
And so Luca's training under Sarr'ina began again, this time around they'd both knew each other well, allowing them both to adapt to what they'd learned previously. Sarr'ina made sure that her instructions weren't as vague as the ones she used to give, and Luca would double-check if he didn't understand something she'd said, not letting his pride get in the way of his progress.

As soon as they started training, they both knew they were in for a long haul... Luca definitely wasn't suited for a bow, every one of his initial arrows not going anywhere near the tree they'd been using for target practice.

The first few couple of hours of attempts yielded no results, causing both of them to get frustrated... Luca knew what he had to do, Sarr'ina had shown him everything, from grip, posture, stance, and even how to aim, but nothing seemed to click.


Luca sighs to himself as yet another arrow hits the ground, still nowhere near his target... He was beginning to think it was his bow, if it weren't for the fact Sarr'ina had used it and easily hit the targets he'd have given up by now. "Ina? What am I doing wrong?" he asks, hoping she'd have an answer.

Sarr'ina frowns, "I do not know, it is like you have two left hands..." she says, cheering Luca up slightly a the unintentional proverb.

Luca shakes his head and gets back up, ignoring orange sky signalling how late it is, "I'll keep practising, you should go in and gets some sleep." he says.

"No, I will stay and watch... Maybe I have just forgotten to teach you something." she mutters, not willing to let him stay out here alone.

Luca nods, "If you want... Just don't blame me if you're too tired to hunt tomorrow." he says, knocking another arrow and firing it, missing for the nth time today.

*Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak!*

The sound of arrows hitting the forest floor echoes through the area as the sun gradually sets, enveloping the place in darkness and making it even more difficult to see what's going on. Luca glances at Sarr'ina who's currently illuminated by moonlight, having fallen asleep some time ago.

He shoots the last arrows he has, not bothering to check where they landed before wrapping his bearskin around Sarr'ina and lifting her into a princess carry... She's heavy, but his honor as a man wouldn't let him drop her, or show how much he's actually exerting to carry her.

He walks out of the area they'd been using to practice, unfortunately unaware of the arrow that'd pierced the tree... They'd be able to see it the next day when they would practice, were it not for the squirrel jumping on it and dislodging it. If Luca had witnessed this, he'd be cursing his existence, as well as the squirrels right now...

It's been three days since Luca started practicing his archery, and the improvements have been dramatic.

Luca raises his fist in the air and cheers, "I did it! You see that Ina?!" he exclaims, rapidly pointing at the target.


Sarr'ina slowly nods, "Yes... I saw it..." she mutters, looking at the tree that has a single arrow lodged in it, with almost a hundred broken ones littering the floor below. "Now, you just need to do it again."

"Ah... I don't think that's possible..." he says, feeling like it was better to end on a good note.

"It is, you just did it! Just do it again Lu!"




"I... I don't think I'm suited to use a bow." he says, looking at the arrow that'd missed the target by a large amount.

The duo return home, Luca already thinking up ways to forgo the initial plan of fighting the monster in the cursed water with just the two of them... It was obvious he had no talent for the bow, and if they waited until he was proficient enough with it to properly use it then they'd miss the opportunity to put his plan in place... The whole point of it was to protect the village against the Karaskir after all.

"Ina, I think we should look at our other options..." he says, laying against the many furs in her hut.

"What options?" Sarr'ina asks, sprawled out next to him.

"I think we should ask the other hunters for help, Zul'meshii and Gil'ga would be willing to help without telling your father I think?" he questions, feeling like he could trust those two as they'd treated him relatively well in the past.

"Hmm, both are strong, but still loyal to father. I do not know if they will tell him of our intentions... I do know one person who would be willing to help though."

"Who?" Luca asks, wondering if he'd met them before.

Sarr'ina looks him in the eyes, "Das'ju."

Luca almost chokes on his own saliva upon hearing who she had in mind, "That guy? He hates me! He'd rat us out almost immediately!"

She shakes her head, "No, he would not... If I asked him."

"Of course he would, you know he likes you right?" Luca says, feeling jealousy start to rise in his chest.

Sarr'ina nods, "I know, that is why he would help us."

"I don't know... Wouldn't you feel bad for manipulating him? Not that I have a problem with it." he adds, not wishing to let go of this chance.

"The fate of the village is more important than his feelings for me, besides... I do not feel the same for him." she says, blushing slightly as she glances at Luca.

Luca smiles and stands, holding his hand out and helping her up off of the pelts, "Let's get to it then, there's still daylight left." Sarr'ina nodding, taking his hand and leaving the hut with him.

The duo search around the village for Das'ju, and eventually find him next to the river, skinning a rabbit he'd presumably caught.

"Das'ju?!" Sarr'ina calls, waving at him to get his attention.

Luca follows behind her as she walks up to him, he could've stayed back and let her do the talking, but something within himself wouldn't allow her to talk to Das'ju without his being there.

"Yes Sarr'ina?" Das'ju says, looking up from his task and frowning when he spots Luca.

"Did you hear of it?" she asks, looking down at him.

Das'ju slowly nods, "Your encounter in the cursed waters? Yes, the whole village is aware of it." he says.

Sarr'ina huffs at this, crossing her arms and feeling slightly put out that word of it had gotten so far so quickly... It'd only been a few days after all. "I wanted to ask for your help... I want to hunt the monster, and show father I am not as weak as he thinks." she says with a determined look in her eyes, while she might be manipulating Das'ju, her words held some truth in them.

Das'ju glances at Luca who'd been standing behind Sarr'ina quietly, not making his way into their conversation. "And him? Surely he would not be any help against such a beast?"

Sarr'ina can't help the frown appearing on her face as she hears this, "Luca will help, we were planning to go face it alone, but felt we should share the glory." she lies easily, her innocent demeanor no longer present.

Luca speaks up, "Regardless of your dislike of me, I think we can do this, with the monster gone we'll be able to hunt in the territory around it. This will help with the food shortage the Karaskir have imposed on us."

Das'ju glances between Sarr'ina and Luca before sighing, "I refuse. You should give up, the cursed waters were forbidden for a reason, the monster's presence there is not a coincidence, nature itself must be telling us something, and I intend to listen." he says, getting up and leaving.

"Hmph, let us go Lu, clearly Das'ju has lost his nerve." Sarr'ina says, walking off in search of Zul'meshii and Gil'ga.