The next practice match

The day and came. It was the day of the big practice match against Shoji High. Steve drove everyone to the Paracity gym.Everyone walked into the court."Thank you for the game!",both teams yelled. "START!!",the coach then yelled. The person serving was some guy named Maasai Shi. He threw the ball up and smacked it! "Cover it!",Tena yelled as the ball hit his arms in a bad way."Got it!",Shinzo said. He passed the ball back and Shinaya ran! He jumped up and he smacked the ball with full power! The ball slammed on the other team's floor and team Matoki got a point! The score was 1-0! Everyone watching was shocked! The coach,Steven, and a few others! Shinaya was born with no powers at all,but most thought he was superhuman! There was a simple solution. Follow the ball and where it goes,easy. But this was a problem! Shinaya ran again,preparing for a speed attack and he smacked it to the floor! The tallest player on the other team followed the ball."What?",the tallest man thought."I'm 6'4,how is he above me?"

Shinaya may have been short but he made up for it with his super high jumps! Shinaya looked at the other team with wide eyes."You won't get past me,"Shinaya said. The two teams played for a while and eventually,the score was 22-23,which meant Shinaya's team was losing! Shinaya's team was only back one point!"Damn it....",Shinaya whispered. No this the end of the game?....