War Council

Inside the large hut of the Sua'jiki tribes leader Sarr'vuln, Luca is standing silently next to Sarr'ina as she explains what'd recently happened between him, her and the Karaskir Tribesman.

"When he showed his back I killed him." she states bluntly causing Sarr'vuln to frown.

"So it has started..." he says with some regret in his voice. He sits there without saying anything for an extended period of time, Luca doesn't dare make a move as Sarr'ina just continues to stand there. "Bring Das'ju, Zul'meshi, Pit'cha, Cuth'lu and Tru'ump here now." he says to Luca and Sarr'ina who nod rapidly and leave.

Luca lets Sarr'ina go and notify Das'ju as he didn't want to get into another fight with him, he was also more familiar with Gil'ga than any of the other hunters.

After they manage to round up everyone they find themselves yet again standing before Sarr'vuln who sits there with a frown on his weathered face.

Das'ju steps forward to address Sarr'vuln "Chief, what have you gathered us for?"

Sarr'vuln just shakes his head at Das'ju's lack of patience, "War." he says simply, causing everyone to shift uncomfortably. They knew what war meant and they were cautious about starting one without just cause.

Gil'ga echoes the words, "War? With who? Gutizia? Giffrea? Olmnar?"

Luca listens intently as the man lists off many names he hadn't heard mentioned before, memorising them just in case they're important later.

Sarr'vuln shakes his head, "Karaskir." his words seem to startle the others.

"I thought they were fighting with the Olmnar?" Zul'meshi asks in confusion.

"They were, but their wolves were not able to overcome the river. They have turned their sights to our land instead." Sarr'vuln spits.

Sarr'ina chimes in "But if they are still hostile with the Olmnar how are they able to pass the waters into our territory?" she asks.

"Perhaps the Olmnar have allied with the Karaskir?" Das'ju says grimly, knowing full well that an alliance between the two could spell their end.

"No. The hostility between Omnar and Karaskir goes too deep, they must be moving to the western side of the river, outside of the Olmnar territory... This would explain there movement near our herd." Sarr'vuln slowly says are piecing through his avaliable information.

Gil'ga nods, "Good thing Lu'ka spotted it."

Luca gives Gil'ga and appreciative look but Das'ju feels the need to interject. "Yes, good thing he had to have four hunters save him from a single wolf." he scoffs.

Sarr'ina gives him a glare, "Lu has only just started learning Das'ju, you cannot expect him to be strong so quickly."

Das'ju "Why do you defend him so Sar-"

"Enough!" Sarr'vuln exclaims, almost causing the hut to shake at his voice. "This is not the time nor place to bicker! We are about to go to war and you wish to criticise a fellow tribesman due to petty reasons. You will stop or you will leave us to discuss this properly." he glowers at Das'ju who just nods meekly in acceptance.

"We will not tell the tribe of the situation yet, we must keep this information hidden until we cannot any longer... Pit'cha go with Tru'ump to scout where traps may be effective, no snares or walls." he says the last part glaring at Tru'ump. "We need information on how they are able to bypass the Olmnar so examine the great river and see if there are any tracks." he quickly says.

"But, traps are a cowards weapons." Zul'meshi interrupts.

"So is using pets to fight your battles, but as we have to fight cowards I do not hold any regret in using tactics as despicable as them. This is about the destruction of our way of life, our family, our lands. If we do not use any method available then we are doomed to fail. This is the way nature intended it." he says waving away Zul'meshi's worries.

Luca leans close to Sarr'ina and asks "What kinds of traps are they going to use?"

"Spike traps mainly, holes with sharpened sticks. They will not be deep enough to kill our enemies but to injure them enough to prevent combat." she says after thinking a moment.

Luca thinks back to the mushrooms that'd killed him and gets an idea. "Why not cover the sticks in poison?"

Sarr'ina shakes her head, "While we may have to fight like cowards, poison is the more disrespectful weapon. It is like fighting someone without arms or legs."

"But it would mean one enemy killed for each trap, rather than injuries." Luca presses.

"No. We will not use such tactics, nature frowns upon it." she says sternly which has Luca shut up.

Sarr'vuln looks to Gil'ga "Scout our stream and see if there are any tracks near it, it's split from the Great River and may be hiding more Karaskir around it."

"Will do Chief." Gil'ga says before quickly leaving. Sarr'vuln looks at Zul'meshi and gestures his head to follow Gil'ga as he has a bad feeling about the task.

"Cuth'lu, prepare as many materials as possible, wood, stone, flint, anything that will be needed for the upcoming conflict." Sarr'ina's father says before waving him off. "Das'ju, go and hunt as many creatures as possible. Preserve their meat as much as possible and store it in the storage hut, we may find ourselves lacking hunters if casualties are high, this will give us time to decide our next actions should we need it."

"Chief, I should be out scouting for enemies, not hunting. Leave this to Sarr'ina and the wea-Lu'ka." Das'ju quickly corrects himself as he remembers his last warning.

Sarr'vuln slams his hand on the hut wall causing a loud bang that makes Luca jump. "DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME! Go! Do as you were asked!" he shouts furiously at the disobedient man. Das'ju quickly leaves after taking a longing glance at Sarr'ina and a hateful one at Luca.

That just leaves Sarr'ina and Luca remaining... Sarr'vuln eyes him up and down, taking notice of Luca's skinnier and more muscular build then last he had seen him. "You've been improving... However, it is not enough! While Sarr'ina has been impressed with your progress time is now short, you will begin hunting separately from my daughter. If you catch nothing then you will not eat."

Luca's eyes bulge at this, "But, I'll starve!" he exclaims, only now noticing the error he'd just made.

"THEN STARVE! WE CANNOT SUPPORT LEECHES IN OUR FAMILY WHILE WAR DRAWS NEAR! Learn fast or die fast! Those are your only options! Sarr'ina, do the same as Das'ju... Also collect as many medicinal plants as possible in preparations for any injuries incurred. Go." he waves them away, leaving a downtrodden Luca who looks as if he's about to be condemned to death.

He slowly walks to his hut to prepare his stuff for tomorrow, he needed to become proficient in hunting quickly or he may just die... Again... Actually, now that he thinks about it there really is no risk to his life. If starving to death is too painful he could always stab himself in the neck, he wouldn't be hungry after that...

"Lu wait!" Sarr'ina gentle voice calls from behind him. He turns and sees her looking at him sombrely.

"Yes?" he asks, wondering what she wants to say.

"I believe in you, I believe you will be fine without me... Please do not prove me wrong." she says with a tearful look. Luca doesn't know what to say and just hugs her in response, after a while he speaks into her ear, "Don't worry about me Ina, I'll prove that I'm strong enough to survive." he says, causing her to hug him tighter.

This isn't about survival anymore, it's about proving to himself he can do it without the assistance of his random immortality... He'd show that his lessons from Sarr'ina weren't ignored.