
Hours pass and the Sua'jiki expedition eventually returns back to the tribe, but not before making a detour and collecting the corpse of Sarr'bal and the other tribesman who were unfortunately cut down during the ambush. Luca made sure to also recover Sarr'ina's bow... He felt like it was far more important than any other weapon he'd come across so far, excluded his own stone blade, he felt it'd be a loss if he didn't at least try to return it to Sarr'ina. At least it would serve as a 'silver-lining', if you could call it that considering the circumstances...

It was a mournful and solemn return, one with which the rest of the tribe watched on silently... Luca took Sarr'bal into his arms and carried him away from where the pyre was being set up. He asked around for Ina but found that she was still resting... Shaking his head, he looked down at the corpse of the faithful animal they'd saved from the ruins of the Karaskir.

Sarr'bal had been an everpresent presence for years, and Luca honestly still hadn't processed his death... He had died trying to protect him and Sarr'ina, and for that, he'd never forget it.

He wanted to do something for Sarr'bal and Sarr'ina, but after thinking through the various modern-day traditions regarding funerals and the loss of loved ones, he couldn't find anything suitable... It wasn't like he could just bury Sarr'bal like some pet and present Sarr'ina with some flowers as if everything were okay...

After contemplating it for a time he figures that, since he was living in the Sua'jiki, something meaningful and blunt would do... He walks towards the stream with a knife in hand.

Hours pass, and after very careful labour, Luca finishes skinning Sarr'bal, leaving its still somewhat blood-stained white fur separate from the rest of his body... He leaves the pelt with some women for them to wash it as he carries the now bloody and skinned Sarr'bal towards the pyre.

It hadn't been lit yet, but the tribe had almost completed the arrangements for seeing their comrades off. He sends a nod at Sarr'vuln and slowly lowers Sarr'bal onto the pyre, next to some of the corpses of the other tribesman... It was important for tradition that they weren't too close, as human life would always be regarded higher than an animal, but he wanted to make clear how big of a loss Sarr'bal was.

Going off of hierarchical structure, he'd placed Sarr'bal at about the same level as an average tribesman. Not as high as hunters, warriors, and chieftains, but enough to show that he was family. He gives a light tug at the titanium chain around his neck and rubs his moist eyes with his arm. "Goodbye boy, thank you for protecting us... I'm sorry it had to end this way..."

He gives the wolf one final pet on the head before turning and heading towards the other friends he'd lost. Zul'meshi and Gil'ga's bodies were laid around the centre of the pyre, showing just how highly admired they were amongst the tribe. He wasn't surprised either, they were honestly good people, and the world was worse now that they were gone.

Luca could say without shame that they among the few people he'd called friends... They knew him, they fought by him, and they died protecting him. They were some of the toughest pair of bastards he'd ever known, but it just shows how easily life is lost. He'd been confronted by this fragility many times, though, he'd never really taken it to heart due to his 'condition'...

But... Something about looking down at their lifeless bodies made him feel a sort of existential dread he'd not yet encountered before... Would he eventually end up like this too? And if not, would all his loved ones? Would he eventually be saying goodbye to Sarr'ina as well?...

Luca continues to blankly look down at his two lost companions, a mixture of dread, confusion, and mourning etched across his features.

He almost jumps out of his skin when he feels a hand drop onto his shoulder, taking a glance at who it belongs to, he spots Sarr'vuln solemnly looking down at Zul'meshi and Gil'ga. "They were fine warriors, and even better men. Do not feel sorrow for their death, but respect for how they lived... They had a purpose, and they died not blubbering like cowards, but fighting against those who would trample us, kill us, steal from us..." he quietly says as his grip on Luca's shoulder strengthens, "Now, you must be strong in their place, hold what they held dear, and protect what they protected. This your duty as someone who lives, and your responsibility as their companion to remember them."

With that, Sarr'vuln leaves him to his thoughts, instead, concentrating on getting everything ready...

Luca sighs and wonders if Sarr'vuln was right or not... He felt as if the man was encouraging him to take up their role, and possibly die as they had. Luca wasn't someone who was usually aware of these things... But it almost sounded like propaganda.

Regardless of his thoughts, he bids Zul'meshi and Gil'ga one final goodbye before leaving and heading to the hut where Sarr'ina resided... He wanted her to be awake for the funeral, and knew she'd be distraught if she missed it...

The pyre wasn't just to remove the bodies to prevent diseases and potentially feeding the wildlife with human flesh. It was also to provide those still grieving some condolence that their lost loved ones were in a better place... Tradition was important, especially so to Sarr'ina, so he wasn't going to be the fall guy if she ended up missing it...

Before he heads into her hut he picks up the now cleaned and slightly damp fur of Sarr'bal. Peeking his head into the hut he notices a single elderly woman attending to Sarr'ina, occasionally checking the salves that'd been liberally applied over her body.

She spots Luca and stands, gesturing him inside while leaving to provide some privacy. He quietly walks up and sits beside the bed of furs, gently resting a hand on Sarr'ina's head, more to reassure himself than anything else.