Chicken Thief

Li Mu and Chen Wan took a taxi to the municipal hospital. On the way there, Chen Wan kept apologizing to Li Mu and asked how he did on the exam.

"Not bad."

As soon as he thought of the exam, Li Mu grinned happily. Even if he wasn't hit by a car in this life, he wouldn't have much confidence on the English test. He guessed that he would only be able to go to a key university, not a prestigious one.

Chen Wan sighed and said firmly, "You can be rest assured I will pay all of your medical and educational expenses. If you fail the test and want to repeat it, I will also bear all of those expenses."

Li Mu stared at her curiously and asked, "Sister, what do you do? You're only three or four years older than me. How you can afford to drive your own private car?"

Although private car owners in 2001 weren't rare, their owners most likely were rich.

Chen Wen blushed pink at Li Mu's cheeky face. Li Mu, a man mentally in his thirties, was stunned at the sight.

"I'm still a senior in school. The car isn't mine, but my dad's. I just got my driver's license and I wanted to practice driving during summer vacation. My drive was going pretty well, but then it suddenly started to rain. I was anxiously tinkering with the windshield wiper so I could see the road better, but I couldn't see the traffic light in time. I was caught by surprise and hit you…"

Chen Wan continued, absentmindedly stroking her chest, "Fortunately, I braked the car first, otherwise you…"

After listening to her words, Li Mu was speechless. He almost died because of a windshield wiper.

However, Li Mu didn't continue to ask questions about the accident because he wanted to get to know Chen Wan better, so he asked, "Elder sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Chen Wan, Er Dong Chen, and it means euphemism."

Li Mu smiled slightly, "I'll call you sister Wan then."

"Okay!" Chen Wan smiled. "I am twenty-one this year. I should be three or four years older than you."

"I'm eighteen and three months old."

Chen Wan nodded and asked, "Can I call you Xiaomu then?"


Chen Wan pouted and smiled, "Little boy, if you do well this year on your exams, where will you go to college?"

"Yanjing," Li Mu said without thinking.

"Yanjing…" Chen Wan was slightly disappointed, saying, "Haizhou is 300 kilometers from Shanghai, which is more than 1000 kilometers away from Yanjing. It's better to go to Shanghai instead, because its development is much better than Yanjing's."

"Is distance a problem?"

"Isn't it?"

"Is it?"

Li Mu shook his head and smiled.

I can't say that I lived in Yanjing for eleven years, right?

I can't say that Yanjing now only has two subway lines, but will increase tenfold in the future. Yanjing is full of opportunities for wealth.

I can't say that half of China's internet will be concentrated in Yanjing, right? Although Alibaba is in Hangzhou and Tencent is in Shenzhen, other big companies like Baidu, Sohu, NetEase, Jingdong, 360, Youku, and Tudou will all be based in a magical place called Yanguan Village in Yanjing.

I can't say I want to face the struggles I faced in my past or experience the feelings I once had there, right?

In contrast, the Shanghai stock market is unappealing to him, and even if Yanjing was far away, he wants to head north.

Chen Wan was helpless but curious, as she began to feel that the boy seated next to her was special and very interesting.

For example, when he was hit by the car, he woke up and desperately wanted to go to the college entrance exams and even threatened to jump out of the ambulance.

For example, the doctor in the ambulance said solemnly that if anything happened, they were responsible, but he said indifferently, "If I can't take the exam, I will blame you for it!"

For example, she wanted to stop him, but he turned back and told her that he didn't blame him and to not speculate in stocks. This was baffling to her.

But the more inexplicable things were, the more curious she was about him.

Chen Wan couldn't help but ask, "Before, why did you tell me not to buy stocks?"

Pretending to be clueless, Li Mu shook his head and said, "I got confused and said some random words."

At the hospital, Chen Wan immediately took Li Mu directly into the emergency department. A minute later, a doctor ran over and ran a series of tests on him. Chen Wan wanted to accompany him for every test, but she waited outside for some of the more inconvenient ones.

After Li Mu's brain CT came out, Chen Wan was joined by his parents who were sitting anxiously outside the door.

"Dad, mom."

Li Mu has been excited when he was reborn, and the ecstasy of it had overtaken him throughout his day.

However, it all disappeared when he saw his parents, and like a slow and steady ebb, it disappeared, leaving only three emotions; warmth, guilt, and worry.

Li Mu stepped forward and tightly hugged his parents without a word, both of whom had just stood up.

His dad, who was forty years old, and his mom, who was thirty-nine years old, had been working at the state-owned Xiling coal mine since the era of the planned economy. Although there was a wave of layoffs in the early 1990's, the coal industry remained stable. Even though his parents weren't rich, they didn't suffer any major troubles in their lives and looked younger compared to their peers.

In his memories, he remembered his parents were worried about his accident and his poor exam score, so they worked to support him even after they were laid off from their jobs at the coal mine.

When he thought that his parents looked dozens of years older when he graduated after only four years of college, Li Mu vowed in his heart that he would not let his parents experience that again in this life.

At this time, his parents were asking how he felt. His mother shed tears and wept loudly in the hospital hall.

Li Mu was choked with emotions and struggled to get out the words, "Dad, mom, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

The doctor came over at this time and explained, "I ran many tests on Li Mu, and he was basically fine. There were only small abrasions on his forehead and arms. When he was hit, he was in a brief coma so I arranged him to get a CT scan. Although I don't have the results yet, you shouldn't worry as I suspect he only had a slight concussion."

Chen Wan also came forward at this time and said guiltily, "Uncle and aunt, you can blame me for this matter. You can rest assured I will take responsibility for everything."

Both of his parents were reasonable people, and they said it was fine after seeing that their son was okay. They promised her that if there were any future issues, they would only ask her to pay for the treatment and not ask for a single penny more.

After she heard this, Chen Wan was embarrassed.

Li Mu smiled and said cunningly, "Parents, sister Wan, let's not discuss this and wait for the CT scan to come out. If something happens, sister Wan will be responsible for the payment. If nothing happens, then sister Wan will have to treat us for a meal. I don't necessarily want to have a meal with her, but as you can see, it's almost time to eat."

Li Ma was amused by her son's remarks, and Dad Li couldn't help but look at Li Mu in surprise. In his opinion, his son's foxy words were something that didn't quite match his age. Thinking about it, he felt that his son's performance was to allow him to become closer with Chen Wan.

Looking at Chen Wan again, she was beautiful, intelligent, generous, kind, and only a couple of years older than his son.

As the old saying goes, the female junior holds the gold bricks. To him, Chen Wan was only twenty-two years old, which fit the old saying…

Dad Li shook his head, wondering what he was thinking. His son was only eighteen years old this year, and he hadn't even gone to college yet.

Chen Wan heard Li Mu's words and didn't even blink as she said, "That's right, let's go to the Haizhou Hotel. I'll call and book a private room right now!"

Li Dawu shook her head thinking that Chen Wan really was a simple girl. Compared to Chen Wan, today she found out that her son, who she thought to be honest and true, turned out to be quite a thief.