Go long or go home

Shinaya was running towards a building. It was a medium size house. This house was the house of someone he knew very well. He knocked on the door and an old man came out."Well hello there,tomato top.",the old man said."I've been expecting you."

....."How?",Shinaya said."I saw your matches on tv",the old guy said. This old man was Shinaya's friend's uncle!"With moves like that,you're going to have to get some help.",the old man said. "Your shots are getting slower with time and you need to practice them. The two went inside. Then,they started to eat ramen."How is this supposed to help me?",Shinaya said,curios."A good sports player always eats before playing.",the man said."It helps you build energy."

Shinaya continued to eat,and after they finished,they went back outside. By that time,4 on the neighbors who looked no older than 8 had set the net up."You look short for a volleyball player.",The 4 kids said in unison."HEY,I MAKE UP FOR IT WITH JUMPS!",Shinaya yelled back. It turns out that these kids didn't watch the tv as much and were more fans of playing outside. Shinaya got in position and the old man stood on the other side of the net. The 4 boys were blocking Shinaya on the other side. Shinaya threw the ball up and pulled his arm back! He pushed forward and then....he missed! Shinaya fell down and landed flat on his face! The boys laughed at him as Shinaya was trying to stand up."Again!",Shinaya yelled. He threw the ball up,pulled his arm back, and smacked the ball as hard as he could! The ball hit the floor on the other side with a big SLAM! Everyone around Shinaya was shocked! "Heh.",the old man chuckled quietly. "Maybe this kid does have some potential.",the old man thought."This kid..could be the next Tanner Manakashi!!