
The Sua'jiki group stayed within the Olmnar tribe for a couple days to sell off their goods, allow the injured to heal, and improve relations with the tribe further. However, once Sarr'vuln got word of the ambush on the group, he'd sent Zul'meshi, Gil'ga, and a few other hunters to escort them back to the tribe.

Luca was more than thankful for this, as he didn't think their group could take another attack on that scale, let alone a bigger one. He knew the Gutizia were going to start getting desperate, so a full-on assault wouldn't be off the table.

Luckily, he and Sarr'ina had managed to persuade Jubba to lend some of his own tribesmen to aid in escorting them back to safety. After all, it was in everyone's best interests if their ally and sole supplier of salt remained unmolested.

Soon enough, it was time to head back, Jubba stood with Luca and Sarr'ina as the Sua'jiki tribesman prepared to head back, and gifted them with a few talismans to 'aid' in their safety... To be honest, Luca didn't think they'd do anything... It wasn't like they were magical, as far as he was concerned, Sarr'ina and he were the only people able to use such abilities.

The talismans themselves were simple wood carving attached to loops of plant fibre ropes that you'd wear around your wrist, ankles, or neck. Luca of course, make sure to put on a grateful face and performed all necessary etiquette required of him.

"I bid you a safe journey home, Daughter of Ina." Jubba softly says before looking at Luca, "Bloody Lu'ka."

The duo nod and shakes hands with the man, giving their farewells as they return to the Sua'jiki tribesman and make sure everything is ready. A few people still had injuries, but they weren't debilitating enough to prevent their return, though, a few of the hunters were required to chip in with transporting the goods they'd traded from the Olmnar.

Large pots of salted fish, flint tools, plant fibre, leather, and anything else they could ever want or need. Salt was so valuable, that anything the tribe desired, they could have. More than a few Sua'jiki tribesmen were happy at this turn of events.

Luca pet Sarr'bal as they travelled down the relatively well-trodden path, he was listening in as Sarr'ina made small talk with Gil'ga. Though, he noticed that Gil'ga was asking about her time with Luca a bit too much... It's just like him to be curious about their relationship... Even if they hadn't taken the next step yet...

The group was noisy and boisterous as they walked, happy with the spoils they'd traded and wanting to show the rest of the tribesmen the change in their fortunes... However, as they were halfway back, Luca noticed something odd...

It was... Too quiet. Birds had stopped chirping, rodents had stopped disturbing the foliage, even those damned squirrels had seemingly disappeared. It wasn't just Luca who'd noticed however, Sarr'ina, Zul'meshi, Gil'ga, and a few of the other hunters had perked up.

There were only a couple things that could cause silence in a forest... Most of them being predators... Though, some of the tribesmen thought it just meant bad omens... Luca knew it wasn't likely to be any of those however, after all, they'd already discovered the enemies willingness to attack.

"AMBUSH!" Luca shouts before anything happens, wanting to get the initiative against whoever had decided to attack. He wouldn't allow another barely won battle again, at least this time they had properly trained warriors with the Sua'jiki hunters and Olmnar escorts.

At his words, everyone drops what they're carrying and draws their weapons... Flint knives, axes, and spears, along with bows and slings. A few Olmnar were carrying harpoon-like spears, but this was likely more due to their usual occupation of fishermen than anything else.

Unfortunately, Luca's suspicion proved to be true... However, they were oblivious tp the extent of the danger they were in.


Arrows began flying from all direction, instantly killing hunters, escorts, and traders. The defenders immediately fired back with their own volley, but they simply weren't prepared and lacked the enemies position to properly retaliate.

Another round of arrows kill more, but this seemed to be the end of it as a roar sounded out, revealing almost a hundred men charging towards the group. A hundred people may not seem like much in modern-day standards, but in tribal warfare, it was akin to fighting a whole country.

Luca's group was composed of around fifty people, most of which were only there to carry goods... Only around twenty people were actually trained fighters, which, against five times their number, simply wasn't enough.

Luca, Sarr'ina, Zul'meshi, and Gil'ga all fired arrows at the approaching men, killing a few before they were forced to draw their other weapons. Luca draws his stone sword and barely deflects a spear stab to his stomach, using the pommel to smash the offending warrior in the face, breaking his nose in the process.

Afterwards, he slashed down and cut deep into their shoulder, causing them to drop their spear. Luca is about to strike again but stops as an arrow pierces the man in the temple, killing them instantly. He sends a nod to the hunter who was responsible but is unable to do anything as they're run through the chest with a spear...

Gritting his teeth, he gives a roar and leaps back into combat, slicing ferociously at anything nearby. The shoulder to shoulder brawl he'd found himself in didn't suit spears well, but his stone blade certainly showed its effectiveness.

He tried to not mind the people he was killing and was able to ignore it for now. But he knew these memories would come back with a vengeance once this was all over... Right now, all he was concerned about was the safety of his friends.

He kept one eye on Sarr'ina as she fought, making sure he'd be able to assist should she require it... Though, once he was in the midst of combat, he was unsure who belonged to which tribe, or even where he was.

It was as if a fog had overtaken the battle, preventing him from distinguishing who was an enemy, or who was an ally... The only reason he wasn't killing Sua'jiki tribesman was because he made sure to only attack those that Zul'meshi or Gil'ga were... It also helped that his crimson hair was a beacon for trouble and attracted the wrath of his enemies.

It wasn't long however before Luca realised that they weren't going to be the victors in this battle. The enemies numbers were simply too great, and the Sua'jiki-Olmnar contingent was rapidly losing ground.

"AAARRRRGGHH!" A familiar shout of pain sounds out, attracted Luca's attention, once he looks he spots Gil'ga with a spear running through his shoulder.

"No!" Luca shouts, running to assist, but isn't fast enough as another spear pierces through his friends throat, sending a spray of blood over the two battling groups.

"NOOOOOO!" He hears Sarr'ina cry, as she leaps onto the back of one of the spear wielders while jamming her flint knife into their neck, killing them.

Suddenly, something grabs Luca's shoulder, but before he's able to retaliate with his blade, he notices that the hand belongs to Zul'meshi...

The usually quiet man looks pale, and Luca could see that he was heavily bleeding, "Zul! We need to get you to-"

"No!" he growls out, "Lu'ka, take Ina, run, get her back to Sarr'vuln!... RUN!" He shouts.

"No! We can-" Luca refuses, but suddenly yells out in pain as a spear passes through his side, and into Zul'meshi's stomach. The attack was just a flesh wound on Luca, but it was definitely fatal to Zul'meshi, who goes wide-eyed and stumbles.

The hunter hasn't lost all strength yet however, gripping the spear against his stomach and slamming a flint knife into the attacker's eye socket, killing them. He then drops to his knees and looks into Luca's eyes, "TAKE HER! RUN!"

Luca can only grit his teeth and do as he's told, he didn't want to imagine the fate that awaited Sarr'ina should she be captured. Not only because she was a woman, but because she possessed knowledge of magic, knowledge that any other tribe would gladly kill, torture, or maim for.