A Tragic Rebirth

On July 8, 2001, a heavy rain suddenly washed over the Haizhou city.

People hid on the side of the road in search of cover to shelter from the rain. In addition to the cars and people with their umbrellas, a young man was running in the heavy rain, increasingly getting soaked with mud and water.

In his arms, he tightly held a plastic file bag, which contained ballpoint pens, pencils, erasers, amidst other supplies, as well as a college admissions ticket and an ID card.

His name is Li Mu. The left side of his forehead had a steady stream of blood leaking out, which was constantly being washed away in the torrential rain. Even with his injury, he quickly ran past the pedestrians, all of whom looked at him with a puzzled expression.

At this time, Li Mu gritted his mouth and cursed, "Master Cao, after my rebirth, I still couldn't avoid being hit by a car. I couldn't have been reborn ten minutes earlier!"

Half an hour ago, he was riding a bicycle to the final English test of the college entrance examination until he got hit by a car while on the sidewalk and passed out. The ambulance rushed Li Mu to the hospital but he woke up just before they had arrived.

When he woke up, Li Mu was not the same person as the Li Mu who had gotten hit by the car. Although they were both the same person, the Li Mu who woke up was the one from fifteen years in the future.

Before his reincarnation, he was writing code day in and night out. As it was getting dark, Li Mu passed out. When he woke up again, he found himself lying down in the ambulance.

He took ten minutes to determine that he went back into the past, and recalled that the car accident in 2001 was what changed the course of his life.

At 3:00 PM, the final subject of the college entrance examination, English, began.

After Li Mu was hit by a car in his previous life, he didn't wake up as fast as he did this time. When he woke up in his past life, he was taken to the hospital at 3:20 PM and the English test had already been going on for twenty minutes.

He ignored the doctor's opposition and the beautiful driver who caused the accident because he resolutely wanted to go to the examination room. After an examination, the doctor found out that he only had minimal injuries. Together with the traffic police and the driver, they took Li Mu back to the examination room on an ambulance.

He was thirty-five minutes late when he arrived, and he would not be allowed into testing if it was according to regulations. However, Li Mu was able to enter the examination due to his special circumstances. When he got there, the listening portion of the English test was almost over.

At that time, he was not feeling mentally composed. His physical pain and his listening delay compromised the performance of his exam. He got a shameful 49 marks in English.

Because of his pitiful English scores, Li Mu only got 535 marks for the college entrance examination, which was only five points above the passing score. In the end, he could only apply to two technical colleges in a province.

In his last life, his parents and the female driver both hoped that he could repeat the entrance exam the following year. The female driver even wanted to willingly subsidize all of the expenses of retaking the examination. However, due to his stubborn nature and how the tuition might affect his family's already poor conditions, he declined her intentions.

Later, in order to make up for the deficit, the female driver quietly handed $40,000 over four years to Li Mu's parents, which solved the financial problems Li Mu was having during his time at university. Due to the other party's wishes, his parents did not tell him about it. It wasn't until 2015, when they were in Yanjing, did they call Li Mu for him to attend a funeral with them.

At that time, he realized that a funeral was held for Chen Wan, the host of a variety show on the provincial TV station and, coincidentally, the female driver who had hit him. Although she wasn't a big star, she was well-known in the province.

His family revealed that Chen Wan gave them money every year after blaming herself for the accident.

Many people also regretted the circumstances that led to her death. First, her father was sentenced to death for illegal fundraising, and her husband funded stocks, which ended up wiping out all of his property in the stock disaster. A local unscrupulous media also distorted many of their reports about her which dealt a heavy blow. She turned to alcohol to help cope with her grief and died of it soon later.

When Li Mu learned of this, he was grateful to the woman. So in his current life, Li Mu didn't forget to turn back to the woman as he was running away from the ambulance and shouted out, "Go back, I don't blame you! Don't buy stocks in the future!"

Yes, Li Mu doesn't blame her at all, as he didn't in his last life either.

As for the tragedy that would happen in 2015, he couldn't remind her any further. After saying that, Li Mu fled from the scene.

The electronic watch on his wrist displayed that it was 2:50 PM, which meant he had ten minutes before the exams began when he was less than a kilometer away from the entrance.

"I'm going to make it on time!"

Li Mu was struggling to move his legs while screaming in excitement from the bottom of his heart. He realized that his rebirth was a chance to change what he did wrong in the past and alter the course of his history.

Prior to his rebirth, Li Mu worked at a large internet company in Yanjing. Another person similar in age as him graduated from a prestigious school. He was already guaranteed a managerial role and started with an annual salary of $500,000. However, Li Mu was unable to get a management role and had to work from the bottom up because of his educational background. After working there for eleven years, his salary was $200,000, which was mediocre despite the fact he had been working there for so long.

In the past, he regretted his actions countless times. If he wasn't stubborn, he would have repeated a year to be able to go to a good school, his life track might have been rewritten, and maybe he could have bought a house in Yanjing when he was in his '30s.

Li Mu fantasized about life having safe points like a sandbox game many times. Once if you feel like you have played it wrong, you could choose a save point and revert back to the mistake happened.

For example, he could return to the senior high exam, or return to the college entrance exams in 2001.

For example, he could go back to his teenage years and could have been more considerate and less rebellious towards his parents so that they didn't grow old quickly.

For example, he could have confessed to the school flower Su Yingxue on a sunny afternoon, whom he had been secretly crushing on, and it wouldn't have mattered. He could have just reverted back to the time before the confession and continue to be friends with her without worrying.

Another example…

Generally speaking, all of the assumptions Li Mu had were false propositions, but for the Li Mu today, all of those propositions could become reality.

However, it was rather tragic that he was hit by a car just after he was reborn and had to rush to the college exams.

There was a flash of light above his head as thunder exploded in the dark clouds. People still on the road all reached out to cover their ears and didn't dare to look directly at it. Li Mu, with blood all over his face, screamed hard as he ran.

"The college entrance examinations, your Li Dalai is up!"


Fortunately, Haizhou is a small fifth-tier city. There are only a handful places in the urban area. Otherwise, in a big city, Li Mu would have been hit by a car, not to mention if he was flying instead of running.

Haizhou is a part of Nansu Province. It was previously called Haizhou. It was only ninety-nine years ago that it completed the removal of land and set up a city right before the century started. Although it is a prefecture-level city, the urban area is small and pathetic as a half-hour bike ride can reach almost anywhere in the city.

Li Mu is a college student and had been away from his home for fifteen years. However, for him, his hometown from fifteen years ago is the one he is most familiar with. Here he carried those memories of his first eighteen years of life. He even remembered that there was a dark internet cafe with only ten computers on the second floor in each lane.

After rushing on the road, Li Mu finally rushed into the exam hall where he made it a minute before the bell rang.

At this time, the three procters and more than thirty candidates in the classroom were stunned by Li Mu. No one had ever seen such a scene in a college entrance examination before. A tall boy of 1.8 meters covered with mud, with blood on his face and soaked white tee was standing in front of them.

"This classmate, you… you are…"

The female proctor who was tearing down the bag the test papers were in was shocked. The proctors had to rotate every time, and she was the first to see the test room. Promptly, she saw Li Mu for the first time.

Li Mu couldn't care less for his image at the moment, nor could he care about the water dripping from the legs of his trousers and the hem of his shirt. He waved the plastic file bag in his hands and exclaimed pantingly, "I'm here for the exam!"

The other two male proctors were dissatisfied with what they saw, and one of them couldn't help but shout, "Hey! How can you enter the college entrance examination like this? Is the exam hall your living room? Why didn't you dry yourself up before you came in?"