Emma’s Therapist

Start from the beginning of why your here. Said the Therapist. Clicking her pen cap against the pen.

Emma sighs, being in the same position that Malia was when first started. She sobs, crying out tears.

My husband and I got married last week, and it has been a rollercoaster of hell and emotions. He is mean, cruel, and selfish. And I don't know what to do about it. I can't beat him at his game, I can't do anything to fight back with but I'm tired. I mean I'm barely new to this whole marriage thing and here I am crying over something petty. I mean is this how marriage supposed to go? Asked Emma

Well, marriage has its trials but what you have described is that your husband is selfish, mean and cruel? And how is he cruel? Can you describe that feeling?

Emma sat still, looking at the marble table, rocking back and forth. Even though she felt like giving her husband a bad name, she held her tongue.

I know I have done some things in my day but... Does... Is this my punishment? I'm not understanding how a man can be so childish that his whole ego of manhood crushes. To do the things that I couldn't do.

Whatever I wear he doesn't like, how I smell he doesn't like, how I look he doesn't like. On our honeymoon, he cheated on me with this blond, and beautiful brunette and I couldn't compete with that.

And so what did you do? Asked the therapist

Emma's eyes fired up, with her wide blue eyes and a look with a powerful statement.

I'm tired of being abused, neglected, and a woman. If I was a man... I can fuck, mistreat any woman I choose, without any feelings. I can say I love you without any feelings. Emma said. Getting up from the couch. She felt Malia there sitting on the same couch, saying the same words, speaking in the same tone. As if It was her shadow was there speaking the same pain.

Why are you tired of being a woman? Asked the therapist.

Did you hear what I just said? All the things that men do without a care in the world can just do whatever, and when it's all said and done... All they can do is say " well, what do you want me to do", "I can't change anything", you knew who I was when you married me".

Ah-haha. Do it to him, he bitch, get distant towards you, and just gives you that colder shoulder, as if a woman putting him in his place is such a crime. Men put women in their place all the time and even though they don't deserve it, it feels like knives cutting up your heart, while his is still in tack.

Do you know why... Men can dish it but cant take it? asked the therapist.

Please, if you can tell me and have an answer, I won't get offended.

It ruins their ego, anytime you see a woman in her power and standing in it. It pisses them off. When Cray sees you, not only that he sees that your beautiful but in his eyes... He sees you as a powerful force, that can be reckoned with but if you show your true colors, and show him how a real bitch plays things, he will be the one in naive and not sure that if he married the right woman.

Your a powerful woman, miss Emma. And the reason why he is picking on you cause he knows that you powerful but he also knows that you don't know that yet. So, that's why he is coming up for this rage temper trauma cause he thinks you cant fight back. Said the therapist.

So, what's is it going to be? Asked the therapist, folding her legs, leaning back against the chair. They both stare right Into each other. The room becomes silent.