The First match

The tournament was a match between Matoki High school and Date Arch High school. Tena threw the ball up and hit it. A guy in the other team called Jamal hit it back. Shinaya was planning for the usual hit back. He ran to the ball, jumped,and hit it! The person that was blocking swiftly moved his hand to the direction the ball was going and hit it onto the floor. Shinaya and everyone else was stunned! Date Arch was in the lead with the score being 1-0! The tall,dark red haired man rose up. "You thought you would get past.",he said. This other team was often called the Steel Wall because of their 6'4 player with white hair. Nobody could get past him. Kris hit the ball to someone on the other team who hit it back to Tsheli. Tsheli hit it to Tena who hit it to Ash,the newest member,who hit it up. This was it. Shinaya ran over to the ball,jumped,and smacked it with all his Might. He looked over to see that the ball was blocked by the super tall guy! His name was Erien Yeager. The ball hit the floor on Shinaya's side. The score was now 2-0. Shinaya and Shinzo looked at each other with doubt in their eyes. Shinaya threw the ball up and hit it. The problem was that it hit the net and landed on the floor! "DAMMIT!"Shinzo yelled."YOU DISTRACTED ME YOU BASTARD!",Shinaya yelled."Whats wrong with you two?",Tena said."Lets do this later!",He then said as he chopped them both on the head. Now it was 3-0. The giant on the other team threw the ball up and hit it way over the net. It looked like an out but it slammed on the floor on Shinaya's side! The score was now 4-0. Shinaya looked down. His team was losing! Tena threw the ball up and hit it towards the other team. The dark red haired man hit it back,Tsheli bounced it up,and Shinaya jumped up and smacked the ball to the floor. The red haired man was shocked and so was the rest of the team. The speed of the attack was unpredictable! The match played on with scores like 2-4,5-8,9-9,15-16,and that's where the game is now at 15-16. Shinaya looked up. This was just the first set. Eventually,the score was 23-24. Shinaya ran as fast as he could and jumped. His hand was about to make destiny. He launched,he struck,he hit!