Kermit-ting Suicide?

The monstrous toad rears back as if it were about to jump ontop of Luca and Das'ju, the former paling slightly before finally shouting, "RUN!"

The dup run in opposite directions, the toad going crosseyed momentarily as it tries to focus on both. In the end it decides to attack Das'ju as he was the one who severed its tongue.


An arrow leaves Gil'ga's bow and hits it in its left eye as it tracks Das'ju, the sudden and out of nowhere strike only anger it further, without second moment it leaps towards Das'ju, colliding with a tree that crashes to the forest floor, almost crushing the young hunter who quickly sprints away.

The toad follows, leaps towards him and breaking most of the tree's it collides with, arrows hit its back but most do almost nothing, some hit the pustules dotting its hide but don't seem to do any damage, instead just causing white liquid to squirt out.

Everyone steered clear of whatever the substance was, if regular frogs were poisonous enough to kill you if you touched them wrong, they couldn't imagine what kind of poison this thing would have.

Luca knew his arrows would do effectively nothing, he swallowed the terrible fear he was experiencing and sprinted towards the side of the frog. If they wasted anymore time Das'ju might just get eaten by it.

Once he was close enough he tried to shoot an arrow at its powerful back legs, but the toad hops away causing him to hit dirt instead. Shaking his head he plants his bow into the floor and takes the string off, using it to tie his flint knife onto the end of it to make a slightly bent spear.

Hopefully his hastily tied knot would keep the knife steady when jammed into its flesh, but he doubted it... He quickly caught up to it as more arrows rained down on its back, the rest of the group were chasing after the beast while shooting their bows at anything that might hurt it.

Luca charged the creature, reached it before it made its next jump and ramming the flint-spear into its knee joint. The resistance was impressive considering the force he was putting behind the strike, he could see his flint knife shatter, but fortunately enough the remaining shards were sharper than his initial knife, allowing it to penetrate its hide.

The toad tried to jump towards Das'ju again but flopped to the side, its knee was too damaged to jump effectively anymore, its brash actions tore the remaining flint from Luca's spear, leaving him with just the wooden shaft...

Das'ju noticed the creatures plight and stopped his retreat, instead knocking an arrow and firing at its remaining eye. It croaks loudly in pain but is still somehow aware of its surroundings, blinking just as the arrow is shot and blocking the projectile with its eyelid.

The toad flexes its damaged hind leg a few times but this only causes more damage due to the flint shards still lodged in its wound. It rapidly turns around to look at whoever had caused its injury, the remaining right eye focusses on him and Luca felt like he could feel the monster's anger made manifest.

He quickly backs away but the moster opens its mouth and shoots its tongue at him, it collides with his chest like a thrown bowling ball, knocking him to the floor winded. Fortuantely Das'ju had cut the sticky part from it, preventing him from instantly being devoured.

However, that didn't stop the creature from slowly crawling towards him, intent on eating him with or without its tongue.

Luca tried to get up but is stuck by its tongue again, this time hitting him in the face and causing the world to go fuzzy for a moment. He could vaguely hear Gil'ga shouting orders but his mind was currently frazzled, not being able to make out the words properly...

He felt an arm wrapping around his side and picked up the familiar scent of herbs and sweat... His vision rapidly cleared up as Sarr'ina helped him get to his feet, ignoring the fact they could hear the ragged breath of the giant toad behind them as they retreated.

The creature seemed to be getting accustomed to only having on effective hind leg, its movement speeding up the longer the fast went on... The others noticed its pupil contract as if it were able to fire its tongue again, they were ready this time though, Zul'meshii and Gil'ga both firing arrows at its eye just its its jaw tenses up.


They hit! The two arrows lodge deeply within the squishy optical organ, the toad goes beserk at being blinded, both legs rapidly splaying out in random directions, ignoring its own injury.

"Its going mad, we need to run!" Sarr'ina shouts, unfortunately its only then that the group realise that while it'd been blinded, it hadn't been deafened.

It rearranged itself and started rapidly jumping towards them, its leaps were much smaller than before due to its injury, but the rate it was going it would soon catch up... Luca quickly looked around for something, anything that might be able to finally kill the thing.

His eyes jumped around the clearing until he saw an area the toad had previously been through, a broken tree still somehow standing despite its top half being broken off... It'd ben broken in a way that resembled a spear point, it was at that moment he knew what he had to do.

"Ina, get back and shoot at it, I'll distract it. GO!" he shouts, no letting her argue against him.

He runs to the side and turns to face the toad, "OI KERMIT! YOU UGLY BASTASRD! I'M RIGHT HERE!" he shouts, hitting his spear against a stump to encourage it further.

It seemed to take his bait and started hopping after him, ignoring the arrows that lodged themselves in its hide without effectively achieving anything.

Luca was already exhausted, but ran as fast as he legs could carry him, almost getting crushed by one of the creatures more impressive leaps, but eventually reaching his destination...

"I'M RIGHT HERE! COME GET SOME!" he shouts at the top of his lungs underneath the broken tree. The toad follows, hopping a short distance before making a final leap at him... Thick dark blood explodes from its soft belly as it lands heavily against the spear-like broken tree.

The blood completely covers Luca, and he hopes to god it isn't poisonous, he'd experienced dying like that before but he couldn't imagine what being covered in a poisonous substance would feel like.

The toad's body was slowly sliding down the tree's length, the shock of his plan working quickly wore off when he realised he'd be crushed if he stayed here, sprinting away just as the toad's body hit the ground, the tree piercing completely through its body.