
On the white stone floor of a cave laid a body pale as ash, it was illuminated by sun rays passing through the ceiling, black veins were clearly visible across the corpse's skin and blood has begun trickling out of its mouth, eyes, nose and ears.

It just continued to lay their lifelessly, not moving an inch as, of course, it was dead...

However, small changes began to occur in it, the veins filled to the brim with the deadly substance began clearing, their black colouration slowly fading as seconds go by. The blood that'd leaked from its orifices began crawling backwards as if time was reversing, flowing back into the body.

The large wound on its gut began knitting itself back together, strands of blood shooting towards each side of the wound before pulling itself taut.

Unnoticed by any mortal observation, the currently dead internal organs began regaining their vitality. After a few minutes of this, the heart thumped, as if introduced to an electric shock, forcing it to begin beating again.

With blood now flowing again the body's pale skin slowly returned to its regular tanned state. The only thing needed for the body to regain full functions was to wake up...





Luca desperately drank in the air, as he suddenly woke up, his eyes snapping open as he glanced around the area to see if he was where he should be. He rapidly sat up and patted himself over, quickly noticing that the wound inflicted on him by the Giant Scorpion had disappeared.

He breathes a sigh of relief upon finding that he was still alive and healthy... Yes, he'd been immortal for quite some time now, but it didn't change the fact that death was incredibly scary, and most of the time painful.

There was always the fear of not coming back, fear that whatever was causing his immortality would fade and stop protecting him. After a moment of recollecting himself he gets to his feet, thoughts drifting to the scorpion and how to defeat it.

Unlike the giant frog, Luca was sure that regular weaponry would be unable to even damage it... Its pale exoskeleton would render most attacks useless. The only thing he could think of that would actually damage something like that would be massive blunt force trauma, but something like that would be incredibly hard to do.

His hand brushes against the stone sword he'd found, yeah, this thing might be able to get through its exoskeleton... But as much as he disliked admitting it, he didn't think himself capable enough to kill it in a frontal assault.

Sure he was good with a spear and almost as proficient as that with a bow, but those skills didn't automatically transfer to use in a sword, or more accurately, a Kukri. He didn't think he could just run at it and wildly swing until it dropped dead, he wasn't the protagonist of some story... He'd most certainly die a long and painful death... Deaths.

Hmm, well. If he couldn't defeat it straight on, then he had to think of another way... Fortunately, his time spent as a hunter had prepared him for something like this. He'd become very proficient with prepping traps and even constructed unconventional ones that many had not thought of before.

Not to mention the fact that he spent many days thinking about the battle against the giant frog. He'd thought about ways of defeating it that didn't include getting very lucky as had originally had happened.

He glances up at the ceiling of the cave where the sun rays were penetrating through and nods to himself, yes, he could think of a few ways to handle this.

Brushing himself off of salt he leaves the cave and heads for the treeline, searching for the largest, most healthy-looking tree in the area. He finds it after a couple of minutes and brings out the stone sword and starts chopping at its base.

The sword is capable of cutting deeply into stone, so cutting through wood proved almost too easy. After fifteen minutes of chopping the tree comes down, landing heavily with a thud. With that done he began cutting the branches and other foliage off to make it into one massive log.

Luca looks down at his work and frowns, it must've weighed a few tons at least. If he was going to use it for anything else he'd try to cut it into pieces to make it easier to carry... But he needed its weight to get through the Scorpion's exoskeleton.

He looked up at the large stone structure that contained the cave and wondered how on earth he was going to get this log up there... First things first though, his single bundle of plant fibre rope isn't going to hold a couple tons of weight, so he better get to work on making more.

A couple hours later Luca had laid down so much plant fibre across the rock that to someone else it might look as if he were trying to decorate. The reason he'd left it strewn across the floor was because the rock was warm and directly in the sunlight, making it easier to dry the plant fibre.

With that done he began cutting down other tree's to begin creating struts that'd allow him to slowly push the log up to the top of the stone plateau-like structure. He'd looked around it and spotted that the back of the structure was more hill-like that the front, this would allow him to slowly roll the log up without forcing him to gather extra help.

Why was he not willing to ask the tribe for help in this venture? There were two main reasons for it, the first being that he felt responsible for causing the issue in the first place, and thus needed to solve it himself... Whether this was due to pride or a sense of responsibility, Luca couldn't tell.

The second reason was he didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt in this, one graze from the Scorpion likely meant death via its poison. He had no doubt that Sarr'ina, Das'ju, Zul'meshi, and Gil'ga would jump at the opportunity help slay another monster. So, he'd not give them the option in the first place, dealing with the problem himself.