The Big Day

Today was the big day of the practice match. Everyone's positions were set and good. Shinaya was really nervous. He walked in the gym. A few minutes later,a big line of people walked into the room. It was the other team! Team BreakNeck! They were called this because they one time broke someone's neck with the ball! This team was from Kitagawa Middle school. As soon as Shinaya saw them,he knew he didn't have a chance. Each of them was 6 feet tall with only one kid recognized. It was Shinzo Kai. Shinaya has seen him on tv many times! Shinaya was excited to be in his first practice game but he was kind of nervous. "Game,start!!!",the coach yelled as he blew the whistle. It looked like this was it. This was the start of the practice match! Mako threw the ball up and hit it. The ball headed straight for Shinzo's head! This scared Shinaya because Shinaya knew what Shinzo was like when he was mad. He was an arrogant persistent bastard that thought he could do it all himself. At least,that's what Shinaya thought. Everyone else thought this too. The ball was heading for Shinzo and then he smacked it away! It landed on Shinaya's side of the floor! The coach blew the whistle and pointed to the other team."One point!",he yelled. Shinaya was getting nervous and so was everyone else. Rereshi threw the ball up and smacked it! Some guy on the other team named Mazoka bounced the ball back,and then another guy named Nezu hit the ball! The ball was about to hit the floor and then,Hanoi bounced the ball with his hand right before it hit the floor. Hanoi And Natsu were great at being aces. Daikon hit the ball in the air. It looked like the ball was going over the net! None of the team was paying too much attention but there was still a risk! happened. Shinaya ran at lightning speed and jumped as high as he could! His hand was stretched back and then it was moving forward! His hand was getting ready to hit! Shinaya had seen a move similar to this when his idol was on tv. WAAKPOOSH!! He smacked the ball and it hit the floor with a loud BOHK!...."Point for Mushi Middle school!",the coach yelled as he blew the whistle. Everyone continued playing but they were still shocked by that amazing attack Shinaya made. The leader of the other team walked up to the net and looked at Shinaya."Don't you get in my way!",Shinzo said to Shinaya. It was Shinzo's turn to serve. He threw the ball and and smacked it! The ball was heading straight for Shinaya and it smacked him in the face!He got launched back into the dark corner of the room. Everyone paused the game to check if he was okay. Everyone on Shinaya's team knew they couldn't win."We might as well just give up.",Rereshi said."'s not over.",Shinaya said,half of his entire body shrouded in complete darkness."It's not over till the ball touches the ground.",Shinaya then said with his eyes wide. Shinaya knew his special speed move wouldn't always work,so he had to practice it and make more moves to get even better than he already was. Improving was hard but he could do it! It was his turn to serve! He threw the ball up,Shinzo looking at him from the back row,and then he smacked it! The ball zoomed towards Shinzo and it hit him in his nose! Everyone was shocked and worried and then everyone looked at Shinaya..

Shinaya was scared out of his mind! And then....