of those less fortunate, they should've drawn better on the wheel of life. He thinks to himself callously.

He remembers that one good way of attracting attention is by setting a fire, smoke would be incredibly visible with the almost cloudless sky... He gets up and tears a couple branches from a nearby tree, the green insides and sap don't seem to be fire kindling material but he continues, determined to get a fire going. He remembers the rolling technique that Bear Gryll's demonstrated to get a fire going, he lays a larger branch down and retrieves a smaller one before rubbing them between his hands, making it spin and rub against the bottom one. He does this until his hands are red raw however with no results. "Why isn't this working! Is it the wrong kind of tree!?! Is it my technique!?! But I was doing exactly how it was shown! Surely I can do what cavemen were able to achieve for god sake!" he shouts, throwing the wood on the gravelly ground and finally sitting on the floor to brood to himself.

Luca sits and keeps thinking how unfair life is until the sky slowly darkens, he's hungry, he's thirsty and he wants his phone. Deciding he should sleep conserve energy and wait for tomorrow he tries to get comfortable and starts wrapping his Duvet around himself but is interrupted as some sort of insect that flies inside of it, causing him to jump up and backwards, colliding with the cracked wall behind him and unfortunately going through it. He tumbles into the dark abyss below, so shocked that he doesn't even utter a scream.

He doesn't fall for long however and lands on his back into some shallow water which slightly breaks his fall, he groans as he feels like one of his ribs were broken. He slowly opens his eyes, dreading to find himself in pitch darkness with no escape but heaves a sigh in relief as he sees a small cave-like area illuminated by the hole he'd created with his face... Feeling the water begin to soak into his Duvet he drags himself out of whatever he's sitting in, looking back he sees what looks like a bath? No, not a bath but it doesn't look natural in any way. It's a small stone basin with raised walls that hold the pristine looking water, he looks to where it's coming from but becomes confused when he sees some sort of tree growing behind the basin, it's not big but one of its branches hang over with a single apple that seems barely attached.

Something he notices due to his prolonged staring is moisture slowing gathering around the apple before dripping into the basin, if this is where the water had come from then it must have taken hundreds if not thousands of years to fill... He looks down to the damage he had caused and notices a large crack running along the basin with water slowly leaking out of it. "Well, if god's going to give me treats then I won't refuse." he mutters and grabs the juicy looking apple and taking a bite out of it, the taste is better than any fruit or food he'd ever had before. Resembling something like all his favourite tastes mixed together in a symphony of flavour. He moans in pleasure before stifling it and looking around embarrassed at the orgasmic feeling he'd experienced just from biting the apple... He quickly finishes it assuming he'll eventually get out of this situation before submerging his head into the stone basin and taking large gulps of water. When he's done he looks down and is surprised at the fact that he'd drank all of the water, the only remnants of it pooling on the floor beside the basin.

He thinks to himself that this place wouldn't be bad to sleep in, he wasn't even sure he could get out even if he wanted to and decides to make his escape tomorrow. He wraps himself in his slightly soggy Duvet which doesn't seem to bother him as much as he'd thought and drifts off to sleep, dreaming of suing a huge company for kidnapping him.