Just grit your teeth and bear it...

Luca spent a couple minutes trying to to have a temper tantrum due to recent events and eventually wrapped his duvet back around himself, taking his fist sized rock and beginning to walk towards the treeline again. Only to stop in his tracks to see something rustle a bush where the squirrel had escaped... He grins, this is his chance for revenge and potentially even reclaiming his prize. Despite it being high noon the light didn't really allow him to actually see into the underbrush so in a flash of out of place bravery Luca leapt forward to grab his arch enemy, determined to crush it's skull when he got his hands on it.

As he jumps into the bush he closes his eyes to protect them from any wayward sticks or branches but feels his hands grip something furry. "YES!" He shouts, thinking of all the way's he'll punish this rodent!


A strange sound comes from where he'd grabbed his prey... Come to think of it, this felt larger than any squirrel he'd ever seen before, and do they always vibrate like this?... Opening his eyes he comes eye to eye with a pair of almost human-looking brown eyes, the only difference being the pupil is smaller than it'd usually be, that and they're attached to a FUCKING HUGE BEAR!

He relinquishes his firm grip on the bears long snout and slowly backs away, remembering Bear Gryll's advice for dealing with bears... He only gets a meter away when starts walking towards him Luca gets a better looks at its body as it steps into the light. Its head and face are heavily scarred, from what Luca doesn't know but it's seen more than its fair share of combat from what he can tell. That isn't the only thing he notes however, its eyes are bloodshot and it's mouth drools heavily as it's massive frame steps forwards. He continues to back away, stifling the urge to simply run for his life as he was sure it could outrun him. His courage holds until it stands on it's hind legs, reaching a staggering ten feet tall. "ROOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR" it deafening sound of it making Luca piss himself in fright before sprinting away as fast as he can, the sound of bushes collapsing and tree's being forcefully pushed out of the way only making him increase his pace.

Idea quickly run through his mind on how he's going to escape with all his limbs intact but nothing comes to mind, shit, he should have paid more attention to Man vs Wild! Surely there's a secret weak spot on the bear that'll kill it instantly? Like a boss from a video game? *SWIPE* a claw passes close to his back, the wind giving him a grim reminder of how close he is to certain death. Luckily the bear botched attack seems to have slowed it slightly, this isn't the end however as Luca runs into a large clearing with thick tall grass that slows his speed. This isn't the worst thing though, that honour belongs to his lack of fitness and the fact he had an abdominal cramp that was almost as painful as the time he ate that mushroom, the only thing that kept him running was the ton of pure muscle, fur and teeth still trying to eat him.

In the middle of the clearing is some sort of rocky outcrop which Luca jumps on after dumping his primitive weapon and tries to quickly climb, only to find his leg wrapped in the jaws of the bear. The only thing that comes to his mind in this instance is "SHIT" as it wrenches his entire body downwards, the rocks shredding his hands as he tries to find something to hold onto and pull himself away. "Arrrrrgggghhhhh!" he shouts in pain as the bears teeth penetrate his calf, his screaming only intensifies when it brings a large paw to hold it down as it tears the flesh from his leg and swallowing it in one gulp.


His screams echo through the clearing as the bear continues to feed on it's prey, not caring for the suffering it's causing, instead slowly savouring the meal and making sure not to eat any vital organs yet as a warm meal is tastier than a cold one. With Luca's leg gone the bear moves onto his stomach, a paw on his face stifles his scream and makes him feel as if it's going to crush his skull, another on his remaining leg as it bites into his abdomen. Luca tries to scream but the paw prevents him from doing so, the adrenaline pumping throughout his body doesn't dull the pain at all as he feels the bears teeth penetrate it's stomach's flesh and wrench something out. He tries to punch the bear but his feeble attempts do nothing to stop the agony it's inflicting on him, slowly but surely the bear tears into the rest of his body, Luca had gone into shock not too soon after it'd torn his intestines out which relieved him of some pain. Eventually he blacks out, thinking that this is finally the end...

Luca opens his eyes to find himself standing naked with some sort of crunching sound happening behind him... Looking around he sees the huge bear he'd.. Died to? Eating something, he tries to comprehend what'd just happened but can only conclude it was a panic-induced hallucination and that the bear had found some other animal to eat. He slowly backs away, hoping to not catch it's attention and fortunately enough it seems completely focused on its meal.

He continues to slowly sneak away, not caring for his missing duvet as the bear'll probably leave it for him to collect later. Eventually he exits the clearing and heaves a sigh in relief, he didn't know what that dream of being torn apart was about but it certainly wasn't pleasant... He didn't know you could have such a life-like experience of being eaten alive while dreaming, he trembles slightly with some bile climbing up his throat. Truly, he hoped to never feel anything like that again.

Luca makes a mental note of this location and starts walking west, following the sun and going the complete opposite direction of the bear. As he's now naked Luca definitely feels the breeze, every gust sends shivers down his spine and all the hairs on his body to stand up. He continues walking for an hour or so when he sees something in the distance that fills him with hope, smoke. This meant civilisation... Or a forest fire but either way he was going to take a look!

He starts walking in it's direction but halts when he hears something whistle through the air behind him, looking back he sees a hare with what looks like an arrow lodged in it's hind leg... The hairs on his neck stand on edge as a cold sweat makes itself known on his brow. "S-stop shooting!" he shouts, hoping whoever shot the arrow doesn't wish to kill and eat him like those cannibals he'd read about on the internet.

A bush nearby rustles and a figure steps out, it's a girl... She's got tanned brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair is free-flowing and sits below her shoulder blades together with a quiver filled to the brim with arrows. She's about 5.8ft with the bow in her hands being as tall or slightly shorter than that with strange-looking symbols carved into it, her body looks incredibly tone and is covered in what looks like a mishmash of various hides from different animals, they cover up her delicate area's while looking warm enough for the climate here.

She walks towards him and has a weird expression when her gaze examines his body. Feeling his modesty in peril he quickly throws his hands in-front of hi crotch with an embarrassed look. "I'm sorry! I've been lost here for days, can you help me?" he asks but she looks even more confused than before. "What is this language?" she asks, the words somehow understandable to Luca despite them being completely foreign to him. "English? I don-" he stops when he hears the same foreign words exit his mouth...

"What tribe do you belong to?" she asks, her foreign accent and the way she rolls her R's becoming incredibly attractive to him. He almost forgets to answer her question as he thinks how nice her voice is. "Uh-Oh, tribe? I don't know what you're talking about.."

She walks towards him causing him to back away slightly but feels stupid as he brushes past him and bends over to look at the Hare she'd just shot. "No tribe? Then, name?"

"L-luca." he replies, gesturing towards himself for emphasis.

She smiles, a look that seems oddly familiar to him. She points to herself and replies, "Sarr'ina." before gesturing to herself again, "Tribe, Sua'jiki."