Sarrious talk

Sarr'ina had just made it back from hunting and collecting herbs, from her quiver hangs three hares and one red fox. Additionally she has three pouches full of medicinal herbs that will be dried or processed in another manner to preserve and best use them. However, despite the great hunt she'd just had her mood was worse than ever.

She was worried about Luca. The first time she'd met him she had almost taken his head off with an arrow, immediately before anything else she was mesmerised by him... His unique look, aura and helpless expression made her unable to turn him away, not only that, but she felt nature itself calling for her to help him. However that initial feeling faded as soon as she got to know him, instead she found herself pondering over his origins, how did he survive up until now? How did the Ruler of the forst not find him when he was so close to it's territory? So many questions but none of them answered.

She had taught him as much as she could in the few short months she had with him and he was steadily improving. She thought it wouldn't be too soon when he could go off on his own and be productive for the tribe... However it seems her Father didn't wish to see him succeed and cut his training short.

It's not like she didn't trust him but... It didn't mean she wasn't worried, she'd felt that she had finally made a friend within the tribe. It's not that people disliked her but they always looked at her with reverence due to her role as the tribes healer and shaman. This made it difficult to actually get close to people as you can't befriend someone who worships you, not can you get their honest impression of you if they feared what would happen to them. Luca though? Luca was different. He looked at her with indifference... Aside from the occasional glances he made towards her breasts, she didn't mind it as it was natural for men to be attracted to females and it would be unhealthy if he were to be completely unaffected by women.

Sarr'ina had never felt attracted to men before but something about Luca made her feel.. As if butterflies were fluttering in her stomach, she didn't know if this was normal as she had no one to talk to about it but one thing was for certain, she needed to makesure Luca was safe.

Which leads to where she is now, idly walking around the village in vain attempt to stumble into him on his way back... "He is not back yet.. Maybe he got lost? Injured or.. Killed?" she begins to internally panic at the many ideas that spring to mind.

She paces back and forth for a couple of minutes, under the gaze of the other tribesman who just think she's performing a ritual of some kind. Sarr'ina continues this until she spots a shadow slowly emerging from the treeline... It's Luca! He makes his way into the clearing with a forlorn expression that makes her heart ache but as soon as he spots her his smiles.

"Ina? Good hunt?" he asks nodding his head towards the four animals hanging off of her quiver.

She panics for a moment, not expecting the question. "Uh-oh! Yes, I was very lucky... And you?" she asks, not being able to conceal her worry from her voice.

"Er, yeah... I cooked and ate a squirrel but didn't manage to catch anything else." he tells the lie he'd been coming up with on the way back.

Her eyes travel over his form before her brows furrow, "Where is the skin?" she asks, not believing he'd actually caught something.

"I-er... It was so damaged and mangled that It was unusable, I promise to gift you the next one I catch though." he says quickly.

She shakes her head "No.. Gather them and make clothing as soon as possible, they will protect you against venomous animals." she says as her gaze lingers on his bare crotch for a couple seconds too long.

Luca wants to cover himself but feels that doing so would make the situation even more awkward.

"Are you hungry?" she asks.

"No, it was a fat squirrel. I ate everything as you told me to, it's brain, organs and marrow." he says placatingly.

She nods at him, satisfied with his explanation. She knew if he was truly hungry she would be able to tell but found it curious that he seems even better than yesterday. "I will drop these kills off and prepare the herbs... Maybe afterwards you would like to... Join me at the stream?" she asks him.

Luca nods, they had watched the sunset together multiple times before but somehow being separated made it all the more intimate. "Yeah-Sure, I'd like that. See you then Ina." he says, leaving to drop everything off and prepare it for tomorrow.

Sarr'ina watches his back as he walks away, not noticing the few people watching her interactions with Luca. The most significant of those being Das'ju and Sarr'vuln. The former was gritting his teeth the entire time they talked and only held himself back because he noticed her father watching them aswell, interfering would be seen as a great sign of disrespect to Sarr'ina, Luca and Sarr'vuln. Not that he cared about what Luca thought but he still kept it in mind.

Sarr'vuln's expression lightened briefly when he noticed Luca looking well, it seemed that today had gone fine enough. He could see from the fact that Luca hadn't brought back any food with him that he'd only hunted enough for himself, though when he hunts more than he can eat would be the real test. His lips upturn at these thoughts and he retreats back into his hut to think up plans for the coming conflict with the Karaskir.

Later just before sunrise Luca made his way to the stream, more specifically to a fallen tree that he and Sarr'ina used to use a seat to watch the night fall. When he finally reached the spot he sees Sarr'ina alright sat there looking directly at him with a smile, he returns it and sits next to her, finally feeling the weight of the day vanish from his shoulders.

He sighs as he feels the last of the sunlight caress his face and a small breeze blow his crimson hair.

"Ina... What's your goal for the future?" he asks out of the blue.

She looks confused at the question, "Goal for the future?..." she mutters while pondering his question. "I.. I want to live a long life, I want to see my children and grand-children alive and happy." She says after a while.

Luca nods at this as it's a sensible dream, he didn't think he could deal with children as they're annoying and needy but he hoped she'd get her wish, Sarr'ina is someone who didn't deserve anything but the best.

"And you Lu?" her question jolts him from his thoughts.

"Hmm... I want to go back to my home..." he says, not wanting to lie her.

"But, th-this is your home. With us... With Me." she stutters out, apparently not expecting this answer.

Luca nods absentmindedly before replying, "It is, but I feel like I have to go back eventually. But... I think I can hold off on going for now." he says, not truly knowing what he'll do but it makes Ina smile regardless. "Look, it's happening." he points at the horizon where the sun is started to dip behind the earth.

As the light begins to wane they both shiver as a gust blows through where they're sitting, Luca opens his bear skin and allows Ina to cuddle up to him. They both take in each others warmth without uttering a word, simply being content in being with company of each other.