The other side can be seen

Shinaya didn't know what it was like on the other side of the net. He knew that if he jumped high enough,he would be able to see it one day. Pure luck wouldn't get him anywhere except pure failure. Shinaya threw a ball up and hit it to the floor. Shinaya threw a ball to the side and he jumped,following the ball! He hit the ball to other side and fell into some tables and the side guards. He stood up ,only to see that the ball had landed out! Shinaya needed to put less force into his blows,otherwise,the ball would always land on out. Shinaya's hand was red from all the hitting he had been doing. Any normal person would take a break,but Shinaya was determined to win,no mater what!

Suddenly,a stranger walked into the room. His hair was sticking up and it was a grey and white color. He wasn't old though,he was just a normal guy. "Hey there pipsqueak!",the stranger yelled.

"Who are you?",Shinaya said.

