The big surprise

Shinaya was walking to school. Despite still being short,he was 16 now and his decisions mattered more. Shinaya arrived at Matoki High school! Shinaya opened the doors as a ball headed straight for him! Shinaya was shrouded in darkness as he caught the ball in his left hand. He looked up and to his surprise....there was..Shinzo!!!!"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE TOMATO TOP?!!!!",Shinzo yelled. Before Shinaya could answer,4 people came up to them."WELCOME TO MATOKI HIGH SCHOOL!",The first person yelled. This person seemed very energetic."WE'RE YOU'RE UPPERCLASSMEN!",he then yelled.This loud one's name was Tsheli Wavo. He was a ball of energy with blue,spiky hair. The next one was Hari(HUH-REE)Machinma. He was tall,but at least under 6 feet. Everyone was at least a little under 6 feet. Shinzo noticed Hari's weird hairstyle and his orange hair. He would definitely stick out in the crowd.Kris Jones was next. He was a cool looking guy with pink hair. And last of all,Tena Kati. He was the leader and he had silver hair. Then Tena started to talk."Nice to meet you guys!",he said."Ya see,this school used to be one of the more prestigious volleyball schools ever,but eventually,we started getting less players due to better schools and teams,and we started to get worse."We will be playing on your team since we don't have enough players.",Hari said."I'm Shinaya!",Shinaya said."I'm Shinzo.",Shinzo muttered with a frown on his face. He knew what this meant. He and Shinaya were on the same team! Shinaya still didn't understand why Shinzo didn't go to a better school. He literally could've gone anywhere else!"We're going to practice,c'mon!",Hari said. "That guy is short for a guy who wants to play volleyball.",Kris said to Tsheli."You just don't get it.",Tsheli replied."He has potential...."

And he was right...