What an unbearable situation...

Luca hurriedly makes his way back through the path towards the Sua'jiki tribe, the duvet over his shoulder is wet and smelling awful but that doesn't dissuade him from bringing it, all it needs is a wash to be usable again so why waste one of the only things he now owns.

He eventually gets back to the village and is surprised to find Sarr'ina still waiting where he'd left, worriedly looking towards the tree-line. Her father stands next to her with a hand on her shoulder and seems to be saying something. Luca bursts into the clearing causing some of the tribesman to draw bows or spears but they relax when they see it's just the same naked boy that'd left earlier.

Sarr'ina's expression brightens when she see's him return while her fathers remains neutral but stern. Luca walks over still slightly winded from running and bends over to mimic a bow. "I'm so sorry for running! I just need to find my mothers necklace, it's the only thing she'd left me!" he says quickly, his bow not allowing his to see the elder man's expression soften when he hears the explanation.

"Raise your head boy, I understand as someone who has lost loved ones." He says slowly before continuing. "I asked last time whether you would uphold our tribes rules and traditions and you never answered, have you decided yet?"

Luca nods, "Please take me in, I'll be useful I swear!" he says, wishing to be accepted so he can properly think over his recent discovery...

Sarr'vuln nods and smiles at him, "Very well, you are now Luca of the Sua'jiki tribe. Sarr'ina will sho-..." His voice trails off as he begins to sniff the air. His nose scrunches up as he looks around before identifying where the smell was coming from, he walks towards Luca and grabs the duvet and pushes his nose into the fabric. "No... Luca do you know what you have done!" he shouts with a panicked look.

Luca's about to reply when a roar echoes through the village, he turns around to look at the tree-line which is visible moving and being pushed out of the way, a huge familiar bear walks into the clearing with it's focus being entirely on Luca. "N-no no no no!" he shouts, remembering the sensation of being torn apart again.

Sarr'vuln pushes Sarr'ina behind him as he starts backing away, grabbing a spear that's poking out of the ground nearby and preparing to thrust it at the giant animal. "EVERYONE PREPARE FOR COMBAT! THE RULER OF THE FOREST IS HERE! HUNTERS ASSIST ME NOW!" he barks orders while not letting the bear escape his sight.

Luca continues to shake at the sight of the bear and keeps backing up, the bear remains motionless as a few men from the village run forwards, some wielding spears and some using bows. They all have grim looks as the look at the animal with it's clearly bloodshot eyes.

Suddenly without warning the bear barrels forwards attempting to run at Luca who's now behind the line of tribal warriors. Sarr'vuln pushes Sarr'ina away as he jabs the spear at the charging bear, it penetrates the hide but snaps in two as it doesn't seem to bother reacting to it. The other warriors do the same as their leader and jab spears into it in an attempt to stop it's charge only for most to snap or barely even penetrate it's thick hide. A few are knocked away as it ignores them and attempts to jump on top of Luca, he shouts in fear and throws the duvet in-front of him which covers it's face and causes it to roar again. He then sprints away and grabs a spear that's sticking out of the ground and runs back towards the group of warriors, Sarr'vuln looks at him and growls out, "If we survive this, you will be punished!"

Luca doesn't even get a chance to reply as the bear finally shakes the duvet from it's face and glares at the group, thick stands of drool start to drip from it's huge maw. An arrow zips past and hit's it in the leg which doesn't even cause it to react, it seems as if the flint tipped weapons of the tribesman aren't able to deal any appreciable amount of damage to the huge creature. It again starts to run at the group, this time not caring for Luca and instead trying to kill everything in it's path. A tribesman tries to stop it by jabbing a spear into it's armpit but finds it's huge claws disembowel him. He gives a pained scream but doesn't have to suffer for long as it closes it's jaws around his head, creating a sickening crunch as it crushes his skull.

The group give an indignant roar as one of their own are killed and begin to lay on more spear strikes and arrows, a few start to draw blood but it isn't nearly enough to bring the great beast down. Luca continues to stand with his spear pointing at the bear next to Sarr'vuln who continues to shout at it in an attempt to gain it's attention. It doesn't work as the bear leaps onto another of the tribes men and starts mauling him, the man in torn apart as the others try to stab the bear in an attempt to get it off. "Harra'patu! God's be damned!" Sarr'ina's father shouts as he picks up a large rock from the floor and throws it fiercely a the bear, it collides with it's nose causing the bear to flinch and shake it's head. It then turns it's gaze onto Sarr'vuln and starts running towards him, the rest of the group react to this and try to spear it in the side as it runs past, one managing to injure it's eye causing it's path to deviate... From Sarr'vuln to Luca...

Luca who's about to piss himself in fright pushes the butt of the spear to the floor and points the tip at the bear who stumbles forwards, it opens it's mouth in an attempt to bite him in half but finds the sharp flint spear tip entering it's maw and penetrating the soft insides of it's neck. The spear breaks in half under it's weight and the bear collapses onto Luca, he doesn't even get a chance to scream as the weight of the bear breaks his neck, causing his world to go black.

Sarr'vuln who'd just witnessed the Ruler of the Forest pounce on their new member and die scrambles to lift the bear off of him. He calls for the other tribes members to help as the struggle to shift the huge bear off of the teenage boy, Sarr'ina comes running and attempts to help too and tearfully tries to shift the bears body.

Eventually they manage to roll it over but didn't hold out much hope for the survival of Luca, Sarr'vuln bends down over Luca and waits while Sarr'ina examines him. She puts her head to his chest to check if his hearts still beating and almost shouts in happiness as she hears it. Sarr'vuln looks at her and checks for himself as he didn't think the boy would live through having that thing crushing him for a couple minutes. "Quickly, get him inside! Sarr'ina could you please check Harra'patu, if Luca can survive then Harra'patu might have as well." he says gesturing towards the horrific looking pile of flesh and blood that used to be one of their comrades.

She walks over and checks his pulse and finds it's beating slowly but with such a large amount of wounds he'd likely not survive, and that's not even mentioning the fact that Harra'patu's eyes, jaw and nose had been completely torn off. She starts reciting the words her mother had taught her and a dim green glow overtakes Harra'patu's injuries, she continues chanting the words but after an hour nothing has changed and Harra'patu's heart had finally given out. She cries at her failure as her father comforts her saying that there was nothing she could do.

When Luca finally wakes up he finds himself in a small dark room covered by furs? he shifts them off of himself and thinks back to what'd just happened. He then remembers the bear and how he'd been... Killed, again. He rubs his neck expecting to feel agonising pain but feels nothing, he ponders what on earth is happening to have allowed this and silently starts to sob. He cries at his helplessness, he cries because he wants to go home, he cries because of the pain he's felt and will continue to feel. He thinks over the various things that have happened and determines that he's somehow immortal? He thinks back to his violent reaction to the mushroom he'd eaten and assumes he had died there as well. Will this stop him ageing? What if people find out? Will he be experimented on like some sort of lab rat? Why is it always him? He grasps the necklace around his neck tightly and continues to wallow in self-pity.