Emotional Turmoil

The next day Luca woke up with a start in Sarr'ina's hut, recovering on a raised table with his leg wrapped up. He quickly glances around, cold sweat sticking to his skin as he relives his nightmarish time in the Karaskir.

"No, I'm fine now... I'm home..." he mutters to himself, despite still not actually considering this place his "True" home.

Luca attempts to lift his leg but winces from the pain, the wound still raw and mending from Sarr'ina's treatment. He moves his hand to his side, finding the bone spike he'd taken from Le'du's skeleton, gripping it tightly, bringing his other hand to his neck where his mothers neckless rests and breathing a sigh of relief. He felt it was a miracle the titanium links still firmly sat around his neck, the Karaskir probably didn't care for it or thought they'd collect it once he was devoured.

The two objects provided comfort, despite the former being a grim reminder of his lost companion and the time he spent being devoured.


Luca almost jumps at the sound, whipping around and spotting Sarr'ina sleeping in the corner while wrapped in furs, allowing his rapidly beating heart to slowly return to a normal speed. He pinched himself at his reaction, having been so scared at the smallest sound, it another unfortunate effect of his recent experiences.

His spear is leant next to the table and he uses it to slowly get up, minding not to disturb the leaf wrapping around his leg. He tries his best not to disturb Sarr'ina's sleep, but accidentally knocks over a stone pestle that's used for grinding herbs.


It bounces against the floor before finally stopping, the produced sound almost deafening in the quiet hut, it was more than enough to wake Sarr'ina.

"Mhmm-ehuh... Lu?" she mutters, rubbing her eyes, pushing herself up and accidentally giving him an eyeful as her loose hide outfit drapes down.

Luca blushes slightly and turns away, deciding not to answer and attempting to leave the hut. However before he's able to leave she stops him.

"W-wait Lu! You are injured, you need to rest!" she shouts, almost falling from the heap of furs as she scrambles towards him.

"There are things I need to do Ina, just go back to sleep." he says, speeding up his hobble towards the exit, however in his haste the spear accidentally slips, scraping against the floor and causing him to tumble over, giving a loud groan as he tries to protect his injured leg.

"Lu!" Sarr'ina calls as she dashes to his aid, hovering over him and checking his leg. "Are you hurt!?!"

Luca winces in pain but tries to put up a strong front, "N-no! I'm... Fine... Just give me a minute..." he says.

Sarr'ina gives him an angry look, "You will stop being stupid and let me help! Or I will wrap you up and leave you here until you get better!"


Luca sighs knowing that she probably means what she's saying, he allows her to help him and she leads him back to the table. He sits on it and she takes another look at his leg, frowning while explaining he'd affected the healing, which would make it take longer.

"I can't stay cooped up in here Ina, I have a plan to help deal with the Karaskir!" he quickly says.

"You have a plan to get yourself killed! Stop and realise you can barely walk, when you are better you can do whatever you want." she says placatingly.

He frowns, grinding his teeth as he considers not doing anything against those who'd harmed him, "NO! I will not let those fucking monsters destroy anything else! Now help me up so I can do something about it!" he shouts, his anger now flaring.


Luca's head is thrown back, the punch sent by Sarr'ina to his face causing his body to lie back onto the table. It wasn't just the impact to his head that left him shocked, it was the fact this girl that meant so much to him had just put him on his ass...

He growls and sits back up, blood starting to drip down his nose as he gives a baleful glare to Sarr'ina. "You... Why are you doing this." is all he could say, anything else likely to send him into an angry tirade.

Sarr'ina looks at her fist, not having intended to punch him. The intense situation just causing her body to act on instinct, she tears up realising that she might've hurt him. When Luca leans up and questions her, fury clear on his face she doesn't know how to answer...

Sarr'ina knew he was hurting, he hadn't been acting right since he'd come back... And the conversation they'd had last night, where he talking about destroying all of them... It scared her, she agreed with him to some extent, against her father's wishes but this wasn't the same boy she'd brought back to her tribe.

Luca hearing no answer was about to spit an insult and start shouting at her, but he found himself unable to as his lips were taken, Sarr'ina had kissed him...

After it ended he gave a shuddering breath as she looked into his eyes, tears threatening to escape them.


The tension between them was palpable, neither knowing really what to expect, both having numerous thoughts flooding their minds. Luca's focus changed from her eyes, to her flushed cheeks to her lips. He hugged her, his anger dissipating as he began to softly cry into the crook between her neck and shoulder, Sarr'ina doing the same.

It only lasted a couple of minutes, but Luca felt refreshed afterwards despite his red eyes and bloody nose.

"I won't let you kill yourself, the Karaskir will get what they deserve, but we must be patient." she slowly says, determined to keep him from doing anything stupid.


"I know, but I must help in some way... If you won't let me do it myself, then maybe you can do it for me?" he asks, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand.

"As long as you are safe." she smiles, holding his hand against her face.

"Then... My plan, your father would be strongly against it." he cautions.

"My father doesn't agree with much..." she says, both of them chuckling at her words.

"I... I found a pond, not far from the hunting grounds filled with poisonous creatures."

Sarr'ina gives him a surprised look, "The cursed waters?"


"The... The what now?" he mutters.

"The cursed waters... A monster is said to live within it, immortal and unable to be hurt by any weapon. No one dares go near it, for fear of being eaten whole." she ominously says.

Luca has a memory of a large creature in the pond flash in his mind, but he waves it off as a folk story. "It was fine when I went there..." he says, brushing off her wariness.