Boy who cried Wolf

Luca can be found sitting in a tree above the large heard of Sheep owned by the tribe, he'd been told to watch over and protect them while the person who usually does this stays with his wife who's apparently going into labour. Obviously Sarr'ina is also with them to help birth the child as she's the only one with any knowledge or experience on the subject.

As he's relaxing in the tree he thinks about his time here and compares it with his life back in England, it felt more... How to say it? Fulfilling? Back in England he was going place to place doing odd jobs for his Instagram account and slowly growing his wealth, he suspected if that continued he'd be quite rich in the future and wouldn't need to worry about money for the rest of his life... What'd he do after he lost his looks though? Would he just idle about while frivolously spending money like some of the other people he'd observed doing the same thing? They'd quickly spent themselves into homelessness but now that he was away from it all and thinking about it rationally he could see himself slowly becoming the same thing. When compared to life in the Sua'jiki tribe everything was valuable but nothing more so than the people. Every person was valued as a incredible asset to the tribe and treated as a priceless commodity, a better way of putting it would be that everyone was treated as close family. This was a considerably different attitude than he was used to as in modern society there was so many people that you simply couldn't treat everyone like that.

He sighs to himself while atop the tree, it was coming harder and harder to tell himself he was better off in England... Especially with Sarr'ina being here... He shakes these thoughts from his head and focuses his mind back on the task before him, counting sheep...

Is this where the expression comes from he ponders as he makes sure everyone is accounted for and hadn't wandered away from the herd. He looks around with bored eyes, around the tall grass surrounding the clearing for predators... Wait, what is that? He mutters to himself as he spots something with grey fur and yellow eyes poking it's head from the grass... Wolf?


"Shit." he says before realising how much danger he and the sheep are actually in, "WOLF! THERE'S A WOLF!" he shouts, causing a panic from those nearby as a few men grab their spears and bows before running towards him. Once eight people have gathered with weapons ready they look around rapidly, preparing for something to leap out of the bushes.

Gil'ga looks at Luca who's still in the tree and asks, "Where is the wolf?"

Luca points at the patch of grass where he saw it's head but see's that it's already gone, must've been scared off by his shouts. He climbs down, grabs his spear and leads them to where he saw it, all he while noting that the tell grass obscures all tracks that it may have made. As it's pretty windy today even the grass that'd been stepped out was being shifted, making it almost impossible to tell if there was actually a wolf here in the first place.

"Here's where I saw it, it was grey with yellow eyes and looks about this tall." he says, raising his hand a couple inches above his bellow button, about 4ft by his estimate.

Gil'ga gives him a weird look, "Wolves usually do not travel these parts, they used to fear the Ruler of the Forest but it seems they are returning... I will tell the Sarr'vuln of this, keep watch on the herd." he says, walking back to the village with everyone else and leaving Luca alone yet again.

Luca thinks back to his last run in with a predator and shivers at the memory of being devoured alive. Funny how he's currently wearing the skin of the animal that'd eaten him, Luca thinks of it as retribution but still feels as if he'd rather not have been eaten at all. He clenches the spear tightly and stands watching the tall grass.

A couple hours later while hes rubbing his eyes from having focused his eyes so long he hears something rustle some grass nearby, his eyes bolt open as he holds his spear at the ready while looking around. He immediately spot the same wolf in the same place it was before, "WOLF! WOLF!" he shouts, causing another panic. Once again the men converge and once again, the wolf is gone.

Gil'ga frowns as he hears Luca explain that it came back, they check the grass again but still can't find any evidence that it was ever there in the first place. A few people start doubting the wolf's existence, choosing to believe that Luca is jesting with them. Hearing this he panics, what is this "The boy that cried wolf"? If they stopped coming then he'd definitely be fucked if the wolves wise up to what's happening.

Yet again, the men leave Luca to watch the sheep. He had tried to explain that he was telling the truth but the more he pressed the more people started to doubt him, he became pretty angry at this and it was almost to the point that he wanted to abandon the sheep to their fate, afterall it wouldn't be his fault if they all got eaten.

Another hour goes by and Luca is still watching the sheep, he wonders how long it takes for some bitch to give birth so he can go back to hunting with Sarr'ina. He tosses a stone into the grass to alleviate his boredom but is shocked to hear a yelp from the grass, the head of the grey wolf pokes out from the grass snarling at him, it's eyes looking predatory and intimidating. He's about to shout wolf again when he hears something whistle through the air? An arrow?

"GO!" a voice shouts as many more arrows are shot where the wolf had been, Luca breathes a sigh of relief when he realises he was never actually alone and the men had decided to hide in the trees to keep watch. They run towards where the wolf had been and see drops of blood heading in a direction.

"We should go after it and kill it!" Luca says, causing Gil'ga to shakes his head at him.

"No, let it go back to its pack and spread that we are not prey. Wolves are like us as they communicate and claim land as their own, if you show your dominance they will leave our lands alone." he says confidently but Luca still has doubts, Wolves aren't that smart are they? He thinks to himself.

"Are you sure?" he asks Gil'ga who waves their hand dismissively, "Yes, someone will come to take your place later. I am sure you want to go back with Sarr'ina before she goes hunting."

Luca nods and is yet again, left alone to watch over the herd as everyone else goes back to whatever they were doing before he "Cried Wolf".