The Actual Truth

"Listen kid.",Carter said."I am actually a retired coach of Matoki High School,and I've been thinking of coming back to that high school.

...Shinaya was could this be? Not only was he stunned,but he was angry. How could Carter keep this away from him for so long? Shinaya ran to the neighbor's house in anger."How could that old man do this?",Shinaya kept thinking."I've known him for years!!"

Shinaya ran and ran and ran. Soon,he realized he was lost! Carter was back at the house,smiling. Not because this was a prank, but because,he had already signed the applications. That meant Carter was coming back to that school! "I can't f****** believe he did this!",Shinaya yelled. He only cursed when he was mad. Everyone passing by was looking at him."Screw you!",Shinaya thought."How could you fall for that?",

"How could you run away like that?"

Shinaya turned around to the sight of a prestigious volleyball school. His rival was running after him,he tripped,and he fell onto Shinaya.

....."YOU FU***** TWAT!",Shinaya and Shinzo yelled at each other."WHY ARE YOU HERE!",Shinaya yelled."I COULD SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT YOU YA FU***** TOMATO TOP!!!!",Shinzo yelled back. Shinaya knew yelling wouldn't get him anywhere,but he did it anyway."WHATS WRONG WITH YOU,YOU NARCISSISTIC FU***** BLACK HAIRED B****?!!!!",Shinaya screamed at the top of his lungs. Then Shinzo pulled his arm back,ready to strike....